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Web-based Email

Results 1-20 of 39
FXTSS Mail Clone
Mail Clone script. Start your own email website like Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo mail, Rediff mail. Mail Clone is a multi user Email platform made in CGI and uses MYSql at the backend. It has been tested successfully over huge user database. License Type: Commercial Programming Language(s): CGI Database: MySql Multi User Email Script for you to offer your users @yourwebsite.com Start your own Email Website like GMAIL, Yahoo Mail, HotMail. Made in CGI/PERL, tested over Linux Servers. Features of Mail Clone: Multi User, Advanced Spam Filtering, RBL Blacklisting, Virus-Scanning* Completely MIME compatible, Contact List Members Filter Proof, Multiple Skins, Limit Users Outgoing Mail (Depending on User Level) Sort Inbox With Several Criteria, Fully customizable via HTML templates, Mod_Perl Compatible, New Mail Sounds, WYSIWYG Mail Interface, Multiple Tiered Premium Accounts
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.50
yahoo gmail script
2daybiz Multi User Email Script enables you to start your own email website like gmail, yahoo mail, hot mail made in CGI/PERL, tested over linux servers. Its features include advanced spam filtering, RBL blacklisting, completely MIME compatible, contact list members filter proof, multiple skins, limit users outgoing mail sort inbox with several criteria, fully customizable via HTML templates, mod_perl compatible, new mail sounds, WYSIWYG mail interface, multiple tiered premium accounts, premium accounts using paypal & subscriptions, SMTP or send mail, functional calendar and scheduler, unlimited user folders, folder filtering email notifications of new mail, MySQL backend, backup, powerful admin panel, ban IP, advanced user editing, account suspensions, and user address book.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 160.00
GMail Clone
GMail Clone 2010 - Start your own email website like Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo mail, Rediff mail. Jilmail is a multi user Email platform made in CGI and uses MYSql at the backend. It has been tested successfully over huge user database. Multi User Email Script for you to offer your users @yourwebsite.com Start your own Email Website like GMAIL, Yahoo Mail, HotMail.
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.50
Net::POP3 Web-based Email Client
Very simple web-based email client that allows you to log in, read, navigate and delete email from any POP3 email service. Complete with navigation center; Prints plain text and html. Very easy set up. No editing required. Simply upload, chmod 755 and call from your browser. Well commented out code. No database needed. Works directly with POP server.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Sending Email with Perl/Tk
This is a simple Perl/Tk application that will send Email using the Net::SMTP module. So if you ever wondered about Creating a GUI to send email, then check this out.
(6 ratings)
Send an E-mail using CDONTS
This code is just a simple way to send an e-mail using the CDONTS component. Containing only 7 to 10 lines, this code can be easily added to existing pages.
(0 ratings)
MIMEmail (Perl)
If you want to send HTML mails including images and stylesheets, or want to attach files - this script is for you. Images and files will be included into the mail body and will be sent to the recipient(s).
(9 ratings)
Multiple Opt In
MASTER RESELL RIGHTS FOR THIS SCRIPT AND OVER 100 MORE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!!! Opt In Newsletter Email Harvester Affiliate Program MYSQL Backended script based on our email harvester only this is MYSQL powered and does UNLIMITED mailing lists. Recruit webmasters and pay them for collection of emails. Create unlimited newsletters. Webmasters never worry about lost traffic since surfer never leaves their site. Secure confirmation and removal system included. Webmasters and admin have realtime statistics. Payouts only for UNIQUE email addresses.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Email AnyPage
MASTER RESELL RIGHTS FOR THIS SCRIPT AND OVER 100 MORE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!!! CGI Script allows surfers to email webpages to their friends from your site. Smart CGI works so you do not have to create special unique forms for every page of your website. One form will work from any URL. Email arrives as exact copy of your webpage in HTML format. You can insert custom headers and footers such as banner ads, text ads, affiliate code, etc. Script also records IP of sender to block malicious users. Subject line automatically generates full URL of webpage. Works great with Automark to get people to bookmark your site or our Mailjacker script which will force email recipients browser to open up your website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Email Payout
MASTER RESELL RIGHTS FOR THIS SCRIPT AND OVER 100 MORE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!!! BUILD A POWERFUL OPT-IN DIRECT EMAIL LIST EMAIL Payout allows you to recruit and reward affiliates for collecting email subscribers to your opt-in mailing list. Your affiliates signup and place the EMAIL Payout banner code on their website. The bannercode allows anyone to signup for your newsletter from any website without actually leaving the site. You reward affiliates that send you new subscribers by cash or advertising credits in your newsletter. A powerful way to build up enormous mailing lists. Instant account activation, secure POST method banner code, real time statistics, and tracking of split cash and advertising payout credits. Ergonomic statistical interface allows zooming into sales records from year to day to sale. Exports payout schedules into flat file database. This adult site has built up a email subscription base of over 100,000 active members with this software. Similar packages are selling online for as much as $5,000 per copy.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
