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Results 1-4 of 4
End-to-End Encryption
Implements end-to-end data encryption between browser and the application or database server. HTTPS can only protect data up to the Web Server. In some countries, end-to-end encryption is a must in any Internet financial transaction especially in user authentication. Features: Very light weight in applet file size and server CPU processing; Only encrypts sensitive data and not images and html text; Uses 128 bit AES encryption with RSA 1024 bit (or more) key length.
(3 ratings)
License and Agreement Applet
Display a license or agreement to your user.� User must confirm they have read the license before they are allowed to continue to a page you specify.� Otherwise an "error" or disagreement page of your choosing will be displayed.
(3 ratings)
Goetz's Signature Applet
posted bygoetzinE-Commerce
Goetz�s Signature Applet is an Applet for capturing and sending a written signature over the Internet. This freeware Java applet replaces the need for sites to have a visitor type their name in lieu of them signing. A visitor signs a form by using their mouse to write directly on the applet. When the form is submitted, the applet transmits to the server the coordinate segments that constitute the signature. A CGI script can then interpret the coordinates and recreate the signature as an image file. A working demonstration of Goetz�s Signature Applet which generates a JPEG image is shown on the web site.
(36 ratings)
Secure On-line Ordering System
This is a simple and reliable applet for encrypting user-submitted Credit Card numbers and sending them to you via e-mail. Includes a decryption in-house tool. Free version is also available.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-4 of 4