Application Building
Creating a Job Scheduler in Java Struts
posted byLiDmXinApplication Building
This is a detailed tutorial on how to create a full-featured job scheduler in Java Struts and Hibernate. It comes with a simple login form for the two types of users - Manager and Employee, email notifications support, a checkbox list of employees, a date picker and multiple calendars views (day, month, units, timeline). The tutorial provides code snippets, screenshots and a free ready sample to download. A live demo is available for evaluation.
PriceUSD 299.00
Table Booking Calendar Tutorial in Spring MVC
posted byLiDmXinApplication Building
Learn how to create a fully-customizable booking calendar for table reservation in Spring MVC using DHTMLX JavaPlanner web control. The tutorial includes code snippets, screenshots and a ready downloadable sample. Live demo is available.
PriceUSD 299.00
posted byinfoinApplication Building
winreg ist justr a small class, wich demonstrate the registry access on windows from a java application. You do not need any library, dll, native system call.
It uses the standard java api.
How to add a splash screen to your android applicaiton
posted byjameselsey1986inApplication Building
Want to add a splash screen into your android application that the users see on each launch? This tutorial will also show you how to make it configurable so they may disable it if they wish
Writing A Basic Android Application
posted byhigherpassinApplication Building
Learn to write Android applications. Learn the basics of working with resources, layouts, the AndroidManifest.xml file and building code. Topics covered include creating dialog boxes, playing sounds, creating views and layouts with LinearLayout and RelativeLayout, and launching new views.
Building Web Services w/ Eclipse Tutorial
posted bypowelljgrinApplication Building
This tutorial shows you how to build a Web service using the Eclipse Web Tools Platform. The Web service interacts with a Cloudscape (Apache Derby) database and is deployed to Apache Tomcat.
Use the Element Construction Set to create formatted logs
posted bypowelljgrinApplication Building
The Jakarta Element Construction Set (ECS) is an open source project for creating markup language documents using the Java language and an object-oriented approach. Java developer Amit Tuli provides an introduction to ECS and shows you a step-by-step approach for using it to generate well-formatted status reports from log files. You will create a sample application to help you better understand ECS and its usage. You'll also learn some other potential uses for the API.
Visual Application Builder
posted byvoltroninApplication Building
The Visual Application Builder is a set of WebSphere Studio plug-ins that allow even non-expert programmers to quickly develop browser-based/J2EE applications and application templates that target various devices. The model-based Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment allows easy building of form-based applications that interface with data from various sources, such as RDB and Web services. It allows the use of one project to generate code for various target platforms and for new technologies that will evolve.
Updated for WebSphere Studio 5.1 with WSWB 2.1 look & feel; contains database connection filtering, undo support, and several bug fixes.
Migrating web application from websphere 3.5 to 4.0
posted byebspinApplication Building
This is a tutorial about migrating web applications (Servlets, JSP, JavaBeans) from WebSphere 3.5 to WebSphere 4.0 which is J2EE 1.2 compliant.
Developing and distributing Java applications for the client side
posted bykwigintinApplication Building
Java Web Start, a new technology to assist the development of client-side Java applications, is unique in that it frees you from concerning yourself with how the client is launched, either from a Web browser or from the desktop. Additionally, this technology provides an encompassing deployment scheme that enables a Web server to independently distribute and update client code. This article introduces this enterprising new technology, which is scheduled to be integrated in the final release of Java 1.4, describing its implementation from both the developer and the user perspective.
Introducing inheritance to PropertyResourceBundles
posted bykwigintinApplication Building
Creating a fully internationalized Java application using PropertyResourceBundles can present some interesting design and implementation problems, including concern over how to modularize the bundles to be used in different areas of the application. This article explores a solution based on PropertyResourceBundles, which should simplify the design and implementation problems, while promoting reuse of existing bundles. Article includes code snippets.