Link Indexing
Bennie Webdesign Linklist
posted byinfoinLink Indexing
This script will allow you and your visitors to add and view links sorted by category. You as administrator can delete links. You can have several linklists on your sites driven by this script. Every category is called by your html page by SSI, making it possible to exchange categories easily between different pages.
Add A Link 2
posted bywickedinLink Indexing
Add A Link 2 includes all the features and benefits of "Add A Link" plus this FFAL allows you to set up multiple catagories. That is, users can add their links to appropriate categories of the ones you specify.
Zone Coaster's Addlink
posted byBernardinLink Indexing
This script allows a visitor to your website to automatically add a link to his website to a specified page on your website under any category he chooses and which you have provided.
100 Links
posted byscriptsinLink Indexing
This is a Free for All Links Program that supports upto 100 links. It features: Built in page counter, A preview page so the user can check their entry before they submit, A 'black list' file to check if there is a URL there that you don't want on the page, File locking, The option of getting an email whenever someone makes an entry to your page, and more.
Web Directory SQL Search Engine
posted bysammyinLink Indexing
This search engine is a full-featured web directory script designed for anyone wishing to build an on-line searchable database of web sites like your own yahoo directory. The script is designed so it can be completely administered through any web browser enabling the owner to add/delete/modify anything in the database. You can also rotate banners by keyword or category user is searching and place banners on generated HTML files by category. It requires mSQL 2.0+ or mySQL 3.0+ database engine.
posted byalexinLink Indexing
Links is an easy to use directory management program which allows you to run a complex link directory, without being overwhelmed by editing and updating HTML pages. It is modeled after Yahoo and inspired by The CGI Resources and contains all the necessary features to run a successful directory. Its Administrator Control Panel features: Full Database Control on both your category and your links databases, Build Static HTML Pages, Complete Customization with templates or with Perl code, Validating Links, and Simple Database Maintenance. End users can: Search on any field as well as general keyword with optional links to other search engine if the search fails, Add and Modify Links with email notification options, Subscribe to an email update newsletter which describes the latest Links to be added to the database, and "rate" links on a 1-10 sliding scale. A Top Rated report is automatically generated as well as a Top Votes.
Linkmatic Web Directory
posted bycryptinLink Indexing
Linkmatic lets you run a feature-filled and efficient Web Directory database at your website. It maintains one or more databases of website links using a separate directory for each database and its supporting files. You can have up to 90 categories per database. Each database file has one record per line, with 8 fields per record. You select maximum links to show per page and maximum total matches. Script mimics "Alta-Vista" behavior, using clickable pins for user to move backward or forward through the other result pages. User can request to add a new record to a pending file. It then checks whether a valid category,
URL and E-Mail format were entered. If accepted, manager receives an E-Mail notice of how many new links are pending.
Link Manager
posted byInfoinLink Indexing
Link Manager boast: Easy to use interface lets you manage your links with ease, Easy Setup - you can be up and running in minutes, Create, edit, rename, copy and delete categories and links, Link manager automatically creates alphabetized tables and menu bars for all your links, Writes customizable static webpage at the click of a button, and much more.
Grizz's Free Links Script
posted byroyinLink Indexing
This Script is a modified version of Cliff's Free Links Script. It has built-in search engine and random link feature and has an option to send a customizable e-mail to people when their link is added. It also counts the number of hits each link gets as well as the total number of hits to the FFA page. From the admin page you can easily add and remove sections, easily lock out offensive text and URLs and delete unwanted links.
Add A Link
posted bywickedone1inLink Indexing
Add A Link is a Free-For-All-Link (FFAL) script with features including built-in autoresponder, error check and linklock. If linklock is on, every link submitted by user will be moderated by the admistrator wheares linklock being off all the submitted links will be immediately added to your page.