Flash News Reader Components
Collection of commercial and free flash news reader components coded in actionscript.
Stylish XML News Reader - Black
posted byoxylusinNews Reader
This is a cool, stylish and easy to use news reader. It is XML driven, supports unlimited news and it's easy to set up and use. Graphics can be easily modified by editing the library items.
Among the key features :
- Unlimited number of news
- Everything is tweened for smooth and nice movement/appearance
- Easy to customize graphics
- Dual navigation, tabs and directional arrows
- XML driven, quick content changes
- Cool blur effect when news changes, nice animation of the tabs.
- Nice web 2.0 style date display with support for postmeridian/antemeridian clock.
...and many more
PriceUSD 10.00
Stylish XML News Reader - White
posted byoxylusinNews Reader
This is a cool, stylish and easy to use news reader. It is dynamic, XML driven, supports unlimited news and it's easy to set up and use. Graphics can be easily modified by editing the library items. PSD of the design is included !
Among the key features :
- Unlimited number of news
- Autoplay fuction with setable timer (and ability to disable)
- Everything is tweened for smooth and nice movement/appearance
- Easy to customize graphics
- XML driven, quick content changes
...and many more
PriceUSD 7.00
RSS Feed News Reader
posted byoxylusinNews Reader
This component displays RSS Feeds from any site.
Includes php file for loading rss from another domain.
Cutomize the graphics by editing the Library symbols. Easy create your own skins or create different animations.
Use it to display your own news by editing a XML file according to the RSS standard. Now you can have a news ticker for your site.
Write html image tags to your news description to display images.
PriceUSD 8.00
Advanced News Reader 01
posted byoxylusinNews Reader
This is a wonderful news reader which can be used embedded into another project ( drag and drop onto the stage, copy the library items and the source files ) or you can use it as it is.
You can customize from the xml the following variables:
- the big news field's width and height and the stroke size
- the image stroke size
- the html field width
- the news list items x position
- the news list width
- you can modify the up or bottom number of items to display
- the title
- the date
- the picture's address
- you can toggle on/off launching the url for the picture and for the button
- you can change the button's text
- you can change the url and target
Enjoy this new release from OXYLUS Flash.
PriceUSD 15.00
Advanced News Reader 02
posted byoxylusinNews Reader
This is a wonderful news reader which can be used embedded into another project ( drag and drop onto the stage, copy the library items and the source files ) or you can use it as it is. Includes Photoshop .psd design.
The following variables can be customized in the xml :
- the total width and height of the news box
- the total radius for the corners
- the first and second stroke size, the image stroke size
- the html field width
- the colors for the main background, the first and second stroke
- the scrolling text box width and height
- the mask's height for the scrolling box
- the button height and the vertical distance between buttons for the scrolling box
- button label for each news item (eg. Read More) and of course the url
Enjoy this new release from OXYLUS Flash.
PriceUSD 15.00
XML News Reader
posted byFlashCinNews Reader
Package includes: FLA
Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3
AS Version: ActionScript 2.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and above
Load news with thumbs from an external XML file and display them on your website.
You can use text, image and link for each item.
You can load how many items you want.
Users can drag, scroll and resize.
Very easy to use and to update.
All configuration is made via and external XML file.
PriceUSD 5.00
Dynamic XML News Reader
posted byflashcompinNews Reader
It can be easily customized by modifying certain variables .
Among the features:
- Unlimited number of news
- Change the tween type
- Well commented code
- Easy to customize
- XML driven , quick content changes
- Easy to customize graphics
- Autoplay function.
- Navigation function
PriceUSD 5.00
News Reader
posted byflashcompinNews Reader
This is an XML driven Flash file News reader, with a smooth mouse scroller.
Each news can have its text content, Header, an Image and link. this flash application is done with as1/as2, so it should be easy to modify.
PriceUSD 3.00
News Reader
posted byflashcompinNews Reader
This is an XML driven Flash file News reader, with a smooth mouse scroller.
Each news can have its text content, Header, an Image and link. this flash application is done with as1/as2, so it should be easy to modify.
PriceUSD 3.00
Gallery Flash RSS News reader
posted bypcostininNews Reader
Gallery FLASH RSS News Ticker is a new ticker applications for displaying RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, it is an application built in Macromedia Flash. These will read RSS 2.0-compliant XML feeds. RSS is an XML format used for syndicating news and similar content from online news sources.
Our product show on your site or on your desktop the latest news in real time. You can click on any feed item and go straight to the link! 100% of the Flash source code is included.
Only one News RSS feed will be parsed and dispaley on application, but you can change the address of RSS from a small cfg file or with a active server page PHP/ASP.
PriceUSD 10.00