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Audio Systems

Results 1-9 of 9
Perl LAN or other M3U Playlist Generator
This script is mostly 4 *nix machines unless u have PERL installed on your windows box. What this little script does is takes all mp3's in a specified directory and adds them to a m3u playlist for winamp good for local lans if you have your mp3's stored on a nix machine just change the path to match your MP3 directory and the path to your http server
(0 ratings)
CAPFIX - A utility to fix capitalization of MP3 files. Copyleft 2005 - Nathan E. Pralle DESCRIPTION: I wrote this to recap, properly, the filenames of MP3 files. It takes the filename and nicely recaps it in proper format. SYNTAX: This utility requires a piped listing of files to it. IE: ls *.mp3 | perl capfix This utility cannot handle full pathnames (yet, sorry) REQUIRED: Text::Capitalize module This expects filenames to be in the format: ARTIST - TITLE.mp3 or TITLE - ARTIST.mp3
(0 ratings)
Wavtoreal is a small perl script for use with a console-based realproducer. This script asks you several options, you fill them in and then the real-audio-file is generated. Currently it's written only for wav-files, but it can be easily changed for movies and so on. The script asks for the following options: input file, output file, target audiences, audio format, info title, info author, info description, info copyright, allow recording, allow download and delete file or not.
(0 ratings)
M�S (MP3 Audio Entertainment System), a spinoff of version 1 of Richard Harman's myMP3, is a set of Perl scripts which interface with MySQL to provide streaming MP3's over the net. The package includes just about everything you'll need, such as sql scripts, shell scripts, Perl cgi, etc.
(0 ratings)
MyNapster WebClient
MyNapster Webclient is a web interface to the MyNapster/Napster/Opennap Networks that allows you to download songs via Web.
(0 ratings)
RipIT allows you to create MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) audio files from an Audio CD. It is a console based front-end, written in perl, for 3 programs: xmcd for CDDB lookup, cdparanoia for ripping the Audio CD tracks, and bladeenc or lame for encoding the MP3 files. Main features include: The program will do the following without user intervention: Gets the Audio CD Album/Artist/Tracks information from CDDB (using xmcd), Rips the Audio CD Tracks (using cdparanoia), Encodes the MP3s, id3 tags the MP3s, Creates an M3U file, and bladeenc or lame for encoding the MP3 files.
(3 ratings)
posted bydainAudio Systems
MimeSlapper is a workaround for the confusing apache mime-type file headers, in the case of mp3 files, where a "standardized" mime type has not yet been widely accepted. It allows you to configure via a hard variable, or via a specialized url tag, which mime-type header you'd like to send to the users browser, in order to successfully play mp3 files from url links. This is also a good workaround for servers which have no mime-type headers set for mp3 files, because of this lack of standard, as well as for those webmasters who may need additional mime-type headers sent with select mp3 files. This script is intended to be a quick fix, and not to become a substitute for proper apache configuration. MimeSlapper would be suitable to deal with other apache mime-type difficulties as well, by changing the mime-types in the script.
(0 ratings)
Media is a Perl Script that creates .ram, .asx, and many other files. It uses kind of like a database to store the locations of your files. All you have to do is link to the script and the script does the rest. It also has a feature to block other people from linking to your media files.
(6 ratings)
BS Midi
This is a random midi player written in Perl, it will play a random tune every time someone visits a page with the script on it. The program reads from a flat text database containing the midi URL and title. The script also supports a very customizable output. (Requires SSI)
(0 ratings)
Results 1-9 of 9