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Chat Systems

Results 1-5 of 5
JSP Chat Application Script
This is web based chat application using servlets and jsp, which supports rooms. Doesn't use any database or activex controls etc. Will work on all browsers as it uses simple html. It is for you to see how java can be used to create a simple web based chat application. You can download source code and try to see how everything is working.
(623 ratings)
J-LiveSupport is a LIVE CHAT (HELP DESK) WEB application
J-LiveSupport is a Live Chat SOFTWARE for web sites to do live help and live support chats with visitors. Your website visitor clicks on the Live Support button on your web page, which opens the Visitor Popup Messenger in the visitors browser. The visitor fills in the information fields, adds a question, and then clicks on the "Start Chat" button. You receive the visitors call, a private chat window opens up, and you and your visitor communicate with each other via real-time text messaging. J-LiveSupport is build on open and proven technologies. It allows us to keep prices low and provide you with a possibility to integrate the Live Support with a popular instant messenger (IM) Jabber. Now you can be online with your site visitors 24x7, even via your mobile phone. J-LiveSupport use a Jabber IM as your operator software.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 449.00
posted byebspinChat Systems
jChatBox is a JSP Chat application (free for non-commercial sites). Server side is 100% JSP. Client side could be HTML/JavaScript, Applet or Flash. Moderator users can open and control multiples chatrooms. He/she can manage users (list, ban, kickoff), manage blacklist, generate transcripts, do backup, and apply chatrooms parameters such as max users, languages (English, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese), filters, etc. Users can run commands like /help, /time, /kick, etc. Chatrooms are easily customizable (skins), and can be extended by designers or programmers through the jChatBox API. jChatBox is ready to XML and also includes Applet and Flash5. Check out Add-Ons section for Smiley or Cersor Filters.
(340 ratings)
posted byebspinChat Systems
jzChat is an 100% HTML/JavaScript chatroom performed by a java servlet. Guest users just have to enter a nickname for chatting. They can choose chat's look&feel. Private messages are allowed. Root user chooses chatroom's name and subject. Root also controls the chatroom: max. users, open, close, transcript, list or kickoff users features are available. jzChat is protected against cross scripting attacks. Only root user could use "direct-HTML". Note that this chat doesn't need frames to run.
(231 ratings)
It is a Java servlet implemented chat rooms. It is a pure HTML implementation, so this chat is free from any firewall's restrictions. Also this chat supports WAP/WML, so mobile users can join your chat's community.
(60 ratings)
Results 1-5 of 5