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FAQ & Knowledgebase

Results 1-7 of 7
Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise
Adobe ColdFusion 11 Enterprise Edition offers a single platform to rapidly build and deploy scalable, high-performing web and mobile applications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4,249.00
A Faq Application showing Faq within categories. Add comments to categories. Search the FAQ database. Send Faq article to friends, print article and save articles. Showing Links Management module and Polling System.A Complete admin interface for managing the FAQ's. Add/edit/delete new polls, faq question and lots more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 60.00
FAQ Manager Ajax Version
A Faq Application based on Coldfusion 8 inbuilt AjAX, No Ajaxframework is used for this. It shows Faq within categories. Add comments to categories. Search the FAQ database. Send Faq article to friends, print article and save articles. Showing Links Management module and Polling System.A Complete admin interface for managing the FAQ's. Add/edit/delete new polls, faq question and lots more. Rating system pure AJAX Based. Cool New Application.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 70.00
BIT qBase 1.0
Easy to use and setup FAQ, frequently asked questions system. This is a great start to any knowledge base system. this includes code to set up as a AJAX based system, or a html based system. Users can search by key word, or category. Users can submit new questions, and they must be approved before they are listed on the site. View our demo for more details.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.99
ColdFusion Knowledge Base
This is a simple coldfusion knowledge base system that was created in case I had the use for one. It includes a basic admin system and is editable in dreamweaver. I'm offering for free to anyone who wants to modify if for their own site/needs.
(6 ratings)
This application helps you quickly develop long or a short list of frequently asked questions. It features very easy yet powerful online administration, no limitations. Also includes dynamic navigation for public (next, top, previous frequently asked question). Now includes categories. And the best of all ? It's free ! Dedicated to My Love & My Heart Beat (Bushra)
(0 ratings)
PowerFAQ 1.0
PowerFAQ is a powerful custom tag that lets you create a front-end frequently asked questions application without using any JavaScript, or ColdFusion knowledge. There is no installation or server alterations needed to get your application up and running. Your purchase will also come with an additional custom tag called PowerFAQAdmin, which gives you the ability to manage your quesions and answers in the back-end. You can add/update/delete questions and answers, you can also enable or disable display online, update ranking, choose a category, etc. using this great tool. PowerFAQ 1.0 and PowerFAQAdmin together give you great front-end and back-end control over your FAQ application. You will be amazed what you will get for your money.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-7 of 7