Introduction to Perl & CGI
Learning Perl: My newest language.
posted bywildboy211inIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Introduction to Perl with "Hello, World", strings, integers and if...then.
Perl sort Function Tutorial
posted byavmihinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Learn through examples how to use the Perl sort function to sort a list by an alphabetical or numerical order. It covers the main syntax forms of this function accompanied by a lot of examples including: how to sort a hash by keys or values, how to sort an array of arrays, how to sort using the Schwartzian Transform (explained in details), how to sort a matrix by multiple columns and much more. You can download the script examples to play with them.
Perl pack Function Tutorial
posted byavmihinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Learn through examples how to use the Perl pack function to concatenate into a string a list of values converted according to the formats specified by a template. There are provided a lot of commented examples to help you better understand how to use the pack function in your scripts. There are exemplified almost all the templates available: a string with arbitrary binary data; a text string; a bit string (either in an ascending or descending order inside each byte); a signed or an unsigned char; a single or double precision float in native format; a hex string; a signed or an unsigned integer value; a signed or an unsigned long value and much more.
Perl map Function Tutorial
posted byavmihinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Learn through examples how to use the Perl map function to either run a block or an expression against each element of a list. There are provided a lot of commented examples to help you better understand how to use the map function in your scripts. The examples include: get a list with the squares of the first 10 positive integers; apply a function to a list; a map, grep and sort example; how to use map to read data from a csv file; how to make a hash out of a delimited string and much more.
Perl Basics
posted byhigherpassinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Learn the basics of writing Perl scripts. Topics covered include basic syntax, using variables, arrays, hashes. Of course loops and conditional structures are explained as well. Additionally installation and use of Perl modules is discussed.
Perl Tutorial
posted bytizaginIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Learn the basics of programming in Perl. All the basic programming topics are covered with advanced topics like file manipulation and database interaction for adventerous programmers.
Dr.Quek's notes on Perl
posted byjosephonginIntroduction to Perl & CGI
This page is designed to help novice programmers learn the Perl programming language and will get you started with cgi scripting.Specifically, it's designed to help them learn enough to customize cgi script with a little perl knowledge.This tutorial will walk you through the basics of creating CGIs with Perl.
Absolute Beginners Guide to CGI
posted byplanthieinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
What is CGI and how does it work?
What is a cgi-bin?
What to look for when buying a script?
How to install a cgi script?
Where to find scripts?
What is Perl
What are file permissions
Telnet explained
What is SSI and what does it mean to you
Common errors and debugging.
PriceUSD 14.95
Brief Introduction to PERL
posted bymsh1552inIntroduction to Perl & CGI
This tutorial walks you through the basics of Perl programming language, including variables and statements.
Sulfericacid- Oil of vitrol- Acid cleanup for code on the web
posted bysulfericacidinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Go over everything from variable types, loops, file manipulations, complete step through in creating mailing forms, etc!
Herong's Notes on Perl
posted byheronginIntroduction to Perl & CGI
This collection of notes and sample codes are based on my personal experiences with Perl on both Unix and Windows systems. Topics covered include binary file, CGI, class, client server, DBM file, debug, directory handle, file handle, file test, free, function, hard reference, IIS, Internet, language, Linux, module, MySQL, name space, object, object method, online, open directory, open file, package, Perl, regular expression, RPC::XML, sample codes, SOAP, SOAP::Lite, socket communication, soft reference, split, subroutine, performance, TCP, XML, XML-RPC, XML::Simple.
Perl: Data goes in, Files come out
posted bysellsomestuffinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Learn how to read from and write to files and how to use STDIN and STDOUT to collect and output data. Then download the example: 'Prime number finder' and improve on it.
Introduction to Perl
posted bysellsomestuffinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Goes into how to obtain and install a copy of Perl, creating and executing scripts and some basic syntax.
Learn Perl
posted byjohnnyb3inIntroduction to Perl & CGI
Learn Perl statements, variables, operators, boolean, conditional, looping, and more through this comprehesive online tutorial.
Perl CGI Web Database Programming Tutorial
posted bydavidinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
If you are looking to learn perl cgi database programming for your web site, this tutorial is the easiest way to do it. There are pictures to guide you, and the language used is friendly to non programmers. It is written in a sequential, step by step format, to make it easier to understand and follow. You will have the skills you need to build web database applications after reading this!
CGI Tutorial
posted bydavidinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
If you are looking to learn Perl CGI database programming for your web site, this tutorial is an easy way to do it. There are pictures to guide you and it is designed for someone with only minimal html knowledge. Covers perl syntax, cgi script installation, relational database concepts and design, the DBI module that perl uses to talk to the database, and four sample cgi scripts with line by line explanations.
About Perl Online Class
posted byperl.guideinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
A free, and self-paced online class. The homework is optional, and you're free to complete the assignments when you're ready. If you have questions or would like some feedback, you'll have lots of help and support from myself and your classmates in the About Perl/PHP Forum.
Introduction to Perl
posted byJesterinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
This tutorial will go through the basics of Perl starting from the very beginning. Learn how to use variables, arrays, control structures, conditionals, file handling subroutines and more.
Ovid's Web Programming Course
posted bypoecinIntroduction to Perl & CGI
A free online course designed to help those with a bit of familiarity with Perl learn to write CGI programs. The emphasis is on security and good coding practices. The author is a CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) contributor, runs Portland Perl Mongers, and is known in the Perl community as someone who takes the time to help others learn.
Installing PERL Scripts
posted byadmininIntroduction to Perl & CGI
This article serves as an introduction to installing and troubleshooting Perl scripts. There's no programming in this article, just a �down and dirty� on how to get it right.