File Management
posted bymbaroneinFile Management
csFiler is an all purpose server file management system. It allows you to manage your entire server using your web browser, Administer your web pages from your web browser, List all files/directories in a directory, Move through your entire server one directory at a time, Editing text or HTML files or create new files or directories, Upload binary or ASCII (text) files, Change file permissions (CHMOD), Delete files or rename files, and more.
PriceUSD 49.00
posted bymbaroneinFile Management
csIncludes allows the user to manage server side includes (SSI) from one main area. Features: add, modify, delete and view your SSI files from one easy to understand management screen; Include code added to management page for easy reference.
PriceUSD 30.00
WWW FTP Client
posted bymwfinFile Management
This WWW FTP Client provides a way to access FTP sites via WWW interface. Using it you can do almost everything you can do with a casual FTP client: browse directory tree, rename and delete files and directories, upload files etc. The main goal of this script is to provide access to FTP
servers if you're behind a firewall not allowing FTP connections. So you can install it on a remote site, access by your browser and connect to the FTP servers where you get accounts.
PriceUSD 24.95
posted byscriptsinFile Management
Missy is jammed packed with features that will help you easily and effectively manage your files online. Great for accounts that do not have ftp access, or for people on the go. With Missy's intuitive and easy to understand web manager, you could easily change your website structure in a matter of minutes. Main Features include: password protection, create multiple directories, delete multiple files at once, rename, chdir, move or copy files and directories, file browser, edit and create new files, chmod, zipping utility, upload files from your hard drive, and much more... Missy is a great addition for any webmaster novice to experienced.
Bennie Webdesign File Browser
posted byinfoinFile Management
Use this simple file browser to explore the contents of your server directories. It'll show every file available and give you statistics like filename, filesize, chmod status and modification date.
posted byylastinFile Management
WebRSH is a CGI program which implements a general purpose web-based computing
shell. It provides a command line interface, file manager, text editor, and a
few other basic things, while being highly configurable and adaptable to various
tasks. It can also replace, to some extent, rsh, telnet, and ftp daemons.
posted byscriptsinFile Management
Ez-SiteAdmin is a replacement for FTP and Telnet for your users, all from the comfort of the Browser. Users can make folders, create new files, upload files, delete files, or folders and edit their files all via their browsers. It is sold to qualified ISP's and resellers only.
Zone Coaster's EditPage
posted byBernardinFile Management
EditPage allows multiple users to edit web pages and upload media files through their browser windows rather than through the use of a server-based text editor or by downloading, editing and uploading via FTP.
posted bysubmit-hotscrinFile Management
FileMan is a web-based File Manager that allows a user to completely manage a website without the need for FTP or Shell access. You can perform tasks such as create new files using a WYSIWYG html editor (like FrontPage or Dreamweaver), edit existing files, upload one or multiple files and handles ascii/binary transfers, search for files based on file names, or full text searches, multi file search and replace, archive management - create, view, extract .tar files as well as .tar.gz files.