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Development Tools

Results 41-60 of 76
Aspose.Words for Java
Aspose.Words is a Java component to read, write and modify a word document without using Microsoft Word. It supports all java applications and works with J2SE 1.4.x and higher. Other useful features include content & formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities with images and support of DOC, HTML and XHTML formats. All other drawing objects like shapes, images, textboxes, OLE objects and ActiveX controls in documents are also supported.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 999.00
Aspose.Metafiles for Java
Aspose.Metafiles is a Java WMF and EMF library for managing metafiles effectively that allows your Java applications to display and play both EMF and WMF files. You can also add both WMF and EMF files into your PowerPoint presentations created with Aspose.Slides. It also supports converting metafiles to other popular graphic formats and colors remapping on metafiles rendering.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
TeeChart for Java
Java Charting component Library offers over 50 Chart styles, 37 mathematical functions and full set of Chart tools components for additional functionality, like dragging series marks, annotation objects, cursors and manual trend lines, coloring bands, etc. It ships with 100% sourcecode in Swing and SWT formats and supports major Java programming environments including Borland JBuilder, IBM Eclipse, Sun NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Oracle JDeveloper.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 449.00
AgileJ StructureViews
Are you developing Java applications using XP/Agile Methods in Eclipse? Let AgileJ StructureViews provide you with more insight into the design within your code at next-to-zero effort. AgileJ StructureViews code visualizer for Eclipse is: 1 Specialized for Reverse Engineered Diagrams - more akin to an extension to the Eclipse Java browsing perspective than a drawing tool. 2 Dedicated to Java - exceptions, inner classes and Javadoc all influence the diagrams. 3 Focused on Class Diagrams - because they can be made self-populating and self-updating, playing a long-term role in an Agile/XP project. 4 Tightly Integrated into Eclipse - the diagram nomenclature follows that of Eclipse, resulting in the lowest switching overhead between looking at diagrams and looking at Eclipse. 5 Filtered by Customized Rules - diagrams are tuned to highlight one aspect, dimension, concern or technology at a time. www.agilej.com
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 95.00
Allatori Obfuscator
Allatori is a Java obfuscator which belongs to the second generation obfuscators' family so it has all spectrum of opportunities on protection of your intellectual property. We have managed to provide the most comprehensive set of features on the market for the highest possible protection. Our obfuscator combines all classic obfuscation techniques as well as innovations that can be found only in Allatori.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 775.00
Big Faceless PDF Viewer
The BFO Java PDF Viewer is a set of Java classes for displaying, completing and digitally signing PDF forms. The viewer includes SWING component for displaying PDF documents, convert PDF to TIFF (or any other bitmap format), extract and index text and images from PDF documents- including integration with Apache Lucene, print PDF documents, including support for annotations and other PDF features not supported by Java 1.5 printing and pre-flight new or existing PDFs against PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-3.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 400.00
IP2Location Geolocation Web Service using Java SOAP
IP2Location Geolocation XML Web Service allows instant lookup of Internet visitors geographical locations by IP address. The web service returns country, state, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, ISP and domain name information. Developers can integrate the web service using SOAP protocol and no database installation or update required. Free sample codes available in several programming languages such as ASP, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, PHP, Perl, Python, ColdFusion and VBA.
(3 ratings)
IProMonitor is a multilingual multi-user project planning and project tracking system based on Enterprise JavaBeans. It is a tool for executives to consider all commercial profit aspects of a project in a structured way and integrates all of its components within a comprehensive interface.
(0 ratings)
eva/3 Application Builder for visual development and database management
Eclipse plugin eva/3 Application Builder assumes responsibility for the design of Swing components over an integrated GUI Builder, the execution of procedures and the handling of diverse relational SQL databases over JDBC interfaces, e.g. Sybase� SQL Anywhere, Microsoft� SQLServer 2000, Microsoft� Access, MySQL�, IBM� DB2, Oracle�, Parkway Microfocus, HSQLDB, PostgreSQL, JDataStore. High performance database export and import functions are also available.
(3 ratings)
Advanced Istaller for Java
Advanced Installer For Java 1.6 is a Windows Installer authoring tool with built-in support for Java applications, integrating them fully into the Windows OS and making them look and feel just like a native application. Advanced Installer for Java runs on Windows 2000/XP, and the install packages it creates run on all Microsoft Windows 9x/ME/NT/2k/XP operating systems. Using the standard Windows Installer technology, Advanced Installer For Java is able to provide the best Windows integration for your Java applications.
