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Results 341-360 of 528
Gallery by Albert
posted byg8zinSoftware
Category images are fully configurable using external JPG files. Please note that these must be non-progressive JPGs. Category tooltips are fully configurable... change tooltip text, color, alpha transparency, text color, and enable or disable the tooltips from the convenience of an externally-stored XML file. Configure the path of all folders - i.e., folders storing gallery images, category images, and sound MP3 files. All images and categories can be quickly reordered simply by editing the XML configuration file. You can easily add more images, remove images, and change image captions with the convenience of a text editor. Textpad is the recommended text editor: www.textpad.com The information pages - i.e., those links along the bottom and the text associated with them - are fully configurable via the external XML file. There is no limit to the number of links that you can add along the bottom of the gallery. This allows your gallery to be used as the entire website, if you wish. Sounds are all externally configurable, and can be easily enabled or disabled. All sound files are stored as MP3 files apart from the primary SWF, and loaded at run-time. Multiple text options allow you to change any aspect of the text, including font size, color, and alignment. You can also change the background fill colors. An important feature of this gallery is that TWO sets of thumbnails are required for each image: a black and white thumbnail, and a color thumbnail. The paths to these thumbnails are specified in the XML file. Multiple different transition effects are possible, including Fade, Blinds, Wipe, Photo, Zoom, Squeeze, and PixelDissolve. There are also a dozen different easing options for each transition effect. All MP3 files are stored externally for easy changing - you don't even have to know any Flash to do this! Please note that MP3 files should be 64kbps encoded (standard).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byg8zinSoftware
Image names and captions, and category ("group") names, are easily configurable using an external XML file, which can be edited using any good text editor, like Textpad (www.textpad.com). Over a dozen XML configuration options are available in the external XML configuration file. Background JPG image is loaded externally, so it can be modified or changed easily. This image must be a non-progressive JPG image. Includes 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. (Flash 7) source code, including the .fla file and all .as files. All sounds are external MP3 files, loaded at run-time into the gallery, which means that you can easily replace them with your own MP3s. All images are external, non-progressive JPG images, one folder per category (note: the XML configuration must match the folder hierarchy). Sleek thumbnail viewer and category changer was custom-designed by Flash guru Michael Klishin. Rollover effects are present for thumbnails and arrow scrollers.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Gallery by Dali
posted byg8zinSoftware
Powerful and feature-rich interface includes options for automatic vertical and horizontal image panning, as well as an option to view more information about any image, and auto-loop through any set of images. Image gallery settings are loaded externally, from an XML configuration file. Options exist for setting thumbnail width and height display (number of images to show vertically and horizontally), whether or not to allow HTML popups, image delays, and (NEW!) watermarks! Now, instead of manually adding your watermark to every image, you can set the watermark in the XML file, and Flash will add the watermark text to every image. Over 3 dozen XML configuration options are available for this gallery, including options to change the background music MP3 file, gallery title, the default (first) picture to display upon gallery loading, and much more! Every sound in the gallery is fully configurable through external MP3 files (must be 64 Kbps encoded). All menu options are fully configurable - and yes, you can remove the "About" popup window via this XML file (this is not recommended, though). Easily change the order of the menu items simply by re-ordering the XML tags. Images and image categories can be set via the external XML configuration file. Please note that the XML settings must match the files names and folder names on the server, and that on Unix and Linux servers, this is case-sensitive! Only non-progressive JPG images are allowed. With some Flash 2004 Pro. knowledge, you can add additional gallery skins. This is a very advanced feature, and is not recommended for everyone, but you *can* do it. Set the default volumne and tint values through the external XML file, too. Advanced image options available in the "image options" menu. These options can be fully configured via the external XML file (re-ordered or disabled). Nearly every interface color is configurable through the XML configuration file. In short, it's easily to make the gallery match your website's color scheme. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code (.fla and .as files) included upon purchase. Thus, even if you can't do something via the XML configuration file, you can certainly do it by editing the Flash files, provided that you own the Flash 7 authoring environment. Zoom controls allow you to zoom in or out, and reset the zoom to 100%. These options can be hidden via the XML configuration file. Advanced sound options include: multiple background MP3 tracks, ability to change the volume of the interface sounds or the background music (or both), ability to adjust the speech volume in the case of presentations, and skip / pause / fast-forward / rewind speeh tracks. Instantly preview any image simply by rolling-over the image number at the bottom of the screen. The full image can then be loaded by actually clicking on the number.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Gallery by Andrei
posted byg8zinSoftware
Infinitely many categories can be added to the gallery. New categories are automatically added to the left-side column. If more categories are added than can be viewed, a scroller (the small up and down arrows) are automatically added. Categories and images are added using an XML configuration file, which can be edited using any standard text editor, like Textpad (www.textpad.com). Images are loaded externally, from non-progressive JPG files. Please note that the files must be saved as non-progressive JPGs. Infinitely many images per category are possible. Images are automatically arrayed in the right-side panel. If more images are added than can be fit in the viewable area, top and bottom scrollers (the little up aand down arrows) are added automatically. All gallery sounds are stored as external MP3 files. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. (Flash 7) source code is included with your purchase. If you can't find an XML configuration for what you need, then it's likely that you'll be able to do it yourself by directly editing the Flash source code (assuming knowledge of Flash programming). Over a dozen configuration options are available in the external XML configuration file. Please note that not all of these options are available for this gallery, but many are. More options are added for each release.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Wedding Gallery
