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Offline Web Browsers

Results 1-3 of 3
MM3-WebAssistant - Proxy Offline Browser
The proxy offline browser archives all websites you have visited online. Offline too each page is available with its URL. There is no difference between surfing the internet and surfing the archive. You can even use your bookmarks and favorites list offline without any changes. When online the utility updates your cached web pages and adds new pages automatically. This feature distinguishes it from others. Your benefit: Reduces the cost of web time, the work and pressure of knowing what to save, and the necessity for repeating browsing sessions looking for something that was missed. You can access the information needed whether or not the server or dial-up is available. The reliability is increased with that. Mobile users have the flexibility of accessing information from the web without having to worry about expensive access points. With the MM3-WebAssistant you get a more easy and effective use of the internet. The reader is an ideal addition to every browser!
(27 ratings)
Spiderfish traverses websites and downloads all files it finds (e.g. gif, jpg, mp3, etc.). To search a particular webpage, put the webpage's URL into the Webpage textbox, set the Download Directory, and push the "Go" button. All files found by Spiderfish will be put into the download directory. SpiderFish v2.0 represents a significant step forward in our design and incorporates many new features.
(6 ratings)
webOrama is a tool to check rapidly the content of a whole web site. It can traverse automatically and thoroughfully a tree of html pages, displaying each of them in a window, thus allowing a rapid control of the appearance of the page. A single click on a button and you start a slideshow presenting all the pages of the site of your choice. It is especially useful for webmasters willing to redesign a site without risking to forget one or more files in a complex hierarchy.
(9 ratings)
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