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CX310-090 SCBCD EJB Java
posted byucertifyinEJB
Pass SCBCD CX310-090 exam in first attempt. 280 questions with detailed explanation and 100 study notes. CX310-090 - SCBCD EJB Java study notes, articles and mock test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on latest SUN certification exam pattern. Download exam simulation and study guide. Download practice test for SUN exam CX310-090 Now. Based on latest SCBCD certification exam pattern. Download SCBCD CX310-090 Now
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PriceUSD 34.98
Is Ejb really significant in enterprