Content Management
Smart Archive
posted bywebmasterinContent Management
Smart Archive will run a high quality file archive on your site. You can add files yourself or allow others to add files (and they will be given credit). You might have seen some sites with this type of archive before, now you can have one yourself! Smart Archive does more than any of these other archives: People can add files by giving the file URL or by uploading it to the site, thumbnails can also be linked or uploaded (useful for picture archives!), plenty of info can be displayed on the archive (file size, when it was added, who added it, etc.), and people can sort the files in many different ways. You can even let people add files to a "download list" so that they can download all the files at once, later, when they are ready (useful for people with slow internet connections). The most unique feature is that you can run your archive like an FTP server, requiring people to add files to it before they can download any! New in version 2.0: automatically check for dead links in your archive.
Form Maker
posted byintisinContent Management
This unmatched product in the market allows your users to create nearly any online form thru web interface, without any need to know anything about CGI, HTTP protocol or other jargon that are unfamiliar to the regular user. Just compose a form with the pieces supplied, add validation rules for every field you need to be validated and order the form via either email or ftp. Define functionality of the form the easiest way possible - a ready-made form can either email you all the data filled by the user or write it directly into the database table you define. Easy, neat, functional.
Price 249.00
Article Architect
posted byintisinContent Management
Powerful, advanced and easy-to-use tool for news sites, online magazines, and nearly any site running a news or articles section. This software allows you to customize your article outlook, add and edit fields used in published pages. Multilevel user access rights, ability to upload photos and embed them into the article the way you wish, built-in online html editor. Articles get published on your site with a press of a button. The template-based engine allows webmasters to change the graphic design of published pages to suit desired site outlook, without any need to know the internals of the script.
Price 149.00
Doc Architect
posted byintisinContent Management
Powerful, advanced and easy-to-use tool for companies that want to publish and maintain their manuals, docs or faqs online. Compose a help tree via a web interface, add cross links between sections and adjust positions of each topic in a general contents schema. Publish with a press of a button.
Price 49.00
posted byallaninContent Management
Admin can set the directory for access or even limit the web pages for access. Users can open authorised webpages, delete authorised pages and create new ones. All editing is done from a persistent page in a WYSIWYG environment. Includes easy table integration, spell check and easy opening and saving of documents. This script functions in a very similar fashion to a standard windows program. Full demo on line and free upgrades.
Website Manager
posted bypromotioninContent Management
A truly amazing website and content management system. When you cross Dreamweaver with WS FTP you get this script. Supports multiple users with rights and privs, Server Side Includes (SSI), editable Zones and pages, auto created directory structure for your entire server or site, 3 levels of administration, complete history of actions logged for each user, completely web based including directory creation and deletion (if right is granted). No HTML or FTP skills required. Try it free and see for yourself. Also includes search engine, option to use regular textareas instead of WYSIWYG for selected file types, file uploads with file type restrictions, simple image insertion, rename functions, and more all in an easy to understand, user intuitive interface that even the novice will love. Suitable for sole webmasters or large teams. Simple setup, no client software required.
PriceUSD 59.00
Content Manager software by
posted bykcscriptsinContent Management
Allow site owners to manage text and images on their website pages using a word processor style editor. Includes full formatting options including bold, center, bullets, color change, and more. Easily plugs into any website that supports ssi tags. Includes online control panel and free installation.
PriceUSD 79.95
G-WCM (Garol - Web Content Management)
posted bygarolinContent Management
G-WCM is designed to make it easier for you to maintain your website with your latest information. You can add, edit and update pages on your site from a simple web based interface. Not only are pages created, but also "latest update" links, site maps and more.
Add to that a web based mailing list manager and you have a powerful tool for managing your web presence from day to day.
wex - the new generation of web
posted byabesmailinContent Management
Web editing is now easier than ever. Wex enables you to edit any page in your site, organize and distribute images, track and communicate with users, send mass-emails, and submit to search engines without having to know anything about web design, programming, or FTP. The web's easiest and robust tool is now more affordable than ever with a great reseller program, too!
posted byJason SilverinContent Management
This is a great way to get repeat visitors!
If the subject matter of your site contains words or phrases which are unique to your industry, why not place a searchable dictionary on your site?
Upload a text file with your words and definitions along with the script and soon you'll have a searchable dictionary.
