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Development Tools

Results 61-76 of 76
Logging Toolkit for Java
The architecture of Logging Toolkit for Java includes loggers, handlers, filters, and formatters. Loggers generate the data to be logged; there are message loggers for end users and administrators and trace loggers for developers. Handlers process the event data generated by the loggers and correspond to a physical device, such as a console, file, or socket. Filters control which log records are written to the output devices controlled by the Handlers. Formatters present event data in a desired format and recognize specific types of events; multiple formatters may be attached to a handler, which allows the handler to process diverse event types.
(0 ratings)
Create interactive, plug-in free and very compact Java presentations and product simulations for the web. Development is done by visually connecting preprogrammed objects or by coding in Java. Several add-ons are available, for example a realtime 3D engine, where textures can be replaced with interactive 2D presentations. Other add-ons are an MPEG video player, slide show viewer and an MP3 player.
(0 ratings)
Documentation Enhancer for Java
A tool that enhances Javadoc documentation files with semantic information. The product's operation can be divided into three phases: Information from the original Javadoc files is processed and stored in XML files. Static analyses are performed on classfiles and its results are stored in XML files. XSL transformations are applied on the XMLs generated in stages 1 and 2, re-creating the Javadoc look-and-feel with the analysis results added.
(0 ratings)
PureTest is primarily targeted for function testing in the earlier phases of a development project. Even though it supports testing a variety of applications it is especially useful for debugging and snooping of web applications. PureTest includes a HTTP Recorder and Web Crawler which makes it useful for generic verification of HTTP requests and web content checking. The HTTP Recorder simplifies the process of capturing all requests that are exchanged between a browser and the web server. The Web Crawler is useful to pro-actively verify the consistence of a static web structure. It reports various metrics, broken links and the structure of the crawled web.
(0 ratings)
RefactorIT is a powerful refactoring tool. With RefactorIT, a developer can take source code of any size and complexity, and rework it into well-designed code by means of automated refactorings such as Rename Field/Method/Variable/Class/Package, Extract Method, Extract Superclass/Interface, Move Class, Encapsulate Field, etc. RefactorIT provides a comprehensive set of smart query functions that make it possible to analyze and track large volumes of code. RefactorIT comes as a standalone tool or integrates seamlessly with NetBeans, Sun ONE Studio, JDeveloper, JBuilder.
(0 ratings)
HttpRevealer is a utility program for web developers, Webmasters, Flash developers, and Network Administrators. It reveals the communications between a web browser and a webserver at the HTTPlevel. You get to see all the HTTP request/response headers. It helps you to debug your web applications, Flash applications and web server.
(0 ratings)
compactHTML is a configurable command-line tool for reducing the size of HTML, PHP etc text files. By removing extra white space, tabs etc you can get significant reductions in size. If pages are downloaded thousands of times then this reduction become even more important - saving on bandwidth while improving speed. Over 20% size reductions have been seen, average is between 10-18%.
(0 ratings)
WebSphere Technology for Developers
WebSphere Technology for Developers is the first application server featuring Java� 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.3 compatibility. You can run J2EE 1.3 applications -- including applications from other vendors or applications you have built yourself -- that take advantage of JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3 and EJB 2.0 specifications. You can also build new applications that implement the latest Web services APIs including SOAP and UDDI4J.
(0 ratings)
htmlPX, the HTML Programmer's Extension, is a HTML preprocessor that makes it easy to maintain websites. It allows you to maintain consistency across pages and make sitewide changes easily. Runs on any Java 1.1 platform.
(0 ratings)
JUDO is a Java IDE for Beginning Computer Programmers. An IDE is an Integrated Development Environment, or a program that makes it easy for you to write computer programs. JUDO is also an educational tool used to teach programming concepts and to spark excitement and interest in programming. JUDO is easy to use.
(6 ratings)
Bridge2Java is a tool that allows Java programs to communicate with ActiveX objects. It allows easy integration of ActiveX objects into a Java Environment. Using the Java Native Interface and COM technology, Bridge2Java allows an ActiveX object to be treated just like a Java object.
(3 ratings)
Win32 Java Heap Inspector
HeapInspector is a Java program which allows reference navigation of the Java heap. It supports back-tracing references in order to find gc roots which keep the reference from being garbage collected. Source code is available.
(0 ratings)
jOmniGate is an O/R-mapper for timespending and reusable development of databased applications without using sql or any database-specific language. By using jOmniGate-api your programs will run without any changes the same with MySql, Oracle, interbase and others. jOmniGate supports automatic table-creation and -update, automatic mapping between java-classes and db-tables and much more.
(0 ratings)
Smokescreen is a Java Class file obfuscator. It makes compiled Class files more difficult to decompile and understand by removing symbolic names and optional information, as well as changing the byte code in the Class files.
(0 ratings)
IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA is an intelligent and ergonomic Java development environment, delivering dozens of new usability features and concepts, not found in other products. It proves that the routine process of coding can be made pleasurable and very efficient at the same time. Among the standard features of a modern IDE like syntax highlighting, simple code completion, integrated compiler and visual debugger, IntelliJ IDEA offers a wide range of productivity features like: Highlighting of unimported class usages and easy insertion of required import statements, "Introduce Variable" code refactoring, Global usage search of any code element, Advanced code completion (3 types), Navigation to a class' source by its short name, Navigation to a super method, element's type and declaration, Auto-indentation of pasted text, Insertion of necessary import statements when copying code fragments between different files, Navigation to the source from exception stack traces while running/debugging, Renaming/moving of packages, classes, methods, fields, method parameters and local variables with reference correction, and more.
(16 ratings)
JOODA is an intergreted development environment for Java, written in Java. With a look & feel inspired by the renowned Smalltalk-IDE Envy/Developer,class based code browser, and on-the-fly code execution, JOODA is designed for object-oriented development from the ground up. Features include: Syntax highlighting, On-the-fly code execution, Multi-language support (currently only German and English), Cross-platform (Win98 & Linux currently tested), Both file- and class-based editing, Project management features.
(0 ratings)
Results 61-76 of 76