BooknRide - Uber Clone Taxi Booking App
posted byphpclonescriptinMiscellaneous
Create your own an Ride Sharing, Car Sharing and Taxi Booking App using BooknRide product offered by NCrypted. User can search a cab and send request for travelling and view live tracking of ride or cab, Fare estimation before ride. There are lots of advanced features in BooknRide
PriceUSD 1,449.00
Todoist:An unblemished to do list
posted byroymoreinMiscellaneous
Todoist is an app for both project and task managements. It is a cloud based app and allows you to access from anywhere that is any of your devices that supports the app. This app is available in 14 platforms. It serves as a powerful task manager for both personal, professional and shared projects. There are no quality clones available for the todoist app in the market. But in our sources we have heard that the quality clone for todoist are being developed at Gentle Ninja-A place where you can get high quality clones and mobile apps.
PriceUSD 399.00
A Peaceful Trip with Tripit
posted byroymoreinMiscellaneous
High quality tripit clones are every body’s need. Tripit is an awesome app which organizes all of your travel plans in one place. All you have to do is to send the confirmation mails to [email protected]. They automatically create itineraries daily for the trip. It takes care of your whole schedule once the booking is done by you. Since it is a very new app, clones are not available in the market yet. But in our sources we heard that high quality clone for tripit is being developed at Gentle Ninja-a site for high quality clone scripts and mobile app developers.
PriceUSD 109.00
Book Effortless using Booking.com
posted byroymoreinMiscellaneous
Booking.com app helps you to plan where you want to stay without exceeding your budget. Booking hotel rooms could be made easier through this app. This app is new and successful app in the market so the clones are not available in the market. But in our sources we have heard that the best quality clones are being developed by Gentle Ninja-the developers of high quality clone scripts and mobile apps.
PriceUSD 299.00
Organized Travelling with Goibibo
posted byroymoreinMiscellaneous
Goibibo is one of the best apps under the category travel and local. It has a wide range airlines and hotels from which you can choose from. Though there are several apps which works wonders in booking goibibo is one app that must be noted too.Its clone script may be available at GentleNinja-The developers of high quality clone scripts and mobile apps.
PriceUSD 999.00
Complex number class
posted byBinPressinMiscellaneous
Complex numbers are of vital importance in engeneering, physics and math, also many topics on game development , require understanding of complex number field of application.
PriceUSD 4.99
Complex number class
posted byBinPressinMiscellaneous
"Ready-made Xcode project. Add your own JPEG content to build your own iPad app, ready to sell on the App Store.
- Loads pages from image files, easily
add pages to the project, no coding
- Simply save your pages as .jpg files
and the Comic Book App will display
them in sequence. (page1,jpg,
page2.jpg, page3.jpg, etc)"
PriceUSD 4.99
Ask a tech Live Support Android App
posted byPreprojectsinMiscellaneous
Open source Android live support application with Web Interface. Simply download application to your android phone post a question answer your questions using via web interface and answer will be download to android phone.
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byxXedixXxinMiscellaneous
eAddressBook is a freey, easy to use and lightweight address book and contact list.
Adding new contacts
Saving contact lists
Opening contact lists
Creating new contact lists
Searching for contacts, with search results displayed on a different tab from the total list of contacts
Ordering contacts by first name, last name, email address, address and phone number
Setting a default contact list (which automatically opens every time you start eAddressBook)
Prompt when exiting after making changes without saving
Contacts Importer / Address Book Grabber
posted bymhossaininMiscellaneous
Import contacts from hotmail.com, msn.com, live.com, yahoo.com, yahoo.co.uk, ymail.com, rocketmail.com, gmail.com, googlemail.com, aol.com, fastmail.fm, web.de, mail.ru, rediff.com, indiatimes.com, lycos.com, libero.it, rambler.ru, mac.com, paracalls.com, mynet.com, interia.pl, yandex.ru, sina.com,126.com, lycos.com, bol.com.br and in.com. It can be used in any Java application.