posted byg8zinSoftware
Add new categories and images quickly and easily by editing the XML configuration file. Any good text editor, like Textpad (www.textpad.com) can be used for this purpose. You may also use so-called bbcode, like [b], [i], and [u], to add bold, italic, and underline effects to your text. All gallery sounds are stored in external MP3 files, so they can be easily changed without having to edit the Flash source at all. Over a dozen options are included in the XML configuration file. Not all options in this file are supported by this gallery, but quite a few are. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code (.fla files and .as files) are included upon purchase. If you can't something with the XML configuration file, then you can certainly do it by directly editing the Flash source, assuming knowledge of Flash programming. All images are external JPGs, which are loaded into the gallery at run-time. Please note that these must be non-progresive JPG images. Infinitely many categories, and infinitely many images per category, are possible. Scrollbars are automatically added in the event that there are more categories and/or images for the viewable area.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Gallery by Shan
posted byg8zinSoftware
Any image can link to an HTML popup window. This feature can be disabled in the XML configuration file. Popups are auto-centered on the user's screen. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code is included upon purchase, including the .fla file and all Actionscript 2.0 class files. All options are externally configurable in an XML file, which can be easily edited using any standard text editor, like Windows Notepad or TextPad. Many interface elements can be edited using the XML preferences file, including several tooltip options and popup window options. view Interface text is editable in the XML file, as well as font sizes and colors. Multiple transition effects are possible by simply changing an option in the XML file. Transition effects include "Blinds", "Fade", "Wipe", "Photo", "Zoom", "Squeeze", and "Pixel Dissolve". All sounds are externally configurable in an XML file, using MP3s. Images and image categories are fully configurable in the XML file. Infinitely-many images are possible in each category, and infinitely-many categories are possible. Category list automatically scrolls when many categories are added. Thus, there is no limit to the number of categories that can be added to the gallery.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Gallery by BrightIdea
posted byg8zinSoftware
A sleek, book-style interface design make this gallery unqiue. Categories and images are arrayed vertically, and infinitely many categories and images are possible. Categories and images can be added, removed, and re-organized easily by editing an external XML configuration file. Textpad (www.textpad.com) or other common text editors can be used to edit the XML file. Bold, italic, and underline can be used with [b], [i], and [u] tags in the XML file. All sounds are externally loaded from MP3 files, so you can change them easily. All images are loaded into the SWF as external JPGs. These must be non-progressive JPG images. External XML configuration file allows you to quickly modify the gallery settings without requiring knowledge of Flash. The XML file is editable using most text editors, like Textpad (www.textpad.com). 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code is included with your purchase, including all .fla and .as files. If you can't find an XML configuration setting to do what you need, you may be able to make the necessary modification by editing the Flash source directly.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Fast Gallery
posted byg8zinSoftware
Over a dozen options are available for the gallery, located in an external XML configuration file. This file is editable using any standard text editor like Windows Notepad or Textpad. Both color, text, and layout configuration options are available. 4 different layouts are available: 1, 2, 3, and 4 (the "layout" parameter). Images for the gallery can be specified via the external XML file. The thumbnail path using the "thumb" parameter, and the caption text using the "captiontext" tag. Any image can also be linked to a popup window, which can either be an external URL (http:// location) or an image, as it is in the demo. "Print" image option is available. When clicked, the operating system's print window is automatically opened. This option can be disabled in the XML. Auto-scroll for thumbnails is available through 2 of the 4 available layouts. The auto-scroll can be placed either on the right or on the left side of the gallery layout. Any image can be linked to an external po
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byg8zinSoftware
Advanced installation wizard checks your server environment to ensure that FlashCard can be used, and notifies you of any conflicts or errors. During installation, you can choose how users should access FlashCard: either directly without requiring registration, or by registering their login before use. In addition, you can choose from two available skins, multiple different languages, and several other options. Additional language support can be added easily by adding more XML file translations. Fully configurable preloader, without any programming. Just set a few XML options in the configuration XML file (which you can do with any standard text editor). Option to require users to register a login before creating a card. This allows many different people to use the same FlashCard system, all keeping their created cards separate. Option to use SMTP e-mail to send cards. You must have access to an SMTP server, of course. This option is set during installation. All text strings within FlashCard are fully configurable via an external "strings.xml" file. There is no need to edit any Flash files to change the interface text. The XML files can be edited using any standard text editor, like Notepad or Textpad. E-mail template is fully configurable via an HTML template file. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code is included, with all .fla, .as, and project files. Thus, if you can't find a way to do it in the XML configuration files, you can also try direct editing of the Flash source code (requires the Flash 2004 Pro. authoring environment).
