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Web Sites

Results 361-380 of 549
Photographer's Portfolio Gallery V3
Features include: * Driven by pure AS3 document class. * XML driven content, included: the menu, the gallery, the biography ect. * Gallery with category support, you can display images in each category as many as you like. * SWFaddress driven deep link support, backward button enabled. * Click the close button in the the upper right side to hide the navigation panel. * Optional PHP driven contact modular. * Optional biography modular, leave the biography content blank if you don’t need it. * Optional background color. * Optional random background color. * Auto slideshow in the gallery. * Support many file type: jpg, png, gif, and swf.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
Book v2
Features: * professional design * fast loading (first loads the current page) * deep linking * you can load the any background * smoothing for background * you can change page book size in xml file * you can add big photographs of two pages * you can add unlimited pages in xml file * player mp3 * you can mute mp3 player for the page * you can add unlimited mp3 * nice animation icons, * you can disable / enable the numbers pages of globally or locally * smoothing for pages (locally or globally) * you can load jpg,png and swf file * you can change all colors book in xml file * ActionScript 2.0 * contact form with PHP * view all pages (automatic generate thumbs) * download zip * printing pages * zoom book * logo and logo redirect * full screen button * four corners enabled * you can easily load for your project (atachment example – “load_book.fla” )
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 32.00
SPARK - Creative Website w/ Deeplinking & Twitter
General Features: * Full deep linking support. A link can be created to any piece of content. * An innovative Scrolling Deeplink engine means that the browser url and title automatically change while scrolling through the portfolio items. * Advanced URL Error management. Auto correction in sub items (back to parent) – while error in main module urls loads custom 404 Error Module. * Back/Forward browser’s buttons support.In the portfolio module, hitting back button scrolls you to the previous portfolio item. * Modules may be used multiple times. * Portfolio supports Images, Text, Flv Videos and Swf sub modules. * Mouse wheel support, PC & Mac in Text areas and portfolio carousel. * Xml driven menu – Any Module may be selected as the homepage module. (via xml) Menu buttons can also open external URLs . * Many XML settings to change color scheme and appearance of items.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 32.00
3D Paper Template including 5 modules
Features - including 5 modules - HTML Tags allowed - Code well commented - Files well structured - Change stripe color via XML - XML driven - Papervision driven - TweenMax v11 driven - AS3mod driven
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.00
XML Flip Book
FFeatures: * change page via xml easily * next, prev button * fullscreen-able * down pdf button * zoom in zoom out button * add JPG ,GIF,PNG-opaque,SWF-static ,show frame 1
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Green XML Template
- only 217kb - 100% vector graphics - XML driven Main features: - 4 pages - contact form - gallery (unlimited nr of images, xml driven) - easy to modify (just edit xml file) - autohide scrollbars
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Business XML Template
Features - only 140kb - 100% vector graphics - XML driven Main features: - 4 pages - contact form - gallery (unlimited nr of images, xml driven) - easy to modify (just edit xml file) - autohide scrollbars
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
* Full XML driven. * Supports an unlimited number of gallery items. * Possibility to edit texts via HTML tags. * PHP based dynamic contact form. * Comes with a help file covering each topic in detail. * This template has 1-3 sections and 6 different modules. o about module. o image gallery module. o video gallery module. o reviews module. o contacts module. * All the modules can be used multiple times with different xml files. * Music Player included(Supports an unlimited number of mp3 files). * Fullscreen option for image gallery and video gallery modules. * Easy to customize via XML files for each section. * Support cyrillic
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Photography Suite CMS Deeplinking Template
Features: LAYOUT: o Liquid layout o Fully resizable HTML module o XML driven o All Fonts are embedded o Ability to enter html formatted text with your own stylesheet o Ability to enter images and links NEWS module o XML driven o Html formatted text with its own CSS file o All Fonts are embedded TEAM module o XML driven o Unlimited people o Html formatted text with its own CSS file GALLERY module o Supports VIDEO and IMAGES o Works with categories o XML driven, and then easy to update o You can also use PPG as a Slideshow by pressing the play button. o PPG uses a clean preloader with percent both for images and thumbnails. o Caption with CSS formatted text (Fonts embedded) CONTACTS module o PHP driven (needs php working server) o Field verification CUSTOM module o Load your SWF o Automatic centered EXTERNAL LINK module o You can open external link in a new window Playlist module o Load your music o Automatic play o Volume full control
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 37.00
3D Paper Template + CMS + 5 modules
