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Cheat Sheets

Collection of cheat sheets for HTML5 with reference of its different elements, attributes and syntax
Results 1-7 of 7
3D Accordion
This is a pure css3 html5 accordion. It only takes a few seconds for you to create custom accordion. There are 6 different animations that can be use for your accordion list. All animations uses 3D rotation effects. Accordion works smoothly in iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad. Browsers that do not support 3D rotating will still show the accordion but with no 3d animation effect. This item have included 42 Predefined colors for you to choose in your labels. Meanwhile I’ve included documentation for ease of work .
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
HTML5 Security Cheatsheet
This project is an attempt to create a well maintained, informative and categorized cheat sheet to highlight HTML5 as well as other client side and related security issues and ways to avoid them. The project is meant to target web developers as well as security researchers and especially browser vendors since many of the problems we found are based on faulty or quirky implementations. Focus is on completeness, comprehensibility and timeliness as well as continuity - benefits many other related cheat sheets don't exactly provide.
(0 ratings)
HTML5 Pocket book
One-page printable pocket book on some of HTML5's new tags and attributes.
(0 ratings)
HTML5 Quick Reference Guide
This handy HTML 5 reference guide lists all tags supported in the HTML 5 specification. Tags, tag attributes and a listing of tags removed in HTML 5 (valid in HTML 4) are listed in a convenient cheatsheet format. This is the most complete, and up-to-date, HTML5 cheatsheet (reference) around. Features:
(3 ratings)
HTML5 id/class name cheatsheet
The mapping of HTML5 structural elements to id and class names for use with s
(0 ratings)
HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet by Woork
HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet is an useful cheat sheet for web designers and developers designed by me. This cheat sheet is essentially a simple visual grid with a list of all HTML tags and of their related attributes supported by HTML versions 4.01 and/or 5. The simple visual style I used to design this sheet allows you to find at a glance everything you are looking for.
(3 ratings)
HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)
A handy printable HTML 5 Cheat Sheet that lists all currently supported tags, their descriptions, their attributes and their support in HTML 4.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-7 of 7