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Video Players

HTML5 Video Players with HTML 5. List of all HTML5 Video players. These are 100% HTML5 based and do not required Flash or any other ActiveX controls to render videos on your site.
Results 21-40 of 46
HTML5 Video Player
One of the most exciting features is the integrated zooming capabilities to load and display videos in a floating “lightbox”. Of course you need to make sure you have a MP4 , WEBM and OGG version of your video file. This will make sure that all major browsers will play the video. In case the MP4 source specified exceeds the maximum resolution/bitrate supported by the iPhone and other mobile platforms, you need to provide a specific version of the video encoded for these mobile devices. Features included: Extremely easy to use. Setup in less than 3 minutes. The javascript file is only 16KB. Capabilities to load and display videos in a floating lightbox. The appearance is fully customizable with CSS . The player can be included multiple times on the same page. There are 5 different themes included. There is support for autoplay. There is support for loop. Double-click video to enter full-window mode. The volume will be saved with local storage or cookies.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.00
HTML5 SlideShow w/Compatibility Mode
SlideShow is an HTML5 app that helps protect your images by adding overlay text, and providing no direct link to them. SlideShow also has a fallback method that allows for seamless use on older browsers. Features--> Difficult to Steal Images; Custom Copyright Banner Text (Optional); Update Checking; Custom Timed Slide Show; Image Shrinking or Iframe Matching; Keyboard Controls: Left = Back, Right = Next, Space = Play/Pause; Fallback Method for Non-HTML5 Support (Compatibility Mode); Tested in IE6, IE7, IE9 Compatibility Mode, IE9, and Chrome 16.
(12 ratings)
HTML5 Video Gallery with Live Playlist
Complete Flash fallback included for browsers that dont support html5 video. Only 2 video formats used (ogv and mp4) to cover all browsers. Can be used as a single video player (playlist automatically hides if there is only 1 video) Set player width and height Completely customize playlist ‘Live preview’ feature is optional (automatically play video on playlist item rollover). Simple image thumbnails can be used instead. Description is optional for every video (includes mouse autoscroll for large amounts of text). Choose between video aspect ratio of ‘fit inside’ and ‘fit outside’. Autoplay video optional (automatically detects for ios devices). Set your own preview poster images on autoplay off. Start with playlist or any video. Set default volume. Video controls optional autohide on timer (specify time) Unlimited videos supported
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Html5 Video Player
FLV Player for web with the most advanced features having superior video quality and many more. Also, Contus HD Flash Video Player supports HTML5 Player. HDFLV Player is truly a solution for high quality videos. This Plug-In with striking features is easy to install and embed in your website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Features Get a player in 3 easy steps Full Javascript/HTML/CSS UI Full Availability of HTML5 attributes Pass content to be displayed in browsers that do not support Support for multiple formats for each video. Support for WebKit's fullscreen API Full Range of Video Controls Specify which controls you need Follows YUI practices (or at least tries too!)
(6 ratings)
D Player
Dplayer is a HTML5 video player that allows users to easily embed videos in any page, blog or site using the newest web standards. It mainly makes use of HTML, CSS and JS while featuring as less Adobe Flash as possible (just for fallback) to allow customization with a minimal effort. Browsers makers are still working on fully supporting the HTML5 video specification and the strength of Dplayer is that it currently works on major web browsers: Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and is even compatible with Apple Iphone and Ipad. What you are dealing with here is a pure javascript driven HTML5 video experience. Flash is used only whenever there is no native H.264 support available. In such cases a minimalistic SWF which mimics an HTML5 video element as good as necessary is used..
(3 ratings)
CwVideo – A Toolkit to handle HTML 5 video http://www.chipwreck.de/blog/software/cwvideo/ A toolkit to use and control HTML5-video with the current mootools release – and two extensions of Fx.Slider: A video timeline and a volume slider. What is this plugin about? First at all it extends the current (1.24) mootools release to handle the new HTML5 video-tag. So you can easily access a videos properties and control the video in a mootools-like way. Furthermore it contains two extensions to the Fx.Slider class from mootools: CwVideo.Volumeslider creates a volume slider CwVideo.Timeline for a timeline slider with several features to simplify creating your own video controls. Features Simplify video control Timeline Controller (Timeslider) Volume Slider
(3 ratings)
The html5media project consists of a single, minified Javascript file that is used to detect your browser’s HTML5 video capabilities. Any video tags that cannot be played are dynamically replaced with a Flash video player.
