Web Traffic Analysis
Tracing Your Visitor's Footsteps
posted bychortoninWeb Traffic Analysis
An important factor in developing a successful site is knowing the path your visitors travelled through your site. What page did they start at and what page did they end up on. Those are 2 pieces of information that are key to developing your site. And was the path they followed the path you laid out for them. This script will provide these answers for you. This would be equivalent to a department store being able to know what door their customers entered and what areas their customers shopped in first, second, third, etc., and then the area they ended up in before departing.
posted bymailinWeb Traffic Analysis
This script goes through the referer_log file on your server and counts how many times your page is referred to by each URL. It then produces a table to be viewed from the web with a link to each URL that refers to you, how many times the link on that page has been followed to reach your page (since the referer_log was emptied) and the percentage of people coming from that particular page.
posted byeditorinWeb Traffic Analysis
The log-reader.cgi program is designed to operate as a Perl/CGI program. It reads the Apache access_log file in standard ECLF format, interprets the records in this file, and returns (a) the most popular URL's on your web site and (b) the top TCP/IP addresses of clients who visited your web site. With this information, you can determine which URL's on your site are popular, and who they appeal to. You can also tell if somebody has been spidering your web site by looking for uncommonly high numbers of hits from one web site address.
posted bylogsnifferinWeb Traffic Analysis
LogSniffer is a perl-script used to analyse Web Server Logs. It has as many features as many commercial programs currently available. Some of its features are: Internal Support for Common Logfile Format, Referrer Log, User Agent Log, Extended Logfile Format, Apache Cookie Log, Via the custom logtype you can teach LogSniffer how to analyse almost any logtype that exists, and HTML Stats output including total summary, daily stats, file stats, referrer stats, user stats, auth stats, and more,
AXS Visitor Tracking System
posted byscriptsinWeb Traffic Analysis
AXS logs visits to your website in real time. It provides up-to-the-minute graphs on visitor usage of specific types of browsers, general classes of web browsers, and operating systems. Shows most popular local files; frequency of links used to exit your site; most common links leading to your site, including search engine links showing search terms and ranking. In addition to graphs, it shows a request-by-request log of all visits, grouped by time or by visitor.
posted byevseevinWeb Traffic Analysis
HyperStat is a software tool that generates report about Web server access statistic in simple and convenient form. On the input side, HyperStat uses standard log file produced by Web server, such as Apache or TinyWeb. On the output side, HyperStat produces HTML pages or (in console mode) set of lines.
Perlfect Daily Stats
posted byperlfectinWeb Traffic Analysis
Perlfect Daily Stats is a web server log analysis tool that generates daily activity reports for your site. It produces breakdowns of document hits/views, referring URLs, referring domains, site entry points/gateways, referring protocols and search keywords. Reports are formatted in HTML. Report data is sorted and is accompanied with the respective percentages and graphical bar charts.
IP Logger
posted bywebmasterinWeb Traffic Analysis
This program logs IP numbers and exact times of visitors to any page you place the small ssi tag on and displays the IP on the page itself. Great security feature for order forms to deter credit card fraud.
posted bysalesinWeb Traffic Analysis
Radiation's incoming link analyzer, called LinkTrakker, reveals how users are finding your website, including banner bars they're clicking on, search engine phrases they're finding you under, and other links they're following to your site from across the web. Once one person has followed any such link to your site, you'll see it reflected in your LinkTrakker report, allowing you to gauge the effectiveness of your online promotional campaigns.
posted bycryptinWeb Traffic Analysis
Hitmatic is a Website Hit Counter & Statistics system. By using HTML tags on your web pages, the system maintains detailed counts of hits to each page, day and month for a year. It also supports tracking groups of pages. When a browser loads one of these pages it expects to receive a graphic from the URL in the tag. Instead, the URL runs Hitmatic which counts and categorizes the hit, does some maintenance stuff and finally creates the graphic (an X-Bitmap) and outputs it to the browser.
posted bywebmasterinWeb Traffic Analysis
LogCount cgi is a versatile FREE-to-use Unix web site counter script written for Perl 5. The counter script is not large, allows you to use your own images, and includes several handy features enabling it to control all the hit logging needs of most web sites. LogCount can also count with a time display, or show the time without counting. Also supplied is a separate basic log viewer, LogLook, which easily displays a colour coded track of each visitors page hits. LogCount can be called from an Image Source tag, a Hyperlink tag, or a Server Side Include tag. The latter allows you to 'include' the output as normal text on a web page if your server allows SSI calls. Efficient flat-files used, MySQL NOT required.
posted bysupportinWeb Traffic Analysis
Count+Stat provides the power, and expansibility of a high priced statistics program. This solid running perl script tells you important user information such as IP numbers, refers, clients, and time. With Count+Stat you can see where your users are coming from, and thus you can tell what they like, and overall who they are. If you get all kinds of people from a certain website, you can visit it and see exactly where your users come from!
Portal Analyzer
posted bywebmasterinWeb Traffic Analysis
Portal Analyzer is a convenient solution to tracking your websites popularity. Its a lot like having an invisible hit counter on every page. It produces daily reports telling you exactly how many unique visitors you received and which page they entered by. This way you can tell not only how many people visit your site but which pages attract the most visitors. Works behind the scenes by crontab or can be exectuted from the browser to provide the easy to follow reports. Results are tabulated by most popular to least popular entry page. Unlike access counters which are frequently not accurate this works off of your server logs to provide absolute accuracy in counting.