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Programming Books

Results 21-40 of 45
Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation
�The Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation� book is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management into business using Alfresco. This book describes the complete cycle of planning, implementing and customizing ECM installation. Alfresco is regarded as the most powerful open-source enterprise content management system.Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation" explains users about creating smart, collaborative content repositories, and shows how to use Alfresco to create more elegant document sharing, better collaborative working, and reliable automated workflow processes. The Alfresco book is designed for system administrators, experienced users or developers who want to install and use Alfresco in their teams or businesses. The book assumes a degree of technical confidence but does not require specialist sysadmin or developer skills to get a basic system up and running.
(3 ratings)
BPEL Cookbook
Ten practical real-world case studies combining business process management and web services orchestration : -Real-world BPEL recipes for SOA integration and Composite Application development -Combining business process management and web services orchestration -Techniques and best practices with downloadable code samples from ten real-world case studies Who this book is written for? This book is aimed at architects and developers building applications in Service Oriented Architecture. The book presumes knowledge of BPEL, SOA, XML, web services, and multi-tier architectures.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.49
Managing and Customizing OpenCms 6 Websites
A practical guide to creating and managing your own website with this proven Java/JSP based content management system. This book takes you through the process of creating content rich websites and applications using OpenCms. Although powerful and flexible, OpenCms can be daunting on first approach, but its advanced features reward the investment in learning. This book does not cover extending the operations of OpenCms with Java development. The focus is on OpenCms as a complete CMS platform in itself. It does use some JSP for extensions where required. This book covers -Installing OpenCms, and its basic concepts -Using the OpenCms Workplace to manage and publish your content -Managing projects, user accounts, databases, and modules -Working with the VFS and search -Understanding and using tasks and workflows -Working with templates and the OpenCms Tag Library.
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 22.49
Java Tool Tutorials by Herong - A Free Tutorial Book
"Java Tool Tutorials" is a free tutorial book based on notes and sample codes collected by the author while he was learning Java tools himself. Topics includes: book, breakpoint, class, classpath, debugging, free, import, java, javac, jar, jdb, J2SE, JDK, JPDA, notes, source, sourcepath, thread, tutorials. Key sections: 'javac' - The Java Compiler - "-sourcepath" - Specifying Source Path - "-d" - Specifying Output Directory - "import" Statements - 'java' - The Java Launcher - "-classpath" - Specifying Class Path - "-jar" - Executable JAR Files - "-X" Options to Control Memory Size - "javaw" - Launching Java Applications without Console - 'jdb' - The Java Debugger - Attaching "jdb" to Running Applications - Debugging Commands - Multi-Thread Debugging Exercise - JAR File Format and 'jar' Tool - JAR Files Are ZIP Files - Adding "manifest" to JAR Files - Using JAR Files in Class Paths - Creating Executable JAR Files
(60 ratings)
Unicode Tutorial - Herong's Tutorial Notes on Unicode
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Unicode. Topics include ASCII, character set, encoding, GB, GB18030, GB2312, GBK, ISO-8859, JDK, JIS, UTF8, Unicode Key sections: Character Sets and Encodings - GB2312/GB18030 Character Set and Encodings - JIS X0208 Character Set and Encodings - Unicode Character Set - Unicode Transformation Formats (UTF) - JDK - Character Set and Encoding - JDK - Encoding Maps, Counts and Conversion.
(12 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Java Swing
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Java Swing. Topics include AWT, button, Chinese, component, event, frame, graphics, GUI, internal frame, Java, JDK, JFC, language, label, listener, look and feel, MVC, radio button, resolution, screen, Swing, text field, thread, toolkit, tutorial, Unicode. Key sections: What Is Swing? - Graphics Environment - Swing JFrame - Swing JLabel - Swing JButton - Swing JRadioButton - Swing JTextField - Swing JInternalFrame - Layouts of Components - Look and Feel.
(15 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Sorting
This book is a collection of notes and sample codes related to varies sorting algorithms and Java implementations. Topics include Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Insertion Sort, Java, Merge Sort, performance, Quicksort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, etc.
(3 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on JVM
This book is a collection of notes and tutorial codes I wrote while I was trying different implementations of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Topics include: CDS, Class Data Sharing, Garbage collection, GC, HotSpot, JDK 1.3.0, JDK 1.4.0, JDK 1.4.2, JDK 1.5.0, J2SDK, JRockit, Memory, Out of memory, Performance, Stack overflow, String buffer, etc.
(6 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on GB2312 Character Set
This book describes the GB2312 character set. It provides a mapping table of all GB2312 characters, native codes, corresponding Unicode codes and UTF8 codes. It also provides a Java program that produces the mapping table.
