File Mailers
DownLead - Collect Information from Users
posted bythumb_42inFile Mailers
Simple script requires users to fill out a form and confirm their email address before a download can proceed. (with an opt-in box) When they follow the link sent to them in email, file is downloaded, at the same time, form data is sent to web site owner. If they opt in, their address is added to a list.
It also provides an "opt-out" feature which enables them to remove their email address from the list.
No database required and everything can be customized. An ideal way to collect marketing data or sales leads from your users before they are permitted to download files, product demos, etc..
Attachment and Form Mailer
posted bypromotioninFile Mailers
The ultimate file mailer delivers any number of files from your web pages to your inbox. Includes an advanced Progress meter for any file uploads. Sends files to multiple email addresses (for both admin and customers), personalized autoresponders, restrict file types and size, aceepts any file types, doc, xls, swf, fla, pdf, etc., automated installation, customized notifications and subject lines, custom forms, supports all form fields, records history of submissions and deliveries, export to CSV, set unique ID and a whole lot more.
PriceUSD 25.00
IPN-File Delivery
posted byjiminFile Mailers
This program utilizes the Instant Payment Notification feature of your PayPal Business account to watch for specified file purchases and then deliver those files to the person who bought them. The files are delivered as soon as the payment is successfully processed. It even works with delayed payments like "e-Checks", waiting till the payment clears to deliver the files (software, programs, e-books, documents, images, etc.).
File Mailer
posted byrootinFile Mailers
The File Mailer script is designed for to sending (zip) file as attachment to any email address. Useful for protecting your files since the visitors will never find the file locations.