PriceUSD 550.00
posted byrmariacainMiscellaneous
DynamicReports is based on JasperReports. It allows to create dynamic report designs and it doesn't need a visual report designer. You can very quickly create reports and produce documents which can be displayed, printed or exported into many popular formats such as PDF, Excel, Word and others.
Java job Portal
posted byvinay145inMiscellaneous
Create your own job portal with our java job portal script.
It simple to install, you ca easily configure, good admin section.
seo friendly .
PriceUSD 599.00
BPMobilePizza - Mobile application to order Pizza - J2ME
posted bybpowerhouseinMiscellaneous
This mobile application allows you to increase your sales by getting orders from customers through mobile phones. The orders will come to you by Internet and you will be able to see them in Admin Panel.
Technology: J2ME, PHP
Database: MySQL
Main Features:
Users can choose Pizza and additions
User types his address and order
The order goes through Internet to the pizza business owner
Admin panel in PHP, MySQL
PriceUSD 19.90
Vibrant Pool
posted byiBoldinMiscellaneous
The Vibrant Pool application is an application designed to allow you to track your water testing results in an easy-to-use interface. With Vibrant Pool you won't have to worry about where your testing results went, they are always right there on your computer.
Track all of the major test results:
Free Chlorine
Total Chlorine
Combined Chlorine
Water Temp
Acid and Base Demand
Sortable, easy to use grid interface for viewing all of your data
Import/Export, never lose data!
Track multiple pools with pool profiles
Written in JAVA 1.6
actiTIME Extended
posted byatanaevinMiscellaneous
actiTIME Extended is a time-tracking software for small to mid size companies that helps you manage your projects and analyze the time spent. It includes a report for billing purposes and integrates with QuickBooks. Other reports allow you to group your data by many parameters including users, customers, projects, tasks, billing types, dates etc. You can keep track of your time-off, holidays, sick leaves and generate Overtime/Undertime report basing on this information. The Lock Time-Track from Modifications feature lets you 'freeze' your data up to a selected date to prevent users from changing it. actiTIME Extended supports UTF-8 character set so you can make entries in other languages besides English. More than 30 000 people from 5 000 companies all over the world have already selected actiTIME. Keep on tracking with actiTIME!
PriceUSD 589.00
RationalPlan Multi Project
posted byIoanLucianinMiscellaneous
RationalPlan Multi Project By Stand By Soft is a great alternative to Microsoft Project with some extra-features like multiproject management. The application is covering project management area from WBS construction, project planning and scheduling to critical path management, overallocated resources detection, progress tracking, cost estimation, etc. Gantt chart support as well as various time line reports are also provided.
PriceUSD 98.00
Source code for the Java socket server
posted bysoft99inMiscellaneous
The .java files for the Java socket server for FlashChat. These files are for Java developers only, who may need the Java source code for advanced socket server integration. These files are NOT needed to install and operate the Java socket server.
PriceUSD 5.00
posted bygiombettiinMiscellaneous
WebsiteWatcher allows you to monitor a specific (static) website for changes. If the page is updated, you immediately get an SMS message as notification. This tool was initially used to monitor university websites where results of exams were published. Please notice that this simple tool only works for static pages.
posted byTheRealMadCatinMiscellaneous
XtImage is a platform independent tool to use the popular xt-commerce platform as an commercial image gallery.
You can upload complete directories into the xt-commerce system, create new categories and subcategories on the fly and change important product attributes like price, delivery type, ... XtImage also includes local thumb nailing and watermarking to minimize data-transfer and protect your digital images from abuse.
Calculate Distance and Radius using Latitude and Longitude in Java
posted byZipCodeWorldinMiscellaneous
This function calculates the distance between two locations by using latitude and longitude from ZIP code, postal code or postcode. The result is available in miles, kilometers or nautical miles based on great circle distance calculation.