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Results 1-6 of 6
Virtual Lot Manager
Auto, rv, boat, motorcycle or real estate dealer can put their inventory on the Internet. Upload or ftp pictures, web based administration.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.50
Find-by-State allows your website visitors to find contact information for your Dealers, Contacts, Sales Reps, Association Members or even Store Locations in the United States. Find-by-State can be implemented in a variety of ways. Its flexibility will allow you to display Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Email Addresses, Website URL's and Notes about your Contacts. Easy to install and comes with customizable Header and footer files so you can match your existing website.
(0 ratings)
stockSet is a stock quote engine and a portfolio manager in one, which you can use to provide comprehensive financial content and service on your site. The Portfolio Manager features Simple View, Detailed view, and Easy to use interface. The Stock Quote Information Page features: Price information, stockSet Message Investigator for the selected stock, stockSet news investigator, etc., Easy to set up, customizable. In addition, you can easily customize all of these features using templates for your web pages.
(0 ratings)
BioMail is a small web-based application for medical researchers and biologists. It is written to automate searching for recent scientific papers in the PubMed Medline database. Periodically BioMail does a user-customized Medline search and sends all matching articles recently added to Medline to the users' e-mail address. HTML-formatted e-mails generated by BioMail can be used to show selected references in medline format, which is compatible with EndNote reference manager.
(0 ratings)
Freeside is an open-source billing and account administration package for Internet Service Providers. Features include: Uses Perl's DBI allowing use of almost any database backend to store data (PostgreSQL or MySQL recommended), Web-based interface, Track customers by reseller/agent, Limit the packages a particular agent or class of agents may sell, Tax rates customizable by state and locale, Works with ICRADIUS or Radiator to authenticate directly from SQL databases, Virtual domain support, and more.
(0 ratings)
MedLink is a CGI Medical database and analysis program. Ideal for any medical sites; from general medical sites to specific sites such as optometry sites, cancer sites, cardiovascular sites, even vetenerian sites! Easy to use database allows you to enter symptoms, diagnosis names and the URL that corresponds to the diagnosis. The URL can be an HTML file, a text file, a specific site, a downloadable file, etc. The possibilities and uses are almost endless. Also includes a cardiovascular risk assessment module (registered), an ideal weight module and a lifespan calculator. Each is called from a web page so use any or all that you want.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-6 of 6