There is a feature to allow clickable links to other terms within the dictionary which are displayed with the definitions.
This is great for music sites, which have their own unique Latin, French, and German terms, as well as medical sites, mechanical sites, and much more!
Registered Version comes with support and unlimited updates.
posted bysupportinContent Management
Automatically adds a WYSIWYG toolbar to your Explorer browser that allows you to edit pages through your browser. Add/modify text, tables, form elements, images, lists. Full cut-n-paste/drag-n-drop editing without ever seeing the underlying HTML code. Supports inserting styles and javascript functions. Defined portions of the page or full page editing. Multiple users with different privileges and passwords. Create new files - create an entire web site! Full featured shareware download.
posted byalanraetzinContent Management
Non-technical users can create a tree structure of related web pages through a web browser and the links between these pages are automatically created and dynamically managed. Try our demo and when you evaluate similar applications, ask the simple question: "Does it automatically link new pages together?" Web Tool is well suited for small and medium-sized businesses and organizations. A number of web development firms are now using this software to allow their clients to create and update their own web site content. Web Tool is an easy to manage alternative to expensive Content Management Systems
QuickPromote 2.0
posted byscriptsinContent Management
Whether you or your client edit your live website with FrontPage, Web Edit Pro, or any client/server WSYWIG editor, you or your client can add a simple level of review (of completed edits) with QuickPromote 2.0. Edit content in a staged folder, review and then promote the content to a live folder. QuickPromote 2.0 will resolve all link changes required, copy the content from the staging folder to the live folder. It's that easy, but includes advanced file filtering levels as well.
posted byinfoinContent Management
Browser based content management. Add, edit , delete content in few easy steps. Also comes with mailing list administration and mail bulletin send. Binaries upload, images and documents. Object Oriented Perl, CGI, SSI, Text files, very fast. Password protected administration.
psDynamic :: Dynamically rotate web site content.
posted bymbaroneinContent Management
psDynamic is designed to rotate content through your site automatically - dynamically. Webmasters spend a lot of time updating content on their pages to make things look fresh and to keep information current. psDynamic allows you to do this automatically.
PriceUSD 59.00
posted byinfoinContent Management
A CMS for your Website. Requires Perl, mySQL and sendmail. Currently only available in German.
posted byadmininContent Management
ContentWizard is a content management suite that allows you to control every aspect of your web site with much greater ease than would otherwise be possible using simple HTML pages. It's modular architecture allows you to integrate various dynamic features, such as News, into your web site. The integrated Control Panel offers complete control over all aspects of the program including category/story creation, shortcuts, skins, templates, backup/restore, and much more.
Big Medium web content management system
posted byserviceinContent Management
Big Medium is a web content management system (CMS) for web designers and their clients. It has all of the features you should expect of a CMS (version control, workflow, search engine, content syndication, granular editing privileges, Unicode support) but also lots of grace notes for content sites: Pullquotes, image galleries, podcasts, scheduled publication, visitor comments, a WYSIWYG CSS style editor and other goodies.
Big Medium 2 is geared for designers who want a CMS that enables extremely flexible designs but remains easy to set up without programming skills. The software does not impose cookie-cutter layouts: If you bring basic to intermediate HTML/CSS know-how, Big Medium can manage just about any design you throw at it.
Once the designer configures the templates, he or she can hand the site over to content editors; no technical know-how is required to add or edit pages. Big Medium's friendly, humane interface is easy and non-threatening for CMS newbies.
PriceUSD 185.00
Online Page Master
posted bysergyinContent Management
Create web sites with templates; modify content with WYSIWYG Editor; intuitive and easy to use end-user application. Put users to groups and assign permissions to specific templates. No database setup - XML based clear text configuration files. Feedback form within the site created automatically. Add your own custom web site templates easily.
Transfer user content to different FTP server (UNIX/Linux or Windows). Automatic demo account creation. Insert custom JavaScripts to all user pages.
posted bysimoninContent Management
Hibyte Integrated Backend Architecture website. It derives from our AutoSites program, making a powerful content management core system & an increasing range of special purpose modules, for building/extending individually built websites. The content management system can be used, both during site construction and at any time subsequently during editing, to develop site structure and add text, image and other content. Anyone with basic secretarial skills can develop and edit a HIBAsite.