Web Sites
Papervision3D Cube Website
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
The Cube Website project uses Papervision 3D 2.0 – Great White to make an interactive 6 faced cube in which all the website’s sections are included. Each face works as a section of the website and the menu buttons triggers a function to set the active section visible by the camera.
- You can customize the width and height of the website, the menu and buttons, the tweening of the faces, easing and time. You can edit the sections’ symbols in the library and create custom classes for them, so each face will have their own behavior.
- More instructions in the documentation
PriceUSD 17.00
Dynamic multi flash video gallery template 2
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- Xml driven
- Unlimited video content
- Item list scroll function support drag scroll and mouse coordinates scroll
- Have auto play and manual mode
- Integrated share function
- Integrated send mail function
- Integrated detail info function. You can use html tag in it
- Easy change layout. You can drag the element on the stage to created your layouts
- Support h.264.mpeg video files
- Fonts are included
- And much more!!
PriceUSD 32.00
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
XML GLOBAL SETTINGS (available for all modules):
- The menu (among other assets) can be moved elsewhere by editing the X and Y values in XML file; the logo can be any width and any height
- You can add main pages and butons via XML (without having to open flash at all)
- Text is XML / CSS driven (external CSS for presets and styles)
- All text has an XML option to add extra pixels when scrolling, so you don’t have halfs of words when scrolled to the bottom
- You can turn on/off the whole settings panel, or you can turn on/off either the music player panel or the background panel via XML
- If you turn off the settings panel, instead of the settings icon (bottom right), a fullscreen button will appear
- A lot of other options and settings for every module
- HOME (banner rotator module)
- ABOUT US (long text module)
- SERVICES (services module)
- NEWS (news module)
- GALLERY (image gallery module)
- CONTACT (contact module)
PriceUSD 32.00
XML Liquid Company Template with swfAddress
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- swfAddress and swfObject for deep-link capabilities
- All content is external or drawn at runtime using settings from the XML
- Unlimited menu items
- Display HTML CSS formatted text in the regular content box
- Text scrolling, mousewheel enabled and keyboard enabled
- Display SWF content in the regular content box
- Automated MP3 player using PHP with volume cookie
- Form generator to create the form you need
- Contact form with PHP included
- Shout box with word filter, based on PHP and a TXT file
- Picture shout box to allow your visitors to brighten up your site
- Uploaded images get resized server side (PHP included)
- Uploaded images can be viewed on double click in a lightBox
- Multiple multi-media galleries viewer with on-board FLV player
- Background with auto shading and highlight (tiled, centered or resized)
- Liquid layout
- PHP XML parser
PriceUSD 27.00
XML Template V3
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
Simply AS2 + Flash8! Only 100kb!!!!
More help in ActionScript!
Include files: - main.fla - main.swf - about.xml - services.xml - portfolio.xml - news.xml - lead.xml - logo.xml - style.css - sendmail.php - index.html - background.fla - background.swf
- NEW Design! - XML database - CDATA – HTML Tags Handle! - Image and SWF Handle! - Easing Scroll - Portfolio Section! - News Section! - Unlimited Items!
PriceUSD 22.00
XML Portfolio Slider V1
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- Unlimited entries
- Full XML setup
- All visible text XML driven
- CSS style formatting
- Colors changable
- External company logo image
- Contact info footer
- Autohide scrollbars
- URL link for projects with individual target (_blank, _self, etc)
- Easy setup within minutes!
PriceUSD 12.00
NG Vertical Portfolio (xml)
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
No actionscript skills are required as you can customize it by editing an xml file, without no need to open any source file. The supported media files that you can load in this application are: jpeg, gif, png and swf. The user can easily navigate through the items using the right scrollbar or the mouse scroll wheel.
- Xml driven
- Header text containing title, description and contact info
- Unlimited number of projects containing images (png, jpg, gif) and swf files
- It’s possible to specify external variables for a loaded swf, like a path to another xml
- Optional title, description or url for each project
- All textfields are html enabled
- Custom menu for mouse right click
- Fullscreen button
- Auto align on windows resize
- Smooth loading animation
PriceUSD 17.00
XML Modular Template
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
• HTML formatted home page module
• XML Multiply Gallery Module
• XML News Module
• XML /PHP/Flash Contact Module
• XML Menu
• Good Documentation
PriceUSD 27.00
Site Template XML V2
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- You can add menu item and menu subitem in xml file
- You can unlimited position menu in xml file
- You can add logo and logo redirect
- You can add redirect for menu position
- Full screen on/off (right key mouse)
- Resizable site (width and height change in xml file)
- You can place background for every menu element individually (you can place background default) in xml file
- You can add unlimited template
- You can add unlimited mp3 in xml file
- You can add new template
- You can add swf file
- You can add purchased templates on flashden.
PriceUSD 27.00
m template
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- Full XML template with varied colours for each zone
- Perfect to display any type of portfolio
- Easy to customize
- Menu and category buttons, thumbnails, items, music, colours and descriptions obtained from a XML file
- Independent XML text (HTML enabled) scroller module included
- Independent XML horizontal scroller module included
- Independent XML vertical scroller module included
- Independent XML contact module included (requires PHP on your server)
- Simple navigation with smooth transitions
- Supports any image orientation
- You may discard the colour effects by using the same colour for all areas
- Published size: 28kb
PriceUSD 32.00
Professional XML Flash Website
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
This template is XML Driven that makes editing process as smooth as possible. All you need to do is edit appropriate xml files.
The template comes with a number of modules inside. Detailed module description provided. You can use each module as many times as you need to. Modules are 100% separated and do not depend on on each other. If you need other modules please purchase template and make a request. Popular requests will be implemented in the templates update.