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flash to Video Encoder PRO
posted bygeovidinSoftware
Convert Flash (*.swf) Movies to Video AVI ASF WMV MPEG DVD files. Flash To Video Encoder allows you to convert any Macromedia Flash swf files to video movie AVI or mp4 or ASF/WMV file. Burn directly to DVD. Add watermarks, logos and copiright messages to video file. The converting process allowing human interaction on Flash content during conversion.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
SWF Live Preview
posted byinfoinSoftware
This software is aimed to help you preview Flash movie files using standard Windows Explorer. Once SWF Live Preview is installed you can scan directories and subdirectories for flash files, create and preview thumbnails for SWF files and fetch information such as Flash version, number of frames, shapes, find if file is compressed or not, etc. You can even choose yourself from which frame to create thumbnail as well as set size of preview.
(1 ratings)
Userplane FREE Audio/Video Chat
Full audio/video flash-based chat application is now as easy as copy and paste! Register for free today and have a completely free chat room on any site that has all the capabilities of our fully integrated version minus the integration! Come check it out today!
(59 ratings)
Flash Audio Kit extension for Dreamweaver
posted bynrohlerinSoftware
The Flash Audio Kit allows you to quickly add universally-compatible audio to your website. Macromedia Flash is not required - in minutes you can have audio with Jukebox functionality, all from Dreamweaver MX or MX 2004. The player is amazingly customizable, from a hidden background audio player, to audio with custom control buttons. Here are a few of the many features: * Amazingly easy to use - you can have audio on your site in 5 minutes * No server-side requirements * Jukebox Wizard, which allows you to add playlist functionality * Due to progressive download, audio will play as it downloads, and the user won't have to wait * Universal compatibility due to Flash-based display - Current penetration is over 90% * Audio URL can be encrypted, to prevent any audio theft * Player is only 38KB download once for entire site! * The layout & all user-interface elements are completely customizable * Built-in Audio Converter (Windows only) allows you to easily convert your audio into MP3 format * Easy to use Editing Wizard allows you to instantly make changes * Support for completely custom control buttons * Layout can be customized to be a hidden background player, or a full featured audio player * Much, Much More! If you want to add audio to your website, the Flash Audio Kit is the easiest way to do so. Note: The Audio Converter is only compatible with Windows
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Simple Sample V3
posted bygosteninSoftware
Simple Sample is an easy to setup, dynamic .mp3 driven inferface designed in Flash for Web and Local Playback of on-demand Audio Samples allowing users to add and modify tracks WITHOUT needing to use of the Flash Professional 2004� Application. Features
(0 ratings)
Datagrid Extensions
Features: Selectively change the background color of any cell. Multi-line editing, with Word Wrapping. This is probably the most sought-after feature of the Flash datagrid, and which is sorely missing from Macromedia's Datagrid distribution. Merge headers, change the background color of any given header, and apply HTML formatting to the cell header text, like italic and bold. Format all data in a given column. For example, apply $ and ".00" formatting to price values in a column. When clicked, the "true" value of the cell is displayed. Nearly any format mask can be used. Add powerful stylesheet support via external CSS files. This allows even more flexibility to the cell formatting than can be used with the limited HTML support that comes built-in to the datagrid. The DataGrid Extensions download comes with Flash 6 AND Flash 7 versions. Some features, like CSS support, are only available in the Flash 7 version. Add powerful event handling to any cell. For example, when clicked, the cell data can be passed to an Actionscript function of your choice. An advanced API is included for your reference (for Flash 7 extensions). The Flash 6 version comes with a text file that lists all available functions. Add horizontal scrolling to your datagrid. Convenient MXP installer is provided (for Flash 7 version only), as well as .fla examples. 100% of the Flash source code is included (Actionscript source files). Thus, if you need to do something which isn't built-in to the datagrid extensions, you may be able to add it yourself, provided that you have a strong knowledge of Actionscript. Add HTML to any cell by setting the "htmlDrawing" property.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Gallery by H7
