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Virtual Communities

Results 1-19 of 19
Social Space 3.0 Free
Deploy full-featured and customizable social networking site similar to MySpace Classic and Facebook. Bulletins, friends, custom pages, chat, groups, photo galleries, status updates, multi-tier membership, administration backend, banner rotation system, and more
(0 ratings)
O Space
Run a full-featured social networking community similar to MySpace (classic) and Facebook. Bullitens, friends, photo galleries, status updates, groups, and more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
Music Space
Full-Featured social networking solution optimized for musicians and music lovers. Artists and bands can sell their songs directly from their page, add friends, chat, browse classifieds, post shows, add blogs, photo galleries, upload videos, and more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Free - Facebook & Myspace Clone Social Community
Start your own social networking site similar to Myspace classic , easy to use, fast, and full-featured. Status updates, blogs, photo galleries, instant messaging, bulletins, full administrative controls, chat, music profiles, ad rotation system for banners, mail, free plugins, upload instant snapshots. 100% open source
(43 ratings)
This script allows you to run and operate, pain free, an automated party listing service on your website. This is a fantastic and viral way to get your sites visitors to check your site frequently. It is also excellent at giving your visitors a new way to interact with each other. This not only increases your hit and repeat visitor counts, but also adds an atmosphere of togetherness that can only result in your customers feeling better about your website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 175.00
Net Clubs Pro
Net Clubs is a full-featured community / portal script just like Myspace.com and Yahoo network put together. Allow your visitors to build virtual clubs, chat, build profiles, dating profiles, add friends and network with friends, instant message, chat, build their own web site, photo gallery, sounds, email, paypal integrated, etc. Admin console let's you customize the colors, background and general design with simple form. You can also configure how you want the script to be run, IE: dating site, standard community, profile networking, email service, etc.. An excellent solution for family, teen, music, auction, business, video or adult oriented communities. Net Clubs is also Pay-Pal integrated giving you the option setup paid membership allowing you to maximize unlimited return on your investment.
(40 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
If you've ever thought about a virtual tour, but don't know where to start, then consider trying this CGI script. Take a few photos, upload them to your web server, create a text file with descriptions, and your tour is ready!
(0 ratings)
Clubware is the core module for a complete community management system. This core module provides for the control of the community membership and the main access module for all administration functions and reports for the entire Clubware system. It is free for non commercial use. Commercial users should request a commercil license from the developer
(3 ratings)
Map-cache enable users to quickly find and download game maps. Ideal for community gaming sites and clans. Supports all games. Fully Configurable: Change everything from thumbnail sizes, download categories and default display category's to background images and table colours using an intuitive centralized password protected admin system. Features: Database Driven page creation; Map Download stats; Editable Display Options; User Download Info page; Template Driven; Config Back-up/Restore; User Search Facility; Password protected Admin Area; Easy website intergration.
(3 ratings)
eXtreme Power
eXtreme Power is a collection of applications designed for Websites related to offices, schools, colleges, and universities. It includes security system, instant messaging system, resume manager, jobs site, public profile system, a large set of web admin tools, employer search engine, smart messaging window, etc. It has been developed in Perl and uses flat files to store data.
(3 ratings)
Party List
This script allows you to run and operate, pain free, an automated party listing service on your website. Features: customizable look and feel via HTML templates, Surfer friendly by easy to use system, Easy to install, and Password protected admin area gives you full control over users and events.
(0 ratings)
LibWeb is a Perl library+toolkit for building community web site+applications from scratch quickly. Features include: members and sessions management (authentication via cookies); concise, database independent and easy to use database API with optional MySQL support; template-driven, dynamic HTML page generation without using PHP/ASP/SSI/Javascript; HTML widgets and themes; and installation does not require root privilege.
(0 ratings)
LEAPs (LibwEb APplications) is a suite of plug-and-play community web site applications written based on the interfaces and frameworks defined in the Perl library/toolkit--LibWeb. Currently it has a file-manager and will have instant messaging, chat, etc. in the future.
(0 ratings)
Distributed Home Pages List
This little CGI program allows you to centralise users' home pages on different web servers by scanning the user's directory and linking their home pages from different sites into one. It requires the LWP Perl library.
(0 ratings)
Friend Seeker
Friend Seeker is a CGI script for organizing your own people directory. With this system your visitors can search personals, see members photoes, chat with people and mail them. Features include: Members can browse personals, search personals, mail to other members, see the photos of members, Each member have own internal mailbox, Each member have own hotlist and can easily add/remove entries from it, Web-chat feature with WhoisOnline function, System is logging all your visitors and members, Enabled mailing list, and Admin can set limit for viewing ads per day for members and surfers.
(0 ratings)
Auto-Clubs allows your members to create and manage their own clubs/groups. Every club offers a discussion forum, a calendar, to do list, news, links, a detailed listing of all club members and more. The owner of the club can decide whether or not to restrict access to it. This is ideal for sites looking to become a community of communities. Auto-Clubs shares an integrated backend - account management, billing, advertising, templates and administration - with over 25 other pluggable software modules. You can add grow your site as your needs expand all using a single integrated suite. No more multiple logins and inconsistencies.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 499.00
How about the idea of Electronic Business Card? This Perl script is very useful, if you want to give your site visitors free web space but you don't want to use a lot of resources. Your visitors fill out a form and instantly create their static homepages which look like a bussiness card. They can put this address to their email signatures and whatever. Each homepage takes about 2 KB of space. The script also gives you the ability to customize it with you needs by providing all of the html parts as templates.
(0 ratings)
Members can create their own webpages at your domain. Provide members as many pages as you allow, unlimited message forums, guestbooks, polls, Yahoo-like directories, and postcard and image gallery pages. Detailed hit logs, site backups and a Search Engine Submission Agent are also provided. CommunityWeaver shares an integrated backend - account management, billing, advertising, templates and administration - with over 25 other pluggable software modules. You can add grow your site as your needs expand all using a single integrated suite. No more multiple logins and inconsistencies.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 499.00
Easy Home Page Generator
This script allows your visitors to be able to create (and edit) their own web pages at your site. Each user will be able to edit text as well as clip art choices. EZHOMEPG also includes a starter set of clip art images for splash graphics, backgrounds, horizontal separators, bullets and animated email icons so there are more choices available for creating a wide variety of homepages.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-19 of 19