(0 ratings)
Javadoc2Help is a java based tool for converting the javadoc generated html ouput into Java Help, HTMl Help(CHM) and Oracle Help For Java(OHJ) format. Javadoc2Help will generate the necessary support map, toc, helpset, etc for Java Help, HTML Help and Oracle Help for Java. If Microsoft HTML Help workshop is installed and the CHM compiler path is provided in bin/javadoc2help.properties, a CHM file is also created automatically in the specified destination directory.
(0 ratings)
AurigaDoclet is a Javadoc doclet which can generate Java API document in fo, pdf, postscript, pcl, and svg format. AurigaDoclet accepts command line options which can be used to further customize the generated output. AurigaDoclet generates javadoc as an XML tree which is then transformed into FO. This FO stream is then serialized using Apache FOP to generate pdf, postscript, pcl and svg output.
(0 ratings)
JCodeBox is a powerful application and component builder that simplifies the creation of Enterprise Java (J2EE), Java Web and Java Web Services applications. It allows developers to visually define J2EE/Web applications and then to immediately build, assemble and deploy the application to their Java Application Server for immediate feedback. The Object-Relational mapping engine allows applications to be based on existing company databases further increasing productivity. A J2EE pattern engine allows applications to be optimised with sophisticated J2EE design patterns with a few clicks of a mouse. Full access to the JCodeBox code templates (written in XSL) allows generated code to be tailored to in-house standards. JCodeBox integrates with a growing list of commercial and open source Java application servers including Weblogic, Oracle, JBoss and Tomcat. It can be used with any database that has a supporting JDBC driver and produces standard Java code allowing seamless integration with any Java IDE.
(0 ratings)
SpeedJG is an XML-based GUI builder tool to create state-of-the-art Java Swing applications. The core part of this tool is a parser that reads the meta-data described in XML to create Java GUI components on the fly. An IDE, itself generated by and using this parser, enables the Java developer to design GUIs, generate their meta-data, check their layout, and create the corresponding source code.
(4 ratings)
Schmortopf Java IDE
The Schmortopf IDE is driven by a JavaCC generated parser. It has code-completion, syntax styling, object and text search actions, projectdefinitions, integrated JavaDoc generation and display, integrated creation of simple or signed JAR and JNLP archives and an UML feature. It supports a set of predefined metal themes, which additionally contain the styles for the source editor and which you can adjust. The IDE User Interface is available in english, german and french, and comes with a language translation editor. Requires JSDK 1.3.1.
(0 ratings)
Ganttproject lets you plan projects using a Gantt diagram. It can export HTML Web pages and calendars as PNG images. Projects can be subdivided into tasks with dependencies, and notes can be assigned to tasks. Users can interact with the calendar directly by clicking on it. The file format is a XML-based. It supports several languages, including English, French, and Spanish.
(165 ratings)
Trita is a source code beautifier which learns your personal formatting style by examining examples of your code. First, use a text editor to format your examples and define your style. You may then format your files by invoking Trita through Windows Explorer or your IDE. Trita elegantly eliminates the need to wade through a stack of conf files and documentation to get readable code. Trita is completely intuitive and natural. Trita Formats: C/C++, C#, CSS, Java, Javascript, JSP, HTML, and Perl.
(0 ratings)
AllJ Java IDE
AllJ is a Java IDE (Intergrated Development Environment) create for Java programming with Java technology. Whether you are a beginner or advance Java programmer, AllJ's features, including an easy to use text editor with multi-tasking capabilities will make your job easier. Other features include single click compiling and executing will save you valuable time.
(0 ratings)
Jbillboard is a development tool for creating professional banner Applets for your web pages without programming. It provides you with a variety of special effects that are customizable by simply choosing the properties and parameters. Its wizard-like interface is very easily to use. By using this tool, you can create your banner Applets in just minutes.
(0 ratings)
Thin-Client Framework
Thin Client Framework is an architectural pattern that defines how to write Java client applications. It separates coding concerns and responsibilities. Its high degree of modularity provides for maximum re-use. It is compatible with multiple data and server and network models, and it enables clients to be as thin or thick as needed. It supports a process that provides a formula-based approach to estimating development costs, and it enables parallel component development on the client while supporting concurrent development of client and servers.
(0 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 76