Fla Archives
Web 2.0 Glowing Badges
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
- No pngs,jpegs or gifs just ALL flash vector graphic design.
- So colorful, glowing and tempting just invites you to put your mouse over
- Easy to change glow color,its strength, alpha and blur
- Easy to change buttons colors, text, size
- Just drag and drop. All layers and symbols are given proper names for better understanding when require editing
Enjoy !
PriceUSD 4.00
Easy Image Gallery Vertical
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
By popular request, the vertical version of the Easy Image Gallery has been released, with a few improvements.
The gallery was designed to be used embedded in HTML or standalone. There can be an unlimited number of pictures. It is dynamic, XML driven and you can set the image title and description that will appear at the top/bottom, the address of the image and the address of the thumbnail. Unlimited description text because of smooth text scroller. Includes all sources (.fla, .as, .psd), help file (.rtf) and preview (.swf, .xml, .html, .jpg, .js).
The animations used were built on the scene and you can easily change either the loading animation or the image's animation.
You can change the colors/gradients/text fonts by editing the library items.
PriceUSD 10.00
Dynamic Gallery
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
This gallery component allows you to quickly change every aspect of the gallery, such as;
1. Number of Columns
2. Number of Pictures in Columns
3. Width of Each Picture
4. Height of Each Picture
5. Spacing Between Pictures
6. Pictures are all pulled from images folder by name therefore very easily change out with other pictures.
PriceUSD 3.00
XML Image Slideshow w/ Captions
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
XML Driven Slideshow with fading captions.
-Easy to customize colors and opacity of captions.
-Unlimited amount of pictures
-Random picture each time
-More information link at the bottom of captions (easy to modify)
-Documented Install Files
-Free Support
PriceUSD 7.50
Cover Flow
posted byyoflafactoryinFla Archives
Cover Flow flash script is a iTunes - or Mac like presentation of cd covers / photos / or any other images. The cover images and their description is defined in an external xml file. The cover script parameters (such as cover width, height, fade amount) are also defined in an external xml file and it is possible to use dynamic urls for the xml files definitions.
- cover flow parameters configurable using xml file - cover flow images and their description is defined in xml file - JavaScript function with custom parameter is called when a cover is clicked on
- scalable : use one swf for different movie sizes
- fast : AS3 version, performs fine with 200+ images (or even more)
- free and open source for non-commercial use!
BDGal - Free Flash XML Gallery
posted byrakimonmicinFla Archives
BDGal is a free Flash XML Gallery brought to you by badeziner.com
This is a very basic gallery.
You may use it in both commercial and personal projects.
Animated Smilies
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
Package includes: FLA
Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3
Viewable with: Flash Player 9 and above
15 Animated Smilies for your Flash projects.
PriceUSD 2.00
Animated Circular Menu
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
Package includes: FLA
Opens with: Flash CS3
AS Version: ActionScript 3.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 9 and above
A menu that takes an XML file as input and displays a circular menu.
PriceUSD 3.00
Date, Time and Sound Viewer
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
Package includes: FLA
Opens with: Flash 8
AS Version: ActionScript 2.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and above
Display current date and time in different colors.Just drag and drop one of those movie clips. Music ON/OFF. This movie clip loads an internal sound file.In this case this sound file is called "music".To change the name ,go to music movie clip,first frame,second line. Change the name between"". To change the sound you must import a file,after that go to library (CTRL+L),right click on the sound ,press linkage,rename the file and mark the first and the third box and then press OK .That's all!
PriceUSD 4.95
Rotator Banner
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
Posted by : designsflash on 04/24/2008 3854 pageviews, 22 purchases
Package includes: FLA,XML,JPG
Opens with: Flash 8
AS Version: ActionScript 2.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and above
3 dynamic XML Rotator Banners
Features included:
*can load swf files or static images via XML
*set a link for each picture
*set a title or a description for each picture
*this file has a random option(please see help.txt in order to know how to change any of these settings).
Includes : fla,swf,jpg,xml,html,txt.
Opens with Flash 8.
This file has only 6 KB !
