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Utilities Scripts

Results 1-19 of 19
A-AST FFmpeg Installer v2.0.4 Unified Installer
The A-AST FFmpeg Installer v2.0.4 Unified Installer installs FFmpeg and provides a local, non-system installation of FFmpeg with several external encoding libraries. Apart from this, it also includes several relevant codecs and pre-sets required by FFmpeg for transcoding and other FFmpeg functions. With the the Advanced FFmpeg installer v2.0.4, you have the freedom to choose whether or not you want a Clipbucket compatible FFmpeg installation with FFmpeg-php (the php module for FFmpeg). This installer has been tested with 3 major video conversion softwares – PHPmotion, Vidiscript and Clipbucket. * Advanced FFmpeg installer v2.0.4 provides ffmpeg-php + ffmpeg 0.9.1 (Clipbucket Compatible Version) OR ffmpeg-php + ffmpeg 1.2.2 (Clipbucket Non-Compatible Version) Assistance to install using the script is available via our support Portal. You can chat with our technical support 24/7 from our website to know more details.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
This script is a WHM or cPanel bash script that deletes email of the Exim queue that corresponds to a domain or email address. Very useful to clean up queues after an spamming attempt since from cPanel it can take ages to do it. This script will kill 100K spam from the queue in seconds example of usage # ./delexim [email protected]
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.00
The standard utility 'du' is darn handy, but I've always wanted a way to have it sorted by size, yet still have it display human-readable format. So, I wrote this little Perl script to 'enhance' the du utility.
(3 ratings)
Sendmail Logcheck (Perl)
Use this script to analyse sendmail logfiles created by the syslog daemon. It was tested with SuSE Linux. The generated report is available in HTML and ASCII format (useful if this class is included into a script that you run from the command line).
(3 ratings)
Free Website Monitoring
Script will check if your website is up, and check the response time of the site also. A performance monitoring and up time notification tool. You can then choose to receive an email notification if the site is down, or if the site response time is too high. All results are also written daily to a log file. You can check as many websites as you wish, all URLs are stored in a separate text file for easy updating. Web Site Monitoring - Performance Monitoring is open-source and released under the GPL license. Runs on any OS that supports Perl.
(120 ratings)
@1 Auto Delete I
Automatically delete all files (in the specified directory) with file dates older than the specified days.
(0 ratings)
Price 10.00
Analizes the logfiles of Qmail and extracts the virtualdomains. Counts the mails and the traffic for each user.
(0 ratings)
remote logger
This is a small utility which will help you test whether a syslogd (or syslog-ng, or others) really works when listening on a UDP port for incomming log messages.
(0 ratings)
Alert Manager
Alert Manager was created to run an alert command, monitor the status of that command's output, and guarantee that if something goes wrong it won't go unnoticed. Alert Manager has been successfully deployed in several fortune 500 companies for guaranteed alert delivery and many other things. It has a very flexable configuration file that allows creation of "alert chains" - chains of commands, each with their own fallback command, failure command, timeout, retry counter, and other advanced options. It has a method for passing messages from the command line into the various commands defined in the configuration file, and many other useful features.
(3 ratings)
Reportdhcp.pl is a CGI script written in perl. It displays statistics and lease entries for ISC DHCPD by parsing the dhcpd.conf and dhcpd.leases files. reportdhcp.pl version 2 supports version 3.0p1 and above of the ISC DHCP distribution.
(3 ratings)
IP Accountant
IP Accountant allows you to keep an Rx/Tx byte count for each address aliased to a single interface. It features optional graphical output.
(0 ratings)
ScanAlert was built to analyze iptables log entries in real time and report detected port scans to syslogd. From there you can use a log monitoring daemon (like logdog) to take action if desired, or you can manually review the logs later if you prefer. It does not need special permissions, it doesn't listen on any network ports - it receives iptables messages from syslogd via a FIFO. It runs as a daemon, and supports the HUP signal to reload, has multiple debug levels, and does not require any special perl modules. ScanAlert has a straight forward interface and configuration file making it easy to use and configure.
(0 ratings)
PathFinder will determine all the site/directory variables often required when installing CGI. In addition the results will not only be displayed in the browser, but also be e-mailed to you so providing a perminant record for easy reference. Very easy to install and run.
(0 ratings)
Can't get a shell account at your ISP? Want to be able to use normal Unix commands to maintain or clean up your directories, create backups, install software and debug scripts? Execute multiple commands at one time. Easy to install, set up and use. Multiple security features include password protection, valid referer URL list, hidden directories, configurable file names.
(0 ratings)
Syslog2 is a realtime parser and event handler for syslogd. An event is a message from some service. It uses a simple plugin system to add event handlers. Syslog2 is written in Perl. A plugin is simply a Perl script which invokes the "register_handler" or "unregister_handler" subroutines. By default, the package uses the included script "default.pl", which logs all messages from the syslog daemon in sorted order. More scripts are available from the homepage.
(0 ratings)
REOBack (pronounced "ray-o-back") is a backup solution designed for Linux users and system administrators. It is designed to be simple to set up, and easy to use. It is great as a quick solution for those who procrastinate about backups. It supports automatic full/incremental backups of files you define, remote backups via NFS or FTP, as well as auto deletion of old backups.
(96 ratings)
@1 Age Status Indicator for Files and Folders
Similar to the ones used at hotscripts.com, cgi.resourceindex.com, perlarchive.com and scriptsearch.com, this script checks the age of files and folders and shows "NEW" image or text indicators according to the age. C/w admin interface. Support 1-level or 3-level age distinction. If pointed to a folder, the script will scan through all files in that folder for newest file (sub-folders and files in sub-folders are omitted).
(12 ratings)
Price 19.95
Logdog is a tool that monitors messages passing through syslogd and takes action based on key words and phrases. Logdog has an easy to read configuration file which allows you to specify a list of key words or phrases to alert on, and a list of commands that can be run when those words are encountered. Logdog has been featured in magazines and deployed in production networks all over the world. It sorts features like no-delay message interception for low latency alerts, comprehensive logging and debugging, proper HUP signal handling, and regular expressions for complex pattern matching.
(3 ratings)
BRINK is a CGI perl script which allows users to change their passwords via a web page. Current development has shifted to a modularized Perl socket daemon/client. There is a remote possibility that this program could allow users to do bad things to the system it is running on. If you run BRINK on a secure http daemon, it is much more secure than if you run it on an unencrypted http daemon.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-19 of 19