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Results 781-800 of 1210
Snapshot Map Locator AS3 / XML
Show the locations of your SnapShots with this useful application which you can use with Yahoo! Maps. Made in AS3 with XML. Great for your office locations, real estate, educational purposes, your traveling pictures etc. The amount of snapshots and their info is loaded from an XML file: - location name; - image name; - address; - description (HTML); - x position snapshot; - y position snapshot; - rotation snapshot. Large image is draggable, has zoom-in/ zoom-out feature, rollover effect for snapshot info and "get map" button. Fla file is included, so you can make the application as big as you like. Try out the Interactive sample to see how easy it is to add the snapshots through XML.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
XML Banner Rotator 2 AS 3
XML Banner Rotator with slide effect. It can be also used as slideshow or gallery. Works with Flash CS3 / Flash CS4 and above / ActionScript 3.0 version. Key Features: * Easy to use XML file for images / titles / descriptions and links * Scroll Bar component and mouse Roll Over Scroll support * Multiple banners support, you can use SWFs and/or image files * AutoPlay / Previous / Next with timer and adjustable focus symbol * Highly customizable skins and HTML / CSS driven description * Set URL links when pressing individual banners in the XML file * Optionally set the XML file path in HTML using FlashVars * Center SWF in HTML activation option
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Simple Banner and Pictures Rotator
Description: XBR is a powerful and stylish rotator of images written in as3. * With XBR you can simply add images in assets folder, and write (cut and paste) few lines in a XML file to make rotator works. * No actionscript experience is needed * XBR in fact is drag ‘n droppable from one file to another without writing any code. Fla file contains XBR movieclip with its own class, so you can use it like a component with no main class to customize and rewrite. * The picture viewer has standard sizes of 880 x 300. But XBR is resizable so you can fit any size you need. * Every image can have its own caption stored in XML file. Caption text is CSS formatted from style.css file. * You can also stop Slideshow by pressing the pause button or setup XBR to star paused. * XBR comes with a stylish interface but you can modify it by work on assets in the library (for instructions on this, please follow the specifications in this help document).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Ultra Slim MP3 Player AS3 / XML
A cool stylish Ultra Slim MP3 Player with scrollable thumbnail playlist and live soundspectrum. The images and tracks are loaded from an XML file. The package contains: - 3 different color applications (blue/sliver/black); - This sample with all the tracks and images so you can use it straight away; - Draggable version for each color; - Fla files so you can change colors to best match your site (easy by adjusting the color transform filter); - HTML/ XML/ jscript. Please note that the images all have to be the same size (you could best get them all from one site, I used Amazon). Also, this MP3 player is for playing your own MP3 files that you have uploaded to your server.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Papervision3D PhotoGallery 1.0
You don't need knowledge of flash programming to work with this photo gallery. Logo and e-mail in footer can be changed via XML file. XML driven flash image / picture / photo gallery. Unlimited amount of images can be displayed. Images are in an external folder. You don't need to open source file to change image. Just use XML to add or delete images. Browse gallery using the thumbnail menu. Zoom effect is automatically produced according to the width or height of the image. Resizeable Web Photo Gallery. FullScreen Mode.
(0 ratings)
FREE Dynamic Video Gallery L 1.0
XML driven. Easy change all media contents from external XML file. Title (header) and e-mail in footer can be changed via XML file. You don't need to open source file to change header, footer and all video content. Just use XML to add or delete video. For each video you can specify the video title, description (HTML Formatting), video url and thumbnail(jpg, png). Unlimited amount of videos can be displayed. Supports the following formats: FLV and H.264 MP4 video (with latest Flash Player 10 installed). Auto resizes video maintaining aspect ratio and auto align in the screen/canvas/div. Plays both 4:3 and 16:9 video ratios. Full screen video mode supported.
(0 ratings)
Advanced Fullscreen Media Gallery 01
This is a fully dynamic, fullscreen (resizable) media gallery that supports both photos and video files (flv, mov or any other h.264 format etc.). Each photo can have a html formatted description which means you can use standard html tags to format the texts color, size, add links, make it bold or even add images in this description area. Check out the first 3 photos in the first album for a demo. It can contain a virtually unlimited number of albums (only limited by the text display space) and an unlimited number of photos/videos. It is easy to use and implement and it looks gorgeous ! Cool lightbox style large media display with next/previous arrows, title, description (optional) and close button.Scrollbar will appear in the thumbs listing page if thumbs won't fit. ...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Horizontal Image Accordion Menu
This file answers all your accordion needs ! Besides the regular accordion features, it has an auto-play setting that allows it to act like a slick ad banner rotator. The file is fully resizable, you just specify the height and width in the xml. You can also set how big you want the expanded area to be when an item is opened. You have tons of customization options on your fingertips, among which the image effects (blur/desaturate etc.), open/closed on mouseout, title's x position (normally centered but you can make them left or right alligned) and so many more. All Titles and Descriptions text are fully html formatable so you can change size, color, bold and even add links or images inside the items. You can use .swf animated files and large image files with the help of this files panning feature. This is definitly a must-have file, it can be used in so many ways ! ...and many more
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Realistic Flash AS3 Confetti Particle System
Flash actionscript 3 Confetti Particle System, with class. Free to download
(3 ratings)
XML Sliding Menu AS2
Hightly customizable XML driven sliding menu. KEY FEATURES: * XML configuration file easy to setup * Individual image URL support on mouse click * Dynamic image mirror & roll over image coloring * Scrolling speed adjustment & mouse wheel support * Optionally set the XML file path in HTML with FlashVars
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Easy Analog Clock
Just drag and drop, No code required! Easy Clock is a ready to use component for adding a clock to your flash project. It uses the pc time so you dont need to worry about time zones. Also its skinable (4 default skins avaible). To change the style open the parameters panel and change the style from the combo box.