Features - including 5 modules - managed by an easy CMS - HTML Tags allowed - Code well commented - Files well structured - XML driven - Papervision driven - TweenMax v11 driven - AS3mod driven Modules:- News module - About module - Portfolio module - Gallery module - Contact module
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.00
Creative Portfolio
Features: - Deep Linking - Chameleon behavior - You can define a custom color for each individual project and the entire website will smoothly blend to it giving a unique atmosphere. - “No Click” browsing - You can actually view the entire website without a single click if you choose to use the keyboard. - Highlight any project - SEO Wise - Even if it’s a Full Flash Website, the Creativity Portfolio gives enough information to the search engines to index.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.00
The Elegant Template
# XML Driven # Choose colors Via separate XML files # Set content Via Separate XML files # Home Page # News Page # Projects Page # Image Gallery # Video Gallery # Contact Module # Every page’s Colors are fully customizable via their respectful xml files # Some content is Scrollable (i.e. images and text) # Help files are included
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.00
The Audio Producer's Website Template
# XML Driven content # PHP Contact form # Customizable Colors on most areas (Changed via xml files) # Categories XML MP3 Player with visualizer and songs list # Image gallery # Video gallery # About page # Home Page # Latest Events Page # News section at the BOTTOM of the site # Contact form at the bottom of the page # Logo image loads dynamically # Logo Image dimensions is 1000px x 100px # Site resizes in browser automatically when content changes
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.00
XML Simple Site Template
Features include: * Driven by pure AS3 document class. * XML driven content. * Content text with HTML support. * Clean code. * Preloader is included. * Resizeable layout. * Support many file type: jpg, png, gif, and swf. * FAQ , .fla and .as files are included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.00
Complex Template I
Main Features: * Full XML Driven * Good looking and simple design * Supports Html pages * Music Player * Image Gallery * News module * Video Gallery * Contact module (needs php support from server) * Easy to update * Unlimited number of musics, images, videos and so on * Resizes to stage Width and Height * Allows to load external swf just by updating xml file * Main file only 32kb * Because of the small size, is extremelly fast * All components are very easy to customize * Feel free to change the color scheme as you like * You can add as much external links as you want
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Photovideo Design XML Website Template
You can work on any page of your own in a separate .fla file and after setting the paths to your complied .swf file in one config.xml file, you can load it into the site! Plus, in the same config file you can also set the transition animation for transitioning your pages both in and out of the site as well as set the the vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, and z-index of your loaded pages. You can also control whether or not to stop the sound playing on the site (if you are loading a page that also has audio, such as the video player).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Project Showcase
MAIN FEATURES : * Adaptative project grid to the stage (the grid checks how many visible area there is and sets the number of rows and columns according to that) * XML based file * Contact form * Social Network links SETTINGS THAT CAN BE CHANGED: * choose any background image * enable/ disable background pattern grid * unlimited ammount of personal information * unlimited ammount of project description * unlimited number of projects * unlimited ammount of contacts and social network links * enable/ disable ambient music track * choose the colors of the information and navigation boxes and text * add as many social networks as you like
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Aesthetica - Multi-language XML Website
FEATURES: * Editable menu structure with non limited submenus number * Multilanguage support! * Full Deep linking * Menu alignment (left, center, right) * Logo alignment (left, center, right) * Theme color editable in external xml file * Site padding editable in external xml file * Full Deep linking * Fullscreen * Editable footer text * Fully customizable * Editable backgrounds (every module can have different background). Supports: Images (png, jpg, gif) and Animations (swf) * 9 types of content (modules): o HTML Formatted Text o Portfolio o Gallery o Expandable news o Simple Slideshow o Team o Contact with Google Maps! o Custom SWF o External link
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 37.00
Black V2 XML Flash Template
- XML Smart Navigation - XML Image Gallery - XML Video Gallery - XML News - XML Contact Form - Send to a Friend form - Simple XML MP3 Player - Add your favorite social networking page/s via xml - XML Smart captions
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.00
Customize - it - your - way Template
# XML Driven # PHP Contact form # Customizable Colors # Song can auto start or not # Only plays and loops ONE song # Fullscreen # Turn on/off mouse move for menu and contact areas # Every page has color configuration via xml files in their respective folders # Comes with graphical Help Files
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.00
Results 361-380 of 549