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Ad Management

Results 21-40 of 70
HotLink Blocker
CGI Script monitors for suspicious activity generated by network users stealing your content. Easy to setup perl script will monitor your logfiles for suspicious activity and allow you to block access to people relying on your website for content.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.00
FASTEST LINK EXCHANGE SYSTEM ONLINE Flat-file database software will crash your server or the software after about 5,000 hits per day. These systems are commonly banned on most isps for this reason. Clicktraders employs streamlined code, MYSQL binary database support, and the latest code tricks from the gurus to provide a superfast link exchange system that will handle MILLIONS of hits per day. Banners are served from the client server so you don't have to pay bandwidth for all of those impressions. Provides editable subtext link that appears every time a banner is generated to drive your program. Ergonomic statistical interface tracks raw/unique impressions and clicks through new technologies developed by drew star that do not rely on bogging down your system with huge databases of ip addresses. Super Link Exchange members can BUY credits to get more impressions by the push of a button where they are transported to your handy order form. Uses either syntax or realtime validation through Authorize.Net. Clicktraders can be customized for any billing gateway by our cgi gurus. There is truly nothing like this on the internet. Credit buying interface supports Mastercard, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Novus, and Online checks. Admin interface allows you to check the overall system performance and statistics, browse through and count your users, bulk email your members and edit/delete their information.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
A completely new concept in marketing your password site. Allow users to signup and send you unique clicks for free access to your password site. Instant account activation, secure code blocks uses of image tag and frame triggers. Tracks both with cookies and IP addresses to prevent cheating. Members can check their stats in realtime. Admin interface allows easy overview of accounts and deletion of dead accounts. Once user has surpassed your predefined threshold an email is sent out to the administrator notifying that a free account has been earned. 30 days after installing bannergate, one site received over 50,000 FREE impressions and 2900 UNIQUE clickthroughs. The best part about this is it only costs you a password for the traffic.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
AUTOMATIC BOOKMARKING CGI SCRIPT INCREASES RETURN TRAFFIC Automatic Bookmark is a cgi script that will automatically pop up a "bookmark" suggestion box for new people that visit your site for the first time. This Script increases the percentage of Return TRAFFIC! Unlike using straight javacode, the script will not "annoy" regular visitors or people that return to your site by popping up the window every time they return. The first time a new visitor hits your "target page" the bookmark window pops up but never again. This is a great way to get your site bookmarked by more visitors. You can also execute the script by using javascript (eg: close window type scripts) so if they quit their browser the bookmark window pops up. Also a great way to collect custom 404 (page not found) traffic by redirecting to this script.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
LIKE HAVING A HIT COUNTER ON EVERY PAGE Portal Analyzer is a convenient solution to tracking your websites popularity. Its a lot like having an invisible hit counter on every page. Portal Analyzer produces daily reports telling you exactly how many unique visitors you received and which page they entered by. This way you can tell not only how many people visit your site but which pages attract the most visitors. Works behind the scenes by crontab or can be exactitude from the browser to provide the easy to follow reports. Results are tabulated by most popular to least popular entry page. Unlike access counters which are frequently not accurate this works off of your server logs to provide absolute accuracy in counting.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Ads Rotator With Master Resale Rights
"Sick And Tired Of Making Pennies For Handing Your Visitors Over To Your Competition?" Rotate Any Ads That Can Make You Money While Keeping Your Visitors I have some very exciting news for you. Now you can easily put links to any affiliate programs you want on your web pages. You decide what ads are displayed on your websites. I'm sure you have seen those AdSense ads on many websites, heck you probably have them on your own site right now. If you do, then you know that the ads shown are matched to the content of your site. That means the ads on your site could be competing with you for the same customer! If someone clicks on one of the AdSense links, your site disappears and that visitor could be lost forever. How much are you making to send your potential customers away to your competition? A few cents maybe? Take Back Control Of Your Content Wouldn't it be great if you could have full control of the ads displayed on your website? Well, now you can. Put yourself in the driver's seat
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Banner Manager
Banner Manager is a fast loading Banner Rotation Program, ideal for rotating Banner Advertisements accross your entire website. Features Include: Easy to set up and install. Unlimited Banners. Add and Delete banners online with ease. Modify your banners online with ease. Set the weight for each banner, to show some more then others. Tracks impressions and clicks. Supports all image files and sizes. Easy to use admin interface. No ssi required, uses JavaScript to insert banners on webpages.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Great FFA
