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Flex & Air Applications

Results 101-120 of 173
audio portal 02
Audio Portal 02 is a flex application which can be used to deploy online your music or podcasts. It is fully skinnable (using flex css) and customizable. It can be easily deployed without having any flex knowledge, by simply changing the xml data and logo images. Additional skins will be added as time goes by.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Flex Simple RollOver Effects
This is simple and creative effects to rollover the images.There are different way to display the images when the mouse is rollover and rollout,some of them are, Brightness effects,flash effect, colour changes effect, blur, image with border, left-right effect and more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Flex Number of Visitors Component
this is useful for all websites to display the hit counter.This component fully coded as php, just get the value and put into the flex using httpservice.If the code is not working properly please check the httpservice url,make sure enter the correct url.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Flex Image Magnifier Component
Image Magnifier component helps to zoom in high resolution pictures in photo galleries, slideshows, shops etc. Component loads big image only one time and duplicate bitmap data, support any image resolutions implementation: shape="{MagnifierShape.CIRCLE}" width="400" height="300"/>
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
application preloader 02
This is an alternative preloader that can be added to a flex application instead of the default halo one. It can be easily skinned (size, colors and filters) with a property class.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
application preloader 01
This is an alternative preloader that can be added to a flex application instead of the default halo one. It can be easily skinned (size, colors and filters) with a property class.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
search input component
This component allows you to add a skinned search input text in your applications. Input change events are dispatched so you can implement your own searching methods. Border and text input can be easily skinned with a flex css stylesheet (see preview for some examples).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flex Image Masking
Image Mask Effect in Flex. Simply shows 50% of the image,and when clicked it shows the full Image. Very Basic way of learning how Flex "Image Masking Works".
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1.00
date icon component
This is a simple component that can be added to an application showing the current date (or a selected date of your choice). It is easily skinnable using flex css styles.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.00
collapsible contact form component
This is a fully skinnable component (with flex css styles) that can be used to add a contact form in your applications. The component is completely abstract, so you can write your server-side logic (included in the purchased package is a php example). Included in the package is also a simple contact form that you can use without the collapsing functionality.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
feed reader panel component
This is a collapsible panel component that parses a feed (rss or atom) and shows entries as a slideshow. Clicking on the header will open it revealing the feed text. An external link to the news page is also provided. It is easily skinnable (see preview examples) with flex css styles.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
contact form component
This is a component fully skinnable (with flex css styles) that can be used to add a contact form in your applications. The component is completely abstract, so you can write your server-side logic (included in the purchased package is a php example).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
feed reader button component
This is an extension to the regular flex Button component that parses a feed (rss or atom) and shows entries as a slideshow. Rolling over the button will make the slideshow pause, while clicking on it will link to the news page. It can be easily skinned (see preview examples) with flex css styles.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Flex XML Image Gallery
A Professional Flex XML Image Gallery. What more to Say? This Gallery can handle Unlimited Images Via XML. You can switch the images selection panel from Top,Right,Left,and Bottom.You can also change the Background Image Via XML. FlexXMLGallery created using Mate framework with following scheme: http://mate.asfusion.com/assets/content/diagrams/model_adapter.png For motions was used tweening and animation library from Grant Skinner – GTween
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Flex Twitter Pod Component
Flex Twitter Component,Made with Flex Builder 3. You can change the twitter user with flashvars ,eg:?twitterUser=nxdm. This is a Very useful app ,You can easy add to Your Flex Projects,or Use as a Standalone Component. This uses the http://code.google.com/p/jwopitz-lib/ for The Panel "Title Bar" Button,Label,and Image. This also uses ,and includes a simple php proxy,due to twitters cross domain policy. You can easily take the Current Skin out,and use Your very own skin. All in all This is Just a simple Flex Twitter Component.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flex Multi Twitters
Professional Multi Twitter Flex Application for Your projects, This can simply be used as a Standalone App,for say a "Myspace Page",or a Website,or can be used as a compliment to Your Flex Based Website,or Air Application. Pretty simple to adjust the number of tweets displayed,and how many twitter users displayed. Can be used to show a Single Tweet,or Multi Tweets. Can be used to show a single user or Multi Users. This comes with a simple PHP Proxy for Cross Domain issues.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Flex Gallery
Flex Gallery loading categories names, images urls and descriptions from xml In xml also possible to set up styles of category menu, subcategory menu, category menu item, subcategory menu item and description. Completely XML Driven Categories & Subcategories Via XML Change Heights Via XML Change Colors Via XML Change "Alphas" Via XML Change Horizontal Gaps Via XML in sources you will find readme.txt with description of xml data structure
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Google Authentication and Gmail Contact Import
This application can authenticate your google account and import all your gmail contact to flex. The authentication is fully secured and fast. The application also has the ability to export the contact to a csv file. The code is fully Object Orientated and can be easily use is any project. The package comes with 3 classed and 2 interfaces and can be quickly plugged to your current project. You can download the demo air app to check the working. Note : In the demo or anywhere in the application we are not storing user credentials. So, feel safe to try the demo. You can use this demo account to test the demo. [email protected] / password000
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
World 3D Bridge
World 3D Bridge is a component that helps you add 3D objects in your projects with just a few lines of code, it has the Papervision 3D and Tweener engine build in, allowing you to make a 3d object out of any Image, Sprite and MovieClip.
(0 ratings)
Flex RSS Reader
RSS Reader created based on Mate framework With this component you can load any rss feed I used as3syndicationlib to parse rss feeds (http://code.google.com/p/as3syndicationlib/) and php proxy to avoid crossdomain policy restrictions you can find php proxy sorces in 'proxy' folder inside component sources
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Results 101-120 of 173