Content Management
Pre-flight check PDF files online for free
posted bymaxim.vorobjovinContent Management
Pre-flight check PDF files online via a web browser or with the PrintSure desktop droplet for free against the Ghent PDF Workgroup, Australian 3DAP or UK Pass4press compliant settings with the DevZeroG PrintSure service. Check files without uploading them to a remote server, on your local machine before sending them out. Amongst other things PrintSure can show you areas - not pixels - that have been over-inked within the PDF.
Java RSS News Ticker Applet
posted bystockappletsnetinContent Management
How would you like to provide your website visitors with live updating RSS news from any RSS feed that attracts and motivates them to come back and visit your site again? Our Java News Ticker is the gadget your site needs to keep visitors updated without having them to refresh the browser to get the latest news and also with a nice and customizable presentation. The main features of our new ticker are: - live auto-update in real-time - RSS compatible data provider - optional fixed titlebar - clickable news headers - customizable width and height - customizable font family, size and type - customizable colors for foreground and background - customizable rotation speed - customizable rotation direction - mouse rollover effect
posted bycodeverveinContent Management
VerveJEdit is an online WYSIWYG HTML editor, written as a client-side java applet. It is ideal for inclusion in custom content management applications, online forums, or any similar application where a consistent, easy to use user interface is required across platforms. VerveJEdit has been extensively tested under Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris. It will work on any platform that supports java. VerveJEdit requires the java plugin version 1.4 or better.
JWebEdixx html editor applet
posted byemailinContent Management
JWebEdixx is a Java 2 HTML editor applet. "textarea" fields in HTML documents can be replaced with JWebEdixx, allowing text formating capabilities as with a word processor. HTML serves as the in- and output format. JWebEdixx is ideal for content management systems.
posted byinfoinContent Management
JXHTMLEDIT is a cross-platform WYSIWYG HTML/XHTML content authoring tool, a very small Java applet based on the Java 2 Platform. JXHTMLEDIT provides word processor-like user interface that allows to edit the document directly in the final form (as will be rendered). JXHTMLEDIT is flexible and could be used to easily integrate WYSIWYG authoring functionality into existing products or services. Applet jar is less than 150 KB, loads very quickly.
RealObjects edit-on Pro
posted byinfoinContent Management
The Java Applet Rich Text Client adds comprehensive WYSIWYG XHTML/XML editing functionality to a wide range of Content Management, Knowledge Management, e-Learning and other Web-based applications. It empowers business users with an intuitive, word processor-like interface for authoring and publishing web content using a browser.
Sferyx JSyndrome HTMLEditor Applet Edition
posted byinfoinContent Management
New features: full support for CSS, XHTML, international encodings, copy & paste, drag & drop from external applicatons such as MS Office etc. Remote browsing for inserting hyperlinks and images configurable from applet parameters. Includes everything you need to create visually complex HTML documents, such as a table designer, image support, full forms support; search-and-replace; source code editing with syntax highlighting; full undo/redo; built-in HTML previews. Integrates perfectly with existing web sites and content management systems, any kind of server side scripts and javascripts for saving and retrieving of the documents.
EditLive! for Java Online HTML Editor
posted bymarketinginContent Management
EditLive! for Java is a browser-based tool for WYSIWYG HTML editing. It can be easily integrated into ASP, JSP and PHP. Ideal for Web content management systems. Cross-platform for Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Netscape and Internet Explorer.
PriceUSD 1.00
Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor
posted byinfoinContent Management
Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor is a Java component suitable for use in any Java application which needs HTML document authoring. It allows the creation of complex HTML documents visually, such as designing tables, inserting images, page backgrounds, editing text and paragraphs, and also has Spellchecker, Search/Replace, Source Editor and Preview functionality. It can be used as a stand-alone application, as part of a stand-alone application or as an applet. New features: full support for CSS, XHTML, international encodings, copy & paste, drag & drop from external applicatons such as MS Office etc.
Akmin Editlet
posted byeditletinContent Management
Editlet is a completely browser-based, platform independent, cross-browser compatible, WYSIWYG HTML Rich-Text Editor. This 129 KB Java Applet has been tested to work on IE 5.0 +, Netscape 4.08 +, Opera, AOL, Mozilla, etc. and on OS such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Solaris, etc.
CMS Companies, ASPs, Portals & others can easily incorporation Editlet into existing products or services. It integrates seamlessly with all current Technologies such as ASP, JSP, CFM, PHP, etc.