MASTER RESELL RIGHTS FOR THIS SCRIPT AND OVER 100 MORE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!!! REALTIME CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FORMMAIL The only form mail online that actually deposits your sales into your online merchant account. Setup a credit card processing account and use FORMMAIL 2000 to process your sales with REAL TIME credit card processing. Also does syntax only validation and address validation. Authonly or Deposit funds. Also compatible with IBILL Basic TP accounts.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
MASTER RESELL RIGHTS FOR THIS SCRIPT AND OVER 100 MORE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!!! KICK OUT USERS ABUSING YOUR CGI SCRIPTS Sick of abusers spamming cgi scripts on your site? Now you can forever block them with this simple script that scans a parallel logfile for such activity. Too many support posts from a client? Solves that problem too! Just set this up and and you can ban anyone executing too many scripts as well
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
MASTER RESELL RIGHTS FOR THIS SCRIPT AND OVER 100 MORE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!!! GIVE AWAY FORMS TO TARGET ONLINE CONSUMERS WITH ADS CGI script allows you to setup in minutes and users signup to build forms to use for selling products, surveys, or whatever. Easy to use web based interface helps clients build forms even if they don't have a clue about html. They can also add custom autoreply messages, delete forms and build as many forms per account as they wish. Each form has a custom header and footer area for you to display banners and information so its a great way to target BUYERS. Set it up on a secure server and you have about the best banner targeting available! All administration is done through the browser. Shows you how many forms are currently online and how many forms have been executed. Admin panel allows you to broadcast email messages to all users though the web. Also allows you to add a custom email signature to each outgoing message.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Email Cash
Email marketing remains among the most profitable methods of advertising in today�s world (why do you think your mail box is filled with ads?) However, in order to maximize your return on investment you must have the highest quality address lists to send your promotions to. EmailCash is an industrial-strength solution for owning and operating a program that pays webmasters to bring you quality, optin email addresses from their visitor pools. What this script does is allow webmasters to signup as affiliates of your program and place the code for your program on their pages. This small snippet of code allows surfers to enter their email addresses to join your mailing list. Each time a surfer enters their email, the referring webmaster gets paid a set amount. Example: 5 cents per email address. EmailCash has many hidden features such as duplicate address checks and detailed reports to help in catching cheaters. It also gives each affiliate a complete status report on request, automatically, and in real time. The script can be set to redirect surfers to a "thank you" page and then to the original page they were at so your affiliates never lose a single bit of their traffic. This type of program has been highly successful to many webmasters out there, but until now was only possible for large sites and major corporations. Now you can also share in the profits from this highly advanced method of gathering high-quality, targeted optin email addresses. The script has a ton of error checking and also cheater protection as well as duplicate address checking.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Cross-Desktop is a browser or web based desktop allowing to handle remote computers from the distance in the same way than to handle a local computer with just a standard browser. Remote computers can be any of servers, pc or mainframes. Email Client, File Explorer and RSS Reader All-In-One. With Cross-Desktop you can manage Bookmarks, read RSS Feeds, treat Zip Archives as regular directories, edit Text Files and many more. It integrages a functionally complete Email Client and a URL-Download feature for file transfer based on a url. It's simply your personal information manager! (PIM) And it's virus safe! Ideally suited for web inquires and mobile data management: # RSS Reader supporting RSS und RDF format. # Email Client with filter technique, virus safety, account management etc. Maintain unlimited number of mail accounts. # URL-Download function for easy web inquiry without complicated up and download. # Anywhere available as of web technology. Windows users require the Cygwin Linux like shell to run Cross-Desktop.
(0 ratings)
Price 59.90
@1 HTML Email Template
Send emails in pre-built HTML templates from any browser. It supports unlimited custom fields, unlimited email templates and unlimited email attachments.
(0 ratings)
Price 34.95
Wemail is a Web-based email program written in Perl. It checks POP and IMAP and sends via sendmail or SMTP. It has all the basic features: custom folders, address book, attachments, html email, filters, sorting, search, message labeling and more. It requres only CGI.pm.
(3 ratings)
CuLy Mail
This script allows you to give free email addresses using a single catchall POP3 mailbox. Can also be used for clients by adding users manually.
(0 ratings)
NetRoamer Mail
NetRoamer Mail allows you to offer your users web based e-mail in the form of [email protected]. You have complete control over the layout and design of the mail interface, allowing you to maintain your website's branding throughout (all modifications to the interface are made via HTML).
(0 ratings)
Offer customizable web-based email to your members. The software is designed to mirror large scale online email providers. It includes - multiple folders, address book, signatures, filters, bulk email filter, POP 3 compliance, optional virus scanning, etc. You have control over the design of the pages. Supports unlimited domain names that your users can choose from. Shares an integrated backend - account management, billing, advertising, templates and administration - with over 25 other pluggable software modules. You can add grow your site as your needs expand all using a single integrated suite. No more multiple logins and inconsistencies.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 599.00
Results 1-20 of 39