Asset Manager – CMS and File Editor
Folder Structure, Uploading/Downloading, File Renaming, File Deletion, File Creation, File Preview, File/Code Editing, Syntax Coloring, Identifyable File Icons, File Type Restrictions, Fully Secure
PriceUSD 35.00
Moyea Flash Video MX Pro
Moyea Flash Video MX Pro, one of the best flash video encoder software, that could easily convert video to Flash, FLV encoded by Flash 8 with alpha, AVC/H.264, Flash 8, and Sorenson Spark video codecs, together with dynamic video compression and audio settings! With a brand-new UI, the latest version 5.0 offers you more gorgeous Flash Player skins, more dazzling video effects and more functions (subtitle adding, Cue Point, etc.), in addition to the preserved functions from the previous version like video trimming, cropping, watermarking, and audio replacement, batch conversion, etc. With these enhanced functions, this program is to be the best and the must choice for worldwide users.
PriceUSD 89.00
SWF.max Flash Tools
Play Flash Movies and Videos. Play Full Screen or in windowed mode with controls automatically hidden. Generate JPEG thumbnails for all Flash movies in a folder. Set image size, quality, background color and a range of frames to pick a shot from. Export meta information (frame size, duration, file size, frame rate or description) to XML file. Launch any program when finished. Automate actions using command line. Extract JPEG images and MP3 sounds
PriceUSD 19.95
Professional Flash Maker
Sothink SWF Quicker is the leading Flash Editor and Flash Maker. With this Flash Software, you can create stunning Flash effortlessly by editing SWF (Flash CS4 & AS 3.0 supported) directly or adopting rich built-in effects. You can also make Flash from scratch with the same vector editing capability as Adobe Flash but spend less. Diverse export formats (SWF, EXE, GIF, AVI, and Flash Lite) will enable you to apply the Flash everywhere you need.
PriceUSD 84.95
Moyea Web Player Pro 1.7
Moyea Web Player Pro is a professional tool to generate flash video player for website, the flash video player is an easy and convenient way to add single or multiple video in any formats to any websites, including video share sites, company websites, your blog, Myspace, forum,etc. In addition, it enables you to add as many advertisements (Ads) as you like into any video at any point-in-time, regardless of the number and kind of the Ads.
PriceUSD 99.95
SWF Protector for Linux
SWF Protector is designed to securely protect SWF files, now also for files with ActionScript3.
SWF Protector applies several exclusive protection methods to make SWF files inaccessible for SWF decompilers. Encrypt your AS with SWF Protector to be sure your developments and outstanding ideas are safe from stealing.
PriceUSD 39.95
Adore Flash Galleries
Eye-Catching Galleries
Whether you're looking for the clean, traditional elegance of a slideshow or the entertaining interaction a 3D Cube provides, Adore offers a range of galleries that your website visitors are sure to notice.
Film Strip
3D Cube
Rollover 4x5
iScroll Flow
Mirrored Floor
HIT's Adore Flash Gallery combines the impressive effects of flash programming, the fun of interactive features, and the class of artistic design. Nothing says quality quite like the Adore gallery.
PriceUSD 199.00
Sothink SWFEasy+Encoder Suite
A Flash animation software for both novice and intermediate users. Want to create attention-grabbing ad banner, well text animation, eye catching Flash album and greeting card? Now you can leave all design issues to us and concentrate exclusively on how to convey your message. With more than 1000 well-designed resources, 60 animation effects, 30 templates and flexible ActionScript, it is the fastest and easiest way to create Flash presentation.
PriceUSD 69.99
Sothink SWF Decompiler for Mac
Leading Mac Flash decompiler and Flash to html5 converter. Converts SWF to FLA or FLEX. Easily extracts Flash resources like shape, image, sound (mp3, wav), video (flv), text, sprite, ActionScript, etc; Replaces image/shape/text/sound for SWF; Supports Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 and ActionScript 2.0/3.0; Able to get XFL file from Flash CS5 SWF; Globally searches all ActionScript; Exports SWF resources in batch; One-click online Flash capture and download.
PriceUSD 79.99
Christmas Flash E-Card Maker
SWF Quicker is a versatile Christmas Flash e-card maker and editor, providing a group of tools for you to create vector graphics and texts in the way of WYSIWYG, which also supports the syntax of ActionScript 2.0. A large amount of built-in animated effects can also be applied to any elements. The Quick-start Wizard of Flash Album, Banner, Navigation Button and Slide Show templates can guide you to easily create professional Christmas Flash arts.