PriceUSD 9.95
XML Menu Set
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
Package includes: FLA
Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3
AS Version: ActionScript 2.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and above
Six XML menu with different horizontal and vertical variations. Unlimited menu items can be add through XML file so you don't have to recompile the flash file again.
- Links labels, URLs and Target are set through extrnal XML file
- you can increase and reduce the buttons distance
- easy to change button layout
- menu is embed in the movie clip just drag and drop it on the stage from library
- cool rollover effect with sound
- help file is included
PriceUSD 8.00
3D Walker Gallery XML
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
Package includes: FLA
Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3
AS Version: ActionScript 2.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and above
Create photos, CDs, magazines, products, landscapes navigation with 3D Walker Gallery XML.
* XML configuration file easy to setup
* Left/Right buttons/keys camera rotation speed adjustment
* Up/Right buttons/keys movement speed adjustment
* Support for external URLs and browser window resize
NOTE: Optionally you can use LEFT / RIGHT keys (for left/right camera rotation) and UP / DOWN keys and mouseWheel for camera movement in the below example.
PriceUSD 5.00
Stock Flash Community | flashgarden
posted byseifipinFla Archives
The place to buy stock Flash assets ranging from preloaders to site templates for as low as 1 euro, sell your files, and enjoy a friendly community of fellow designers and developers.
Toggle Menu
posted byFlashCinFla Archives
Its an action script collapsible menu on user response with nice rollover and sound effect.First click expands it and the second click set it back to the initial position.
- each text is defined in separate symbol to make it easy to change
- help file included
PriceUSD 4.00
TS Flash Video Player
posted byjanicestevensoninFla Archives
TS Flash Video Player is a Flash video player for web sites. The sources are included and you can create your own interface in Flash or directly with HTML and Javascript, this makes this product highly customizable in features and look and feel. There are versions available to copy and paste directly into a web page and more visual versions packaged as Dreamweaver plugins (extensions). TSVideo has been implemented using the potential of Action Script 3.0 and the improvements that Adobe Flash CS3 introduced in the media support.
PriceUSD 29.99
3D Carousel
posted byscriptuser07inFla Archives
an beatiful image viewing programm. offer 100% actionscript 2.0 source code ( include .fla and .as files) support image inverted reflection in water effect images make cincture movement. dynamically loaded image files using an external XML . support inverted image base on as2.0 supprt flash 8 or latest flash version
PriceUSD 9.00
Imagescrollbar AS3
posted byscriptuser07inFla Archives
an beatiful image viewing programm. it is 100% Actionscript 3.0 programm . offer 100% Actionscript 3.0 source code ( include .fla and .as files) , you can edit it and customize it for your image gallery. smooth movements precise image inverted reflection in water effect quick loading support inverted image base on as3.0 dynamically loaded image files using an external XML . you can defind the url when user click image to open supprt flash 9 or latest flash version
PriceUSD 10.00
ScriptGoTo ImageTour
posted byscriptuser07inFla Archives
this is the beatiful image show programm. . it offer all source code ( include .fla and .as files) .support XML data. support inverted image base on as2.0 .supprt flash 8 or latest flash version .
PriceUSD 10.00
XML vertical tabbed menu with AS tweening
posted byYvoTinFla Archives
This tabbed menu is XML driven, with the following inputs:
* label: The main name of the tab, written in the larger font.
* sublabel: The smaller descriptive text underneath the main label of the tab, which of course is optional to use.
* link: The link to load an swf or url. Both situations are explained in the documentation.
The tweening of the tabs is done via AS only.
There are two versions as you can see in the example. One for the left and one for the right. This does not mean that it necessarily has to be placed at the left or right of the stage.
This is the vertical version of my previous tabbed menu.
PriceUSD 6.00
Multi Zoomer
posted byyoflafactoryinFla Archives
With Multi Zoomer you have a neat professional and skinable zoomer for not just one, but any number of images. The images are displayed as a scrollable filmstrip of thumbnails on the right side. Setup is simple - the images along with their thumbnails are specified in a config.xml file. UI buttons and mose pointers are stored in a separate folder as images and you can replace them easily.