Referer Based
The Bouncer
posted bypitoyoinReferer Based
If you have a page on your site (such as a music archive) that you don't want other sites to directly link to, but you want them to link to your main page, The Bouncer will make sure that no longer happens. It will redirect any user that isn't coming from your site, to the URL of your choice.
Allow access from any referrer you choose. Visitors coming from any other will be redirected to another page (such as your main page). Easy setup, only 2 variables to set. Works with SSI (.shtml) pages.
TD's Detect/Redirect
posted byTDavidinReferer Based
This is a very simple detect and redirect script. This will make sure a surfer is coming from a specific URL and then redirect them to a sponsor or your signup page (or wherever you want) if they aren't. If they are blocking their HTTP_REFERER by using an anonymizer it will still prevent them from accessing your content page. Useful for content pages that you want to protect from outside linking.