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Web Search

Results 1-2 of 2
posted byrblinWeb Search
aSearch is a little Search applet that runs on all browser with support JDK 1.1x. With aSearch you can define a list of search engines in a file (group by categories.) and launch your query in the engine. It's a free applet ("Freeware"), and includes full source code.
(0 ratings)
Keep It Simple Search (K.I.S.S.)
posted byerikinWeb Search
The K.I.S.S. Java applet allows you to query multiple internet search engines in one single step. Simply enter a search string, select one (or more) search engines, and click on the search button. For each search engine you selected the applet will then display the results in a new window.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-2 of 2