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Database Search

Results 1-5 of 5
Fast script designed for plain text database searching. Uses binary index to search in databases with 50-100 thousand records.
(6 ratings)
@1 Web Dictionary
Let a visitor check a word's definition or the other way round. Words can be categorized. Images are optional. C/w admin interface.
(1 ratings)
Price 14.95
Bible Lookup
This program takes the form input of a Bible reference, interprets the Bible Book name, chapter number and verse and sends the user to that book, chapter and verse on the web site.
(0 ratings)
VocabSearch allows you to make up a list of vocabulary words and their definitions so that your students can look them up online. A student enters a word into the form, and the program will display all entries containing that word with all occurrences of the word in strong text. Comes with HTML forms for searching for terms, as well as for adding and deleting terms. Other possible uses include having your students create an annotated bibliography, where, for example, the Author's name and other information could be entered in the "term" field, and the information about the publication entered in the "definition" field. This would give you an online, searchable database. You can also give your students access to the "Add word" page, and build a collaborative database of terms and definitions that all students can benefit from. You might also use something like this to publish reviews, faculty information, etc.
(3 ratings)
smc SiteSearch
smc SiteSearch is a fast, efficient and flexible search engine, easy to configure for web sites or databases alike. smc SiteSearch works with multiple search criteria and nearly unlimited database capacities using simple delimited ASCII data files. It is also completely modular in design, allowing search scenarios as basic as a one line form to advanced, multiple search pages spanning your site. Fast and accurate searches are run from a small, but powerful 'smart' algorithm that has proven efficient on 10 items or 6000 items.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-5 of 5