Fla Archives
Dynamic XML MP3 Player
posted byJurgenCreativeinFla Archives
This dynamic mp3 player is very, very customizable. Take a look at the presets above or the feature list below:
Streaming Mp3 Player
Fully customizable (XML driven)
Add as many albums and tracks as you like
Choose what values to show in the playlist: add as many columns as you like (see preset 2 on demo page)
Choose to display album images (see preset 1 on demo page)
Playlist is optional (see preset 4 on demo page)
Compatible with all browsers
Well documented
To see a working example and a preview of the xml, visit the demo page.
PriceUSD 12.00
flash creative xml template
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
All content is updated and edited through XML files.
PSD files are included for the main background, welcome page image, about page image, and logo image for reference. The site will adjust to the size of your logo.
MP3 player with playlist.
Title, image, and welcome text is dynamically updated via XML .
image and text is dynamically updated via XML . You can use standard HTML tags to customize text.
Photos and titles are dynamically updated via XML.
Videos and titles are dynamically updated via XML.
Simple news section. You can use standard HTML tags to customize text.
PHP contact form. You can use standard HTML tags to customize information text
Load your own SWF file.
13 page help file describing folder structures, updating, and uploading instructions.
All actionscript files are contained in separate folders for easy access.
PriceUSD 25.00
slimline mp3 player with album cover preview
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
XML -Driven content:
All content is updated and edited through XML file.
Fully customizable:
You can change the colors of the text, symbols, highlights, and scrubber bar via XML .
Playlist location:
Playlist can expand from the top of the player or the bottom (option controlled via xml)
PriceUSD 8.00
dynamic multi flv player with playlist v2.0
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
- Will automatically position, size and space controls along the width of the player without distorting them. Just enter the height and width in the XML file and Flash will do the rest!!
- XML driven content.
- XML file commented for easy understanding.
- All colors are customizable (controlled in XML file).
- Location of video, width and height controlled through the XML file.
- Fullscreen capability.
- Information panel.
-Start playing videos automatically or display a play graphic that requires user to hit play button to start playing videos. (controlled via xml).
- Automatically play through the entire playlist or stop after the end of selected video. (controlled via xml).
- When player reaches the end of the last video in the playlist, the playlist scrollbar will automatically slide back to the beginning.
- Floating titles on rollover of thumbnails. (Title box will automatically expand to the length of the title you input).
PriceUSD 15.00
drag and drop dynamic single flv player
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
- Will automatically position, size and space controls along the width of the player without distorting them. Just enter the location, height and width in the XML file and Flash will do the rest!!
- XML file commented for easy understading.
- All colors are customizable (controlled in XML file).
- Location of video, width and height controlled through the XML file.
PriceUSD 8.00
dynamic multiple flv player - fully customizable
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
XML -Driven content
All content is updated and edited through XML files. You can customize all the colors of buttons, borders, background.
Visibility settings
Visibility settings are dynamically updated via XML .
Features include:
- option to auto-hide playlist.
- option to hide the video information bar.
- option to auto-hide the player controls.
Plays FLV ’s of all sizes
Videos and titles are dynamically updated via XML .
Features include:
- unlimited videos.
- multiple sizes.
- video titles.
PDF Help File
Help file describing customizing, updating, and uploading instructions.
External Actionscript Files
All actionscript files are contained in folder for easy access.
Please contact me through my Portfolio Page if you need direct support or any custom work done to this template.
PriceUSD 15.00
dynamic multi flv player with playlist
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
- Will automatically position, size and space controls along the width of the player without distorting them. Just enter the location, height and width in the XML file and Flash will do the rest!!
- XML file commented for easy understanding.
- All colors are customizable (controlled in XML file).
- Location of video, width and height controlled through the XML file.
PriceUSD 15.00
image viewer with retractable scrollbar
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
XML driven content
Actionscript variables controlled through XML file
Retractable scrollbar (auto scroller enabled when retracted)
Play/Pause button for auto-scroll
Optional information panel
Complete help file describing options
PriceUSD 10.00
Bubble Creator
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
Simple drag and drop bubble creator, All you have to do is add you own background and edit the settings to you liking. Works great for a full background or smaller images.
Set the amount of bubbles
Customize size and speed of bubbles
Customize magnification
PriceUSD 5.00
particle generator - fully customizable
posted byflashparagoninFla Archives
- Drag and Drop
- Customize speed, particle amount, scale and more….
- Actionscript and variables located inside the particle generator movie clip
- Actionscript and variables are commented for easy understanding
- Use any type of image format to create the particles.
PriceUSD 4.00
Advanced Flash XML HD FLV Video Gallery w/ snapshot
posted byMSFXinFla Archives
* XML Driven
* CSS Driven
* Tweener Driven
* Actionscript 3
This FLV Player is one of a kind: You list the features you want, in the order you want, with the icons you want!
