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Results 1-7 of 7
FindinSite-JS Java Servlet website search engine
FindinSite-JS is a Search engine for web sites that consist of HTML, PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT and TXT files. Keep your search engine up to date - schedule FindinSite-JS to index your web site or intranet regularly, with a report emailed automatically. Administrators can then feel assured that their search engine is up to date with everyone's changes. The search screens are automatically shown in the user's preferred language. 15 Western and Asian languages are supported. The FindinSite-JS output can be customised using template files and variables. Search words in web pages can be highlighted. FindinSite-JS is a Java servlet Web Application that is easy to deploy in any Java servlet engine or application server. FindinSite-JS has been tested in Apache Tomcat and JServ, BEA WebLogic Server, Borland Enterprise Server, IBM WebSphere, Macromedia JRun, Sun Java System Web Server and Sun Java System Application Server.
(3 ratings)
GGDir (Java) - is a web directory containing more than 3.8 million sites...
GGDir - is a web directory containing more than 3.8 million sites and 460,000 categories. It enables visitors of your website browse the categories, or search the directory 100% locally on your site.
(0 ratings)
Search engine tag library
The Search custom tag is an iteration tag that loops over the results of criteria passed to the Lucene search engine. This tag supports parameters for passing the search criteria to the search engine and then returns information about the result set to the page programmer through the name used in this tags ID attribute. Any field stored in the search index will be accessible after the start tag has run by calling the result set's someID.getField(String name) method which will locate the value of the field and return it as a string. In the event that no such field exists it will return an empty string. There is also a <LUCENE:Field> tag that does this for you. If you need to get a list of the column names ahead of time you can call the tags's getFields() method and it will return you a Set of field names that can be iterated over as you will see in the result.jsp example provided with this documentation. There is also a <LUCNENE:Column> tag that does the same thing.
(0 ratings)
posted byadiinSite Search
FileLister is a filesystem indexing tool with a web based frontend. Running platformindependently in a web environment, its goal is to easily find files in large archives, using a rich set of search configuration options. Additionally, you may download single files or even create and download zip files on the fly from the results of your search.
(3 ratings)
Java Search Engine
Full featured server-side search engine program for web sites, completely in Java. HTML, PDF and DOC indexing, built in web crawler, international encoding support, words and phrases search, highlights words in results (like Google). Available as EJB, JSP, servlet or Java API library, results are also available as XML document with built in XSLT support.
(42 ratings)
posted byinfoinSite Search
eSearch is a server side Java-based search engine which supplies basic search capabilities for Web use. Its basic capabilities can be extended to include intelligent agents and other expert-system behaviors.
(0 ratings)
Search Servlet
This Servlet allows you to search files on your web server. You can set this servlet as an action parameter for html form. It also features: Search only files with specific extentions, Configurable color for result page, Set the number of results per page, Customizable not found page, and more.
(15 ratings)
Results 1-7 of 7