Jobs & Employment
MojoJobs - Jobs And Resume Classifieds Software
posted byinfoinJobs & Employment
Stable, full-featured and customizable job career classifieds script on MySQL backend that allows you to run your own free or commercial job employment classifieds service where people can post resumes and employers can post jobs or manage your company's job listings on your website. Features: Mod_perl support, search engine friendly features, 3-way-toplevel-category system, unlimited categories/subcategories, display featured ads, sponsored ads, custom visibility ads, latest listings, members, most replied, saved, viewed listings stats, private messaging, saved search listings, hotlist, multimedia file gallery, extensive admin and member panels, powerful search facility, auto-generated thumbnails for uploaded images, unlimited admin and member access levels (create free/silver/gold accounts etc.), fully html, email and text file template driven, integrated with paypal IPN, worldpay for recurring subscriptions, clickbank, egold. Full source code provided.
PriceUSD 299.00
Jobs Star
posted bymikefinJobs & Employment
A feature-rich fully integrated recruitment package enabling online searching of vacancies and candidates with extensive parameters and full web integration. Features include job and candidate matching, browse/upload of CV with encrypted transmission of registration details and CV plus a fully integrated calendar based job interview diary .. and much, much more. Comprehensive in-house administration plus integration to many popular databases.
PriceGBP 15,000.00
posted bysalesinJobs & Employment
Designed specifically for jobs, resumes, and other employment or career-related web sites, e-Jobs includes powerful multimedia upload options (photos, video, and audio), a unique context-sensitive help system, flexible online database creation, template system, real-time credit card processing features, Auto-Notify search agents, affiliates manager, built-in backup manager, multiple fee-based options including Priority Ranking and Visibility Options, and much more. Includes modules for both employers and job seekers.
PriceUSD 1,999.00
posted bysalesinJobs & Employment
pssRecruit is the Web-based job board to recruit employees. pssRecruit gives recruiters the flexibility to work securely from anywhere, any time. And it enables applicants to easily find and apply for your positions. pssRecruit can be your private Web-based job board easily, quickly and cost-effectively.
PriceUSD 250.00
Job Manager
posted byfraserinJobs & Employment
Want an easy way to update the job postings on your site? With Job Manager users can easily update and create job postings using only their browser - no HTML required. Includes the following features; multiple user accounts, multiple categories, WYSIWYG editor format content, password protected login, advanced setup options to make it easy to customize the program. Rebrand Job Manager as YOUR product to resell to your customers. Includes a Free Installation, lifetime Free Support and Free Upgrades. Risk free 90-day Money Back Guarantee or try the Online Demo, Free!
PriceUSD 99.00