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Flex & Air Applications

Results 41-60 of 173
Flex Blue Bar Preloader
Download includes: * Flex Project Example; * SWC File; * FLA File(Flash CS4); You can add your logo image in Flash CS4,and then export the movie clip "preloader" as a SWC file,then add this SWC file in your Flex Builder. Full Source Code Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flex Circle Preloader 2
Custom Adobe Flex Circle Preloader 2 to use in all your flex applications. Download includes: * Flex Project Example; * SWC File; * FLA File(Flash CS4); You can add your logo image in Flash CS4,and then export the movie clip "preloader" as a SWC file,then add this SWC file in your Flex Builder. Full Source Code Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flex Countdown Clock
You can use this component to display a countdown. First,set the Hour, Minute, Second. Then,it will count down the time in hours, minutes, and seconds. Full Source Code Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flex Circle Preloader
Custom Flex Circle Preloader, perfect for any of your Flex Projects. Download includes: * Flex Project Example; * SWC File; * FLA File(Flash CS4); You can add your logo image in Flash CS4,and then export the movie clip "preloader" as a SWC file,then add this SWC file in your Flex Builder. Full Source Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flex Glow Tween
Flex Glow Tween Effect This effect works on components like button canvas label datagrid vbox hbox image text list textinput HSlider VSlider ComboBox CheckBox tree This is a Simple Class to Implement into Your Projects. Full Source Code is Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Flex Auto Scroll DataGrid
Auto Scrolling DataGrid You can auto-scroll this Flex DataGrid control.when you focus in it,it stop scrolling,and when you roll your mouse out,it will continue. The Datagrid is XML Driven,so You can easily work with XML with this Component. Full Source Included.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Flex Transparent Image Flood Fill
Transparent Image Flood Fill Sometimes,we need to flood fill a transparent image with a specific color,you can use PhotoShop to do this,but we can also do this in ActionScript. Full Source Code Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Flex Writing Board
This is a flex application that extends Canvas,just like writing on paper,you can write on this canvas,you can also set the color and size,or clear the board. Full Source Code Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Flex Drag and Click Transparent Image
Draggable and Clickable Transparent Image This component has two attribute, clickable and draggable,when you want to use a transparent PNG, this component will be very useful. Full Source Code Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Image loading Progress Indicator
Image Loading with Progress Bar If you have an application that deals with a lot of decent sized images, you will really appreciate this component that shows a progress bar while loading images. It uses the Flex Progress Bar to display status so has a very small insignificant footprint in contributing to the overall size of your application. Usage is extremely simple and identical to the Image control syntax, except for threee additional properties that you can specify -progressBarHeight -progressBarWidth -progressBarLabel Usage:
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Zoom on Mouse Over
Zoom Control - Preview before you View The Zoom Control lets you detail any Flex display object without actually clicking on the object. Typical usage is to call the control’s zoom show event on mouse rollover so that users can get more details of the display object, without actually leaving the page. Features Zoom any content Precise Zoom window positioning with X-Y Offseting capability relative to the zoomed object Pleasing Zoom effects and filters on the ItemRenderer Extremely customizable Item Renderer Supports Arrow Tip pointer back to the component being zoomed Will work on tree and list controls as well. Can also be used as an alternative to the Tooltip as it is a lot more flexible, can support images, text and be styled very flexibly.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Dash Lines and Borders
Dashed Lines and Borders This component lets you border containers with dashed lines for a nice soft look and feel. Also provided are classes that extend HRule and VRule so that the look and feel can be completed with horizontal and vertical dashed lines where necessary. Supported containers - Canvas - HBox and HDividedBox - VBox and VDividedBox - List, Horizontal List - Tree Supported Controls - Horizontal Rule - Vertical Rule
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Flex Google Search
SearchIt - Search Google From Flex Component The SearchIt component uses the Google Search API to display the best search results from the web. Features -No server side code required. Will work on all backends. -Supports "Compact" space saver style and the "Full" style -Item renderers are customizable to match the look and feel of your website -Most look-n-feel customizations can be achieved in CSS alone -Can be used from your AIR application Included in this package -A Google look-and-feel search component -A Compact smaller size search component -A Dynamic auto size list for dynamic resizing -Help documentation on getting started -Flex ASDOC API/Classes help documentation
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.00
Flex DataGrid, Tree, List single click select controls
DataGrid, Tree and List with multi-select limits and Single click to select or deselect Multi-select with single clicks Flex controls like List, Tree, DataGrid with a settable maximum number of selections. The controls in this package that allow single click select/deselect and a max limit on number of selections are - List - Horizontal List - TileList - Tree - DataGrid - Advanced DataGrid
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Rich Text Editor with Max Line and Character Limits
The Managed Rich Text Editor extends the Flex Rich Text editor so use it just like the Flex RTE. It introduces two new properties that can be bound using MXML syntax or from Actionscript - maxChars: Limits the total number of characters - maxLines: Limits the total number of lines
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Flex Flip Book
Present your portfolios or display your images in style with the very versatile Flex Book. Whether you want to show an image gallery, display product photos with a book or brochure look and feel or just want to present an out-of-the-box user interface for conventional web tasks like filling forms, Flex Book can do the job for you. Flex Book has many display options and controls. The preview presents just some of them. Source is distributed under the MIT License.
(7 ratings)
Export Flex DataGrid to Excel
Export Flex DataGrid to Excel Export any Flex dataGrid to Excel with this convenient and easy to use component. Use your flex label functions in exporting column names. Provided server side scripts -PHP -Java -Cold Fusion Very easy to develop other server side scripts for .NET and Ruby as well. All you need is an echo servlet/echo utility.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Drag and Drop Tile List
Drag and Drop TileList Component Use the Drag-drop TileList as a lightbox to arrange favorite images or display objects. Or use it as a detailed display of a list. A very versatile component that can be used in many different ways. Very pleasing effects. Try out the preview. This is a Free Download for all registered members copyrighted under the MIT license by Adobe
(0 ratings)
Inplace Editing Flex Controls
Still adding the same UI logic for both "edit" screen and "view" screen? The In Place editing (IPE) UI Controls not only minimize unnecessary duplication of view and edit code but also save screen space by resuming the view space for edit operations. controls can be edited with a single mouse click. Changed values can be committed with enter button or on blur out. Types of controls supported for in place editing are - Text input - Date Field - Text Area - Combo Box - Slider - Numeric Stepper Mass edits are also possible by making every control editable with a single button click and committing changed values with a button click.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
3D Rotating Tag Cloud
Display your most pouplar tags in style with the right weight for each tag using this 3D component that saves valuable space without compromising functionality. Full Flex source included. Usable from Flash and HTML. 3 precompiled SWF's are included for immediate use from HTML or Flash - Red, Green and Blue color schemes against a black background as displayed in the preview. Changing style and background for all other color schemes is very simple using the included source.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Results 41-60 of 173