Features All sounds are fully configurable using an external XML file, which can be edited using any standard text editor, like Windows Notepad or Textpad. All image descriptions, paths, and category names and images, are fully configurable in the XML configuration file. All gallery text is fully configurable, for example the top gallery title, and the category text. You can even use so-called "bb-code" like [b] and [i] to insert italic and bold effects. 3 possible image transitions are available: horizontal wipe, vertical wipe, or both horizontal and vertical wipes. The demo shows both horizontal and vertical wipes enabled ("B" setting in the XML configuration). Tooltip effects are available (but can be disabled easily in the XML configuration file). Image popup feature allows you to link any image to a popup window (an external HTML file, which comes with the gallery code). Thumbnail and image folders can be specified in the XML file. It's also possible to use the same folder for both, if you don't feel like creating a bunch of separate thumbnails. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code is included with your purchase. Thus, if you can't find an XML option to do what you need, you can always just directly modify the Flash code, provided that you have the Flash 7 authorinig environment. Infinitely many categories are possible, and infinitely many images per category.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Fast Gallery
Features Over a dozen options are available for the gallery, located in an external XML configuration file. This file is editable using any standard text editor like Windows Notepad or Textpad. Both color, text, and layout configuration options are available. 4 different layouts are available: 1, 2, 3, and 4 (the "layout" parameter). Images for the gallery can be specified via the external XML file. The thumbnail path using the "thumb" parameter, and the caption text using the "captiontext" tag. Any image can also be linked to a popup window, which can either be an external URL (http:// location) or an image, as it is in the demo. "Print" image option is available. When clicked, the operating system's print window is automatically opened. This option can be disabled in the XML. Auto-scroll for thumbnails is available through 2 of the 4 available layouts. The auto-scroll can be placed either on the right or on the left side of the gallery layout. Any image can be linked to an external popup window by specifying a path in the "imageurl" tag, in the XML configuration file. 100% of the Flash source code is included upon purchase (the Flash 2004 Pro. file, as well as the ActionScript 2.0 classes). Thus, if the option isn't available in the XML configuration file, then you can always directly edit the Flash code. Basic operation of the gallery involves three files: an HTML file, a SWF file, and an XML configuration file. The idea is that the SWF loads the XML configuration file upon startup, to determine the layout and settings for the gallery. As you can see, the SWF is very light (only about 14 KB). Fast Gallery is truly one of the fastest and most poweful image galleries on the market.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Ticker Applets
Features Ticker links are easily configurable using an external XML file. There is no limit to the number of links that you can add! Each ticker applet has several configuration options available, like color and font properties. These can be changed quite easily with any good text editor, like Textpad (www.textpad.com). All tickers come with a DTD file to validate your XML (can be used with most XML editors, like the very popular XML spy). All applets include 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code, so that even if the configuration option that you need is not available in the XML file, you can always directly edit the Flash source code. All ticker SWF files are very small and fast, in some cases under 5 KB!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
posted bysvevidinSoftware
Gaupe is free, extensible solution for development of web applications with a rich, Flash based, dynamically generated interface, using only a text editor, and without installing anything on the server. You can think of Gaupe as a way to dynamically generate Flash applications from XML markup, but without installing any server side programs. Gaupe is completely client side. It can be combined with any server side technology to create powerful web applications.
(3 ratings)
Frunder Showcase � Showcase Images online. Flash Image Gallery.
Showcase your products and company image online with Frunder Flash Showcase. Edited simply via XML or by using the free online Frunder Flash Showcase wizard. Frunder Showcase is a tool for web developers who wish to promote and display information in an intuitive and professional manner. The software is edited via XML so that Macromedia Flash is not needed to run or edit this software. The navigation is simple, intuitive, and magnetic. A product by web developers for web developers. Frunder Showcase exists to make your product presentation more professional while taking up less website space.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Results 341-360 of 528