* Fully XML Driven, never need to open Flash
* Plays unlimited number of FLVs (all video encoded using H.264)
* External CSS and HTML Formatting on all text
* Tweener driven for smooth transitions (defined in XML)
* Use PNG , JPG, GIF and even SWF for background tile and gradient
* Use PNG , JPG, GIF and even SWF for copyright logo and add a hyperlink to it
* Use PNG , JPG, GIF and even SWF for icons
* Video stroke resizes smoothly to any size and colour
* Advanced control features, Download, Snapshot, Fullscreen
* Volume stored using cookies
* Well documented code & 10 page help file
* Includes PSD for icons
PriceUSD 20.00
QT Accordition
posted bydyskoinFla Archives
QT Accordition is a sliding showcase developed with Flash & XML . You can use it as you wish: members listing, preview of features or just image viewer.
Key features:
Dynamically display GIF images, PNG images, JPG images and SWF files
Control the source path to each banner / image from the XML file
Control the source path with XML file.
Easy to define properties: width, height, effect, minimal width of slices…
Name the XML file whatever you want.
Download includes:
FLA file, XML file, detailed help file written in HTML and a complete set of sample materials.
PriceUSD 8.00
XML Driven Clock“s“
posted bybaklachinFla Archives
All This Settings are controled from XML , so you can creat unlimited varieties….
Just let Your fantasy do it for You.
Seconds hand Glow alpha
Seconds hand Glow Size
Seconds hand Glow Strangth
Minutes hand Glow alpha
Minutes hand Glow Size
Minutes hand Glow Strangth
Hours hand Glow alpha
Hours hand Glow Size
Hours hand Glow Strangth Minutes hand color
Minutes hand alpha
Minutes hand strok size
Minutes hand length
Hours hand color
Hours hand alpha
Hours hand strok size
Hours hand length
Seconds hand color
Seconds hand alpha
Seconds weidth
Seconds heigth
Middle Round object weidth
Middle Round object heigth
Middle Round object color
Middle Round object alpha
BackGround Rectangle weidth
BackGround Rectangle heigth
BackGround Rectangle color
BackGround Rectangle color Alpha/ Strangth
BackGround Rectangle Alpha/ main visibility
Clock Segments weidth
Clock Segments heigth
Clock Segments color
Clock Segments Alpha
PriceUSD 6.00
XML Driven Preloader
posted bybaklachinFla Archives
You can set Your own settings to
preloader x position
preloader y position
preloader length
preloader color
preloader path color
loading strok size
loading path strok size
loading bar alpha
loading bar path alpha
glow alpha
glow size
glow strength
text visibility
text color
text size
the url of loading object
It is simle but there are a lot of varieties You can have!!!!!
PriceUSD 2.00
Sliding-Poping Date and Time
posted bybaklachinFla Archives
All in one Movie Clip. So just Drag&Drop it into the stage or embed it to Your HTML Page.
You can easely change colors in flash.
You can change The ease Type and Animation time in scripts.
All animations made by actionscript no frame animation!!!!!
You can use it in Your site templates and so on…..
PriceUSD 5.00
Popping Preloader
posted bybaklachinFla Archives
All in one Movie Clip. So just Drag&Drop it into the stage
You can easely change colors in flash.
You can change The ease Type and Animation time in scripts.
Almost all animations made by actionscript no frame animation!!!!!
PriceUSD 2.00
Simple 5 Star Rating System
posted bybaklachinFla Archives
A simple 5 Star Ratin System component, for Your Web pages….!!!!!
All in one Movie Clip. So just Drag&Drop it into the stage or embed it to Your HTML Page.
You can easely change colors in flash.
It is using PHP so You need PHP server to get it working!!!!!!!!!
It doesn’t use Browser Cookies!!!!!!!!!!
PriceUSD 6.00
AS2 Keyboard Listener
posted byfabiendinFla Archives
This is a AS2 Keyboard Listener. All actionscript is inside a movie clip you just need to drag and drop onto stage. Change one variable to the word or phrase you want and change the onSuccess function to handle your needs.
It listens for keyboard keys and if the key sequence matches the keyword.
PriceUSD 5.00
AS2 News/RSS Ticker
posted byfabiendinFla Archives
Easy fully customizable RSS Ticker. Control size, color, animation speed, display time and more. Text is control via external stylesheet and can be loaded externally from a RSS feed or from a xml file.
PriceUSD 10.00
AS2/AS3 Full Screen BG
posted byfabiendinFla Archives
This is a simple drag and drop AS2 & AS3 Full Screen Background with lots of features. Background image can be scaled (true scaling – keeps the proportion) from 9 different points. (ie: “TOP_LEFT”, “MIDDLE”, “BOTTOM”...), and can fade in or simply appear.
The preloader can be aligned to the left, right, top or bottom, and it’s easy to change the color and size. If the preloader is on either the left or right it will automatically switch to be vertical rather than horizontal.
PriceUSD 6.00