GreatFFA is the free-for-all link system that generates it's page of links on the fly. Unlike rival scripts it doesn't simply write an HTML file, lagging your system. Instead, it uses a database and it's clever CGI to display the results dynamically. Everything is based on templates so YOU control the look and design of your site. On command the listing page will also show sponsors of your choice. Unlike other FFA solutions, however, they are not static but are shown from an admin-defined pool of sponsors. Configure the script to plug sponsors into the dynamically generated page every 5 links or every 10, whatever you like it's all up to you. We even have the option of compiling email lists to make sure that you can contact your users and keep in touch with them. Also included is an email template to mail users when they add a link if you choose. As far as error and duplication checking is concerned, the script will do everything you want it to do and more-- no more mistakes stemming from a bad database. If your looking for a site like this then buy this script, it's what your looking for. Also, try our great mailing scripts to bulk email your users!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
SunnyScript's AdvertisingSuite
Flexible ad space management to take control over all your web-based advertisements. Reliable technology suited for high load environments. Some of the features: Unlimited ad campaigns; integrated advertiser management and online billing ability; advertiser lounge providing live account and campaign management, statistics; flexible banner targeting (hours, weekdays, days, site zones, geographical zones, keywords) and many campaign settings (activation and deactivation dates, duration, ...); image, text and multimedia banners supported; customizable web-frontend; and much more ! Please visit our website for detailed information.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 99.00
Banner Creator
Allow your visitors to create banners online instantly, features include: Offer free or 'paid for' banners to your visitors or members Option of having 'Free banner created at yoursite' placed at the bottom of the banner (ideal if charging) Paypal Interface allowing you to charge for your banners via Paypal Banners created are not stored on server hard drive, less than 500 bytes of storage per user is required. Banner is emailed to user, with optional links for user to edit and/or pay for their banner within the email. Design of the script makes it difficult for people to download their created image via the browser. Buyers email address stored for you to colate and send followup emails Email text and front page text stored in text files for easy editing Banner sizes can be either 468x60 or 120x120
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.99
refererstats.pl is a Perl program to create statistics about pageviews, separated by generating referer. You can easily identify faked banner clicks, unprofitable advertising partners or see which referer generated how many orders within a day. There is no need to change your web pages, the program runs out of the box. It only parses your Apache log file. Visitors are identified by IP and browser version. Therefore it can not replace much more exact statistics from tracking software. But it works very well just to check the behavier of your visitors separated by referer.
(0 ratings)
This is intended to be a very simple way of rotating affiliate-based ads on your site. Just get the banner code from Commission Junction, Amazon, or other affiliation, add it to the rotation, and it will appear on your site using JavaScript or SSI. Since affiliates keep track of stats, this does NOT do any tracking: it's just intended as a simple way to rotate your affiliate ads.
(3 ratings)
Rotate banner off the page
User enters a banner on the submit page, that banner is then held into a temporary file until someone else adds their banner. When someone adds another banner, the banner from the temporary file moves onto the top of the banner page and all others are moved down one position and the 10th banner is removed from the page entirely.
(0 ratings)
Ad Master
An easy to use banner rotation script that will help you to control and keep track of every banner on your site. Supports multiple campaigns, multiple users, weight function, multiple banner types. Perfect statistics clicks and impressions for every banners and campaigns. Now you and your advertisers can check statistics with WAP.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 34.95
HTML Rotate
HTML rotate is a simple solution to randomly rotating almost anything on your web pages. You can easily rotate banners, enhanced banners, flash banners, images, affiliate links, quotes and almost anything you can think of. HTML rotate can also be used as a substitute for SSI (server side includes) to include menu/navigation bars, images, etc. A totally free script and comes with a comprehensive control panel and setup interface for easy installation.
(33 ratings)
Ad Rotator
Ad Rotator will simply rotate any number of banners on any given spot on your web page... It uses JavaScript to insert the banner into your html and not SSI so it makes everything that much easier for you... You can add as many banners as you want and the script also keeps statistics on displays and clicks for each banner... Admin pages for listing, adding, and removing banners... No SSI Required!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Ads Pro - Complete Banner Management
Ads Pro is a powerful professional Banner Delivery System! Ads Pro is designed to give you full control over advertising on your website! Efficiency, Flexibility, and Simplicity all come together to create one of the most powerful advertising systems on the market. If you are selling banner ad rotation or just rotating your own banners on your site, this will be the best investment you will make on ensuring your websites success!
(56 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
Amibanex - Banner Exchange
amibanex banner exchange, perl script, runs out of the box or customizable. various member area and admin features, like detailed statistics, edit & delete member accounts, set exchange ratio, force adverts to be served, send mail to members, give credits...
(0 ratings)
Price 8.95
Advanced banner ad and image ad rotation management script on MySQL backend that lets you easily create, edit, manage and display unlimited banner and image rotation campaigns to your website visitors in many different ways. You'll receive individual impression and clickthrough stats for each banner. Supports weighting of banners.
(27 ratings)
Price 39.00
amiex - text advertisement exchange
amiex text advertisement exchange, perl script, runs out of the box or customizable. various member area and admin features, like detailed statistics, edit & delete member accounts, set exchange ratio, force adverts to be served, send mail to members, give credits...
(0 ratings)
Price 8.95
Results 21-40 of 70