Note: Background fla is also included, you may replace round shapes with other shapes and as a result you’ll have new and different background file
Template consist of the following modules:
PriceUSD 27.00
XML Portfolio Template 1.1
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- No knowledge on Flash needed.
- Only 24 kb…
- XML MULTI driven content
- FLV , IMAGE, SWF loaded
- Html text format | Supports CDATA
- Help file included
You can edit with XML
- button_lenght =”112”
- image_lenght =”600”
- buttonbgColor =”0×191919”
- RollOverColor =”0×666666”
- RollOutColor =”0xFFFFFF”
- logoX =”15”
- logoY =”15”
- menuX =”220”
- menuY =”0”
- bgFadeAlpha =”30”
- bgColor =”0xEDEDED”
- bottomColor =”0×191919”
- projectTitleColor =”0×333333”
- projectLineColor =”0×191919”
- moreButtonText =”click more”
- moreButtonTextColor =”0×990000”
- scrollMouseSpeed =”0.2”
PriceUSD 22.00
Photographer’s XML Portfolio
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- Changeable colors of menu, loaders, background...
- You can add an unlimited amount of photos.
- You don’t need knowledge of flash programming to work with this photo gallery.
- You can easily change the amount of spacing or the size of your thumbs
- Everything is loaded in outside of the flash file from a XMLfile so it’s easy to update the site frequently.
- You can choose if you want the images to resize when the size of the browser changes or you can choose to center the image in the middle of the browser window.
- You can choose the first image that has to be shown yourself.
- You can use special characters like &, é, è, à, $, , /, ”, ’ in the introduction text near your profile. - You’re also able to make the text bold, underline the text or put the text in italics.
- The actionscript code is extensivly explained in the FLA.
PriceUSD 17.00
Minimal XML Template V1
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- Minimal Design!
- XML database
- ACTIONSCRIPT driven animations!
- Easing Tween Classes!
- Reset ScrollBar position manually (with “GoTop” button) and automatically (when close panel)
- CDATA – HTML Tags Handle!
- Image and SWF Handle!
- Tiled background with Corner Effects
- Easing Scroll
- Rollover Sound!
- Portfolio Section!
- News Section!
- Unlimited Items!
PriceUSD 17.00
be template
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- Full XML template with varied colours for each zone
- Perfect to display any type of portfolio
- Easy to customize
- Menu and category buttons, thumbnails, items, music, colours and descriptions obtained from a XML file
- XML slideshow module included
- XML text (HTML enabled) scroller module included
- XML horizontal scroller module included
- XML vertical scroller module included
- XML contact module included (requires PHP on your server)
- Simple navigation with smooth transitions
- Supports any image orientation
- Unlimited items on portfolio section
- You may discard the colour effects by using the same colour for all areas
- Published size: 34kb
PriceUSD 32.00
Zenor's External SWF Template
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
This is a simple animated template which allows you to load your external swf files on the stage. It is easy to customize and you can load your own swfs simply by adding them on the same folder in which the main fla file is located. It includes the two preloaders.
Files Included:
- .fla file
- .swf file
- .psd file(logo)
- .js file
- .html file
- help file
- fonts
PriceUSD 12.00
XML Menu With SWF, URL & Image Loader
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- XML Main menu & sub menu
- Set linkage, target & type via XML
- Menu type can be
- Load external SWF
- Load image .jpg, .png, .gif
- gotoAndPlay specific frame
- gotoAndStop specific frame
- getURL for hyperlink
- Menu alignment can be left,center and right
- External content always centered on the stage
- Fullscreen button
- FLA 8 & FLACS3
- Instructions included
PriceUSD 12.00
Modular XML Template
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- You don’t need knowledge of flash programming to work with this template.
- Everything is loaded in outside of the flash file from a XML file so it’s easy to update the site frequently.
- You can choose a different background image for each page. The background image will resize automatically.
- You can add your own PNG or SWF logo that will be displayed on top of the menu.
- Fullscreen support.
- All text is html formatted with a linked css so you can easily change colors, link reactions, font size. - You can add an unlimited amount of news items.
- Title and date of newsitem are seperated from the text.
- You can add a thumb to each news item if you want.
- You can add an unlimited amount of photos to your gallery.
- You can add a description for each photo
- The actionscript code is extensively explained in the FLA.
- And much MORE!
PriceUSD 17.00
Full XML simple business template with deep linking
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
- full XML
- uses swfObject and swfAddress for deep and internal linking
- internal lightBox
- HTML CSS formatted content
- supports external SWFs
- mp3 player (PHP or XML driven, PHP included) with volume cookie
- mp3 player can be fully left out by changing one attribute in the XML
- logo filters (shade, bevel, glow and reflection)
- logo positioning (left, center, right)
- background options (tiled, sized to screen, centered)
- full screen option
- scrollWheel and keyboard scrolling supported
- sounds included
- xml parser for SEO included (PHP)
PriceUSD 22.00
posted byenvato_marketplacesinWeb Sites
You can change the following things in the xml file.
1. Background Sound – A path to your sound file.
2. Menu Button Texts & Page Headings
3. Pages Content – These can be simple html texts. You can put links, images, bold texts, italic texts, underlined texts, colorful texts, paragraphs, etc.
4. Gallery Images – You can add as many image nodes as you want for the gallery. You supply 3 things for each image. First, the small image, Second, the big image and the third, the description. If you don’t give the description then no box is shown on the image’s bottom.
5. Mail Script Url – The url where your script for sending the mails lies. A mail script for sending mails in php is included.
6. You can change the e-mail to which the contact form’s data will be sent, in the “email.txt” file. Just use a single line.
PriceUSD 12.00