(0 ratings)
Easy Tool Tip Component
Drag and Drop ToolTip component. FEATURES Free Drag and drop Useful to comment images, movieclips and areas of an image. Not intended to work over buttons USAGE Just Drag and Drop it over and image in your project and set parameters in the properties panel.
(0 ratings)
Digital Clock with Date support
A drag and drop digital clock for your flash projects. FEATURES Easy to use. Set the time format (12/24 hours) Change the pad color by editing the dgPanel_MC movie clip Open and commented source The font files are not included in the packaged file. This file is freeware.
(0 ratings)
XML Banner Rotator 1 AS3
XML Banner Rotator / slideshow / gallery for Flash CS3 / Flash CS4 and above / ActionScript 3.0 version. Key Features: * Easy to use XML file for images / titles / descriptions and links * Scroll Bar component and mouse Roll Over Scroll support * Multiple banners support using SWFs and/or image files * AutoPlay / Previous / Next with timer and adjustable focus symbol * Highly customizable skins and HTML / CSS driven description * Optionally set the XML file path in HTML with FlashVars * Individual banner URL support on mouse click * Center SWF in HTML activation option
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Tile Gallery
Easy to use and robust XML - Driven grid image gallery for your web site or flash projects. Features XML -Driven Multi gallery (Support any number of categories) Friendly navigation Loads images (gif, jpg, png) and Flash movies (swf) Set the any size of the images (thumbs and big images) Set the border width Set the easing velocity for the navigation Set to fullscreen or fixed size Smooth thumbnails menu movement Easy to configure Nice design and friendly interface Set the descriptions for each photo Tool tip (displays name of image) Set name and description for each category Navigate between zommed images with the arrow keys Ennumerate the images Toggle vertical or horizontal sorting and navigation Zoomed fade in effect when loads image
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Advanced Image Grid AS 3.0
The Advanced Image Grid application allows you to display image collections in a HTML/CSS formatted grid. KEY FEATURES: - image collections in HTML format (CSS + tables support) easy to edit using your favorite HTML editor; - use advanced features such as rowspan and colspan, advanced text rendering options, custom library fonts and external stylesheet files, custom colors and transparencies for borders and backgrounds, padding, spacing and much more; - is is based on highly customizable components that you can also use in other Flash projects; - includes browser window resize support, easy to adjust fading effects and each graphic element; YOU GET: HTML Table Renderer AS 3.0 component + Classic Scroll Bar AS 3.0 component (and two custom skinsets BONUS) + usage examples + Image Grid application! The Image Grid is an application for Flash CS3 and above / ActionScript 3.0.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 13.00
BANNER / SLIDESHOW with smooth text animation
Font can be Embed / None Embed and support HTML format, Option to bold the text for Embed font. Option to add multiple lines for each slide, Easy to position the text using align and spacing options. Option to choose four different type image transitions, with text animations. Option to set the text width for each side and left margin for each text. Using auto transition option the image can be automatically animate by four different transitions. Next, Previous and PlayPause button appear on RollOver the banner. Load JPEG, PNG, GIF and SWF file.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
HTML Video List AS 3.0 -v2
HTML/XML Video List AS 3.0 - version 2 including multiple categories, custom scrolling and autoPlay features ( Flash CS3 / CS4 and above / ActionScript 3.0 ). KEY FEATURES: * Multiple video list categories support via XML * AutoPlay / Previous / Next navigation buttons support for the video list with adjustable focus symbol * Custom HTML / CSS video list layouts support (list width/height, border color, border size, border transparency, background color, background transparency, cell spacing, cell padding etc) * External CSS file for for text formatting and links * Custom library fonts support for individual cell titles and text * Roll Over list scroll support and three modes Scroll Bar component support (scroll bar, buttons or full) * Easy to customize each video player and Scroll Bar component assets and other graphic symbols used in Flash * Full Screen mode and browser window resize support * Optionally set the main XML configuration file path in HTML with FlashVars
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Video Gallery AS 3.0
XML / HTML / CSS driven Video Gallery for Flash CS3, Flash CS4 and above / ActionScript 3.0 (AS 3.0) version. KEY FEATURES: - video playlists in HTML / CSS format easy to edit using your favourite HTML editor; - use advanced features such as rowspan and colspan, advanced text rendering, custom library fonts and colors and transparencies for borders and backgrounds; - FULL SCREEN mode for the video player and browser window resize support; - easy to customize each video player and scroll bar assets and other graphic symbols used in Flash;
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Bouncy Ball
Jump with the bouncy ball through the platforms and collect golden treasures to get to the next level. This demo offers three levels to play. In the beginning of each level you get a code which you can use later on to skip to it using the Load game feature. This game is a lot of fun so do not hesitate and try it now. Controls: the arrow keys
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 20.00
Results 781-800 of 1210