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XML & Perl

Results 1-4 of 4
Create RSS channels from HTML news sites
posted bychrisinXML & Perl
This article shows how to turn any news site into a Remote Site Summary (RSS) web service using Perl. Using several modules from CPAN network, it shows how to: download the page, parse the HTML on the page, and encode the summary info in RSS.
(0 ratings)
XML and Perl: Embedding XML in HTML
This 6-page article explains what XML is, and what it can be used for. It also shows how to develop a Perl script to retrieve and display the contents of HTML embedded XML tags, and how to create a script that gathers news headlines from an XML file and creates an HTML news summary. Full source code for each script available for download.
(0 ratings)
Getting Started With XML-RPC in Perl, Part 1
Creating an XML-RPC Web service with Perl is almost as easy as CGI scripting. This article will bring you up to speed on what XML-RPC is and how to use Perl's Frontier::RPC library to create simple clients and servers. Included are samples of XML-RPC conversation diagrams and datatypes.
(0 ratings)
Simple XML Validation with Perl
This article explains how to validate the structure of your XML documents with Perl. It does so by combining the simplicity of Test.pm from the standard Perl distribution with the flexibility of XPath.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-4 of 4