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Chat Scripts

Results 21-23 of 23
Ralf's Chat
posted byralfinChat Scripts
Ralf's Chat is a simple, easy to install and easy to configure chat script written in Perl. Features: language files, user levels, multiple rooms, session IDs, a DBI for MySQL (optional), streaming (requires MySQL) and a lot more.
(63 ratings)
Chat-N-Time is a simple Perl real-time chat CGI script for the Web. It lets you hold real-time conversations on a web page, complete with "/me" for emote actions, "/msg" for semi-private messaging, and "/yell" for when you're just feeling rowdy. You can log all chats to a transcript file, play a sound when someone enters, see who's online, etc.
(38 ratings)
ChatNet Pro
posted byinfoinChat Scripts
ChatNet Pro is a light-weight chat network, however it's packed with plenty of features to furfill your customers visit. Some of its main features include: Can handle unlimited number of chat systems; Each chat system consists of unlimited rooms, administration functions, different customized login areas with specified graphics; Instant messages; Each user has his/her own customized buddylist; Each users profile is indexed within the chat networks profile database. Admins can broadcast global network messages to all chat users at the same time, and more.
(3 ratings)
Results 21-23 of 23