(6 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Data Encoding
This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes related to varies data encoding algorithms and programs, including UUEnccode and Base64 encoding algorithm and their Java implementations.
(3 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes On Java
This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes related to Java. Topics include console, deadlock, execution environment, JVM, memory synchronization, syntax, thread, etc.
(3 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Cryptography
This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes related to cryptography. Topics include DES algorithm, Blowfish algorithm, OpenSSL, RSA key-pair generation, public key certificate, self-signed certificate, certificate signing request, etc
(12 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on JSP
This book is a collection of notes and tutorial codes I wrote while I was leaning JSP (JavaServer Pages). Topics include: attachment, Big5, book, Chinese, content-disposition, content_type, cookie, custom tag, debugging, example, expression language, file upload, GB2312, GBK, header lines, HTTP/1.1, HTTP Response, internationalization, i18n, IterationTag, JavaBeen, JDK, JSP, JSTL, JSTL-EL, J2SE, localization, MIME, named package, online, pageContext, performance, Perl, Servlet, session, Taglib, TagSupport, tag interface, TLD, Tomcat, tutorial, unnamed package, Unicode, useBean, UTF-8, XML
(18 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on JDK
A collection of notes and simple codes on JDK. Topics include Blowfish, book, Calendar, certificate, character set, cipher, client authentication, collections, datagram, Date, decryption, DES, digital signature, encryption, DOM, DSA, DTD, example, HTTP, HTTPS, J2SDK, Java, JCA, JDK, JDK 1.3.1, JDK 1.4.1, JDK 1.5.0, key store, keytool, Locale, notes, message digests, MD5, online, private key, public key, RSA, sample, SAX, secret key, SHA, socket, SSL, TLS, tutorial, unnamed package, Unicode, UTF-8, X.509, XML, XSD, XSL
(3 ratings)
Building Websites with OpenCms
This book takes you through the process of creating content-rich websites and applications using OpenCms. Although powerful and flexible, OpenCms can be daunting on first approach, but its advanced features reward the investment in learning. This book exists to ease Java developers into getting the most from OpenCms. With hard-won experience of the practical difficulties faced by developers working with OpenCms, this book is the embodiment of the author's expertise, and the perfect way to master the system. If you are a web developer new to OpenCms, or are an experienced OpenCms developer who is looking to get the most from the system, then this is the book for you. A working knowledge of Java, JSP, and XML is required to get the most from OpenCms, and from this book.
(3 ratings)
JavaServer Pages
JavaServer Pages shows how to develop Java-based web applications without having to be a hardcore programmer. The author provides an overview of JSP concepts and discusses how JSP fits into the larger picture of web applications. Web page authors will benefit from the chapters on generating dynamic content, handling session information, accessing databases, authenticating users, and personalizing content. In the programming-oriented chapters, Java programmers learn how to create Java components and custom JSP tags for web authors to use in JSP pages.
(6 ratings)
Beginning Java 2 - Jdk 1.3 Edition
The newest version of J2SE technology, v 1.3, delivers momentous performance gains and improved Web deployment for enterprise-grade, client-side applications. And just about everything else developers have been asking for. This book is the JDK 1.3 edition of the best selling introductory Java 2 book. It is a fast paced and comprehensive tutorial introduction to application development using Java. It is ideal for novice Java programmers who have some previous programming exposure and are able to run with the fast pace. Almost all new entrants to Java are coming from previous programming experience.
(6 ratings)
Java and XML
Java and XML share many features that are ideal for building Web-based enterprise applications, such as platform-independence, extensibility, reusability, global language (Unicode) support, and both are based on industry standards. Together Java and XML allow enterprises to simplify and lower cost of information sharing and data exchange. Java and XML shows you how to put the two together, building real-world applications in which both the code and the data are truly portable. This book covers: The basics of XML, Using standard Java APIs to parse XML, Designing new document types using DTDs and Schemas, Writing programs that generate XML data, Transforming XML into different forms using XSL transformations (XSL/T), XML-RPC, Using a web publishing framework like Apache-Cocoon, and XML as a configuration language.
(3 ratings)
Professional Java Server Programming
An overview of the new server-side Java platform - Java 2 Enterprise Edition - as it relates to building n-tier web applications. It covers the building blocks (Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC, RMI, JNDI, CORBA) then goes into special design considerations for server side programming, (including resource pooling and component based design) before finally discussing future design possibilities opened up by Jini and JavaSpaces technology.
(9 ratings)
Java Servlet Programming
Java servlets offer a fast, powerful, portable replacement for CGI scripts. This book covers everything one needs to write effective servlets. Topics include serving dynamic Web content, maintaining state information, session tracking, database connectivity using JDBC, and applet-servlet communication.
(3 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 45