Open Directory Project
BAC Open Directory
posted bydpickupinOpen Directory Project
BAC Open Directory allows you to take full advantage of the Open Directory Project, offering it directly through your website to your online community.
This module shares an integrated backend - account management, billing, advertising, templates and administration - with over 25 other pluggable software modules. You can add grow your site as your needs expand all using a single integrated suite. No more multiple logins and inconsistencies.
PriceUSD 199.00
DMOZ Search System
posted byhh111inOpen Directory Project
This script allows you to search the ODP in different langauges and countries. The script is very easy to install and freely configurable. DMOZ Search System is available in german and english.
Advanced Directory
posted byalexinOpen Directory Project
Advanced Directory is a Perl-based application that allows you to add instant directory content for your site by including entire or part of Open Directory in a matter of minutes. It also comes with full searching support. Professional directory and searching solution for demanding webmasters. Cutting edge cgi solution for reliable content management and more.
PriceUSD 250.00
DMOZ negotiator
posted bysmilesinOpen Directory Project
The DMOZ negotiator uses the Perl LWP libraries to make remote calls to the Open Directory and puts their content into your website (using YOUR headers and footers).
Personal Open Directory (POD)
posted bygroholinOpen Directory Project
The Personal Open Directory calls the Netscape Open Directory (a mirror of the Open Directory Project, and a site which is better networked that ODP itself) to provide you and your users with a Web experience which looks like they've never left your site. It isn't done with homely frames or with the need to parse the huge RDFs from ODP itself, but rather grabbing the data in real-time from NOD. Not only can you customize its output, but if you run or have access to MaxComm and are an Associate, it will automatically add book links to content pages and searches conducted through POD.