(6 ratings)
Akamai’s Open Video Player for HTML5
Akamai has released a new Open Video Player for HTML5 developer toolkit, aimed at simplifying the task of creating flexible HTML5-based video player applications for delivery of HTTP content.
(3 ratings)
jme is an HTML5 audio / video development kit with Flash and VLC Fallback, which focuses on flexibility, intuitive DOM-API and semantic code. Features with slightly API Changes (less configuration) ----------------------------------------------------- - fullscreen plugin (usability): changed how we position the media-controls and media-state element - jmeEmbed (usability): setting JW-Player path automatically to the JS-Path - jmeEmbed (usability): setting wmode to transparent, if controls are false, the media element is a video element and param-configuration for wmode is undefined. - jmeControl (usability): controls are remove if jmeEmbed is called through jmeControl
(3 ratings)
OI Player
Plays video as well as audio Fallback to Flowplayer (mp4, h.264) or Cortado (oga, ogv) Easy to use and implement Consistent look between browsers, even with fallback Multiple different players on a page Play/pause Mute/unmute Full 'screen' (full window really, that is what HTML5 requires) Dark and white controls, on top or below player Easily skinnable with css iOS, iPhone, iPad etc. compatible Fires events: 'oiplayerplay' and 'oiplayerended' to use f.e. for play statistics
(3 ratings)
HTML5 Video
Kaltura has developed a full HTML5 Video Library – in use by Wikipedia – that works in ALL major browsers, even IE. The library supports a seamless fallback with Flash based playback (using Kaltura’s media player – KDP3) or Java Cortado for browsers that don’t yet feature HTML5 video & audio support.
(0 ratings)
HTML5 video with Flash fallback Easy CSS/HTML/JS customization and theming Full screen support Completely open source and free for commercial use
(3 ratings)
Vplayer - Video player with Gallery
Vplayer works on all modern browsers, and can fall back to Flash for older browsers. The scripts’ only dependency is jQuery.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Video subtitles
You can use HTML tags to add some styling your subtitles. And the look of the subtitles can be customized with CSS .
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
HTML5 Blue Video Gallery
All the player graphics are driven by XML so you can change anything very easy. The gallery works in all major browsers environment – including IE through flash fall-back. Also, by inputting a single video in the video gallery, it becomes a video player; so you purchase one product, and you have two.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Tejas - Premium HTML5 Video Player
Tejas is built on jQuery and utilizes the very powerful ThemeRoller system for rendering its user interface. This means that changing the color scheme or images is as simple as just going to the ThemeRoller site and using the friendly GUI to change whatever you need. If you want to delve even deeper, it provides more options and flexibility so that you can create an UI you want without touching the plugin.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
JQuery Html5 Video Player
This script doesn’t require any extra Browser Plugins to display HTML5 videos. It features a beautiful and unified UI on all desktop browsers and supports fullscreen in Window Mode.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Vplayer - HTML5 Video Player with Gallery
Vplayer is a minimalistic HTML5 Video Player with a Social Media Sharing Widget and a Video Gallery Slider. Vplayer works on all modern browsers, and can fall back to Flash for older browsers. The scripts’ only dependency is jQuery. Features Customizable Skin with CSS Dynamic FullScreen Mode (supports resizing) User-Friendly Sound Controller Sharing Widget (Facebook, Twitter, Digg…) Video Gallery Supports Preloading and AutoPlay Supports Flash Fall-Back for old browsers Works on all modern browsers
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Video 5 - HTML5 Video Player
Video5 is a video player able to reproduce the videos using the HTML5 standard and Flash technologies, depending of the browser used. The video player first verifies that the browser supports HTML5 and plays the video according to the HTML5 standard, otherwise it uses a player based on Flash. In both cases it maintains the same visual presentation so that the final user does not realize the difference in formats during playback.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Results 21-40 of 46