PriceUSD 84.95
Sothink Quicker for Silverlight
Quicker for Silverlight remains the method of Flash creating, such as timeline, library, drawing tools, so it is the best option for Silverlight animation design featured with advanced function, low cost and easy to master. It can be used to accomplish Silverlight Animations, convert Flash SWF into Microsoft Silverlight by importing Flash SWF files and its elements, create applications, etc. It supports Microsoft Silverlight version 2.0.
Mac FLV Player For Free
As a smart Flash video player, Sothink Free FLV Player for Mac is totally free and excellent. It can easily play all video files with an FLV extension (*.flv), including those Flash videos encoded by Screen Video, Sorenson H. 263 and H.264, on2 vp6, etc. This FLV player is so easy that users just need to double click FLV file or drag and drop the FLV file to the playlist, and then it is ready to be played.
Easy Flash Maker
Also known as GIF Animator, Sothink SWF Easy makes Flash animation easily and quickly. It creates Flash Banner, Flash Button, Flash Album, Text Animation and Flash Presentation with various Flash templates, resources and effects. This Flash maker also supports ActionScript and UI components. It can import external resources, simply decompile SWF and export Flash as GIF, AVI and SWF. It is really an easy-to-use and powerful Flash animation maker.
PriceUSD 49.95
Sothink SWF Decompiler fuer Mac
Sothink SWF Decompiler fuer Mac kann SWF in FLA konvertieren, und Elementen von SWF in verschiedenen Formaten extrahieren. Die Exportierung von Multi-Datei (SWF oder EXE Datei) wird auch unterstuetzt. Es unterstuetzt Flash CS3 (9.0) und ActionScript 3.0 vollstaendig. Es exportiert AS Dateien im HTML Format. Nach der Konvertierung koennen Sie die vollstaendige FLA Datei einschliesslich der Verknoepfung, der Bestandteile, *.as, usw. erhalten.
PriceUSD 79.99
Sothink SWF Decompiler Ger Version
Sothink SWF Decompiler ist mit Flash 6, 7, 8, CS3 (9.0) und AS 2.0, 3.0 kompatibel und exportiert AS Datei im HTML Format. Es unterstuetzt Windows Server 2008. Es kann SWF in FLA konvertieren und Elemente von SWF in variable Formate extrahieren. Batch-Exportierung ist unterstuetzt. Playback-Leiste kontrolliert den Flash Film vollstaendig im Vorschaufenster. Ein kostenloser Flash Catcher wird auch zur Verfuegung gestellt.
PriceUSD 79.99
Flash Maker and Converter Suite
A professional but easy to use bundle for both novice, intermediate and professional users. We provide an easy way to create your own flash movie and convert it to video format for fast and wide sharing on webpage. Sothink swf quicker meet all your needs in making a professional flash movie. Sothink SWF to Video Converter can perfectly convert Macromedia Flash to video files into video of most popular formats.
PriceUSD 129.95
Flash Converter Suite
SWF Decompiler is a professional Flash decompiler. It can easily decompile one or more SWF to FLA, SWF to FLEX project, SWF to HTML5. Fully supports all Flash version including Flash CS5. It is compatible with ActionScript 3. Multi-Language interface is available. Flash Decompiler can extract elements to various formats including shape, morph shapes, images, sounds, videos, frames, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites and ActionScript, etc.
PriceUSD 119.95
Flash and Video Converter Suite
A professional but easy to use bundle to make various conversions between flash and video. Sothink SWF Decompiler converts SWF to FLA and extract elements from SWF into variable formats; support batch exporting. Sothink Video Encoder for Adobe Flash can fast convert video to Flash files (SWF and FLV) with excellent performance, Sothink SWF to Video Converter can perfectly convert Macromedia Flash to video files into video of most popular formats.
PriceUSD 159.95
Flash Decompiler and Encoder Suite
A professional bundle for both novice, intermediate and professional users. It has a versatile video encoder to convert video into high-quality Flash Video (FLV) simply and fast. Create auto-adapted Flash player (SWF). Give you full control over the converting process; SWF Decompiler easily recover SWF to FLA, Support batch exporting. (Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 supported.). Completely compatible with AS3.0.
PriceUSD 95.00
Sothink SWF to FLA Converter
Leading Flash decompiler and Flash to html5 converter. Converts SWF to FLA or FLEX. Easily extracts Flash resources like shape, image, sound (mp3, wav), video (flv), text, sprite, ActionScript, etc; Replaces image/shape/text/sound for SWF; Supports Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 and ActionScript 2.0/3.0; Able to get XFL file from Flash CS5 SWF; Globally searches all ActionScript; Exports SWF resources in batch; One-click online Flash capture and download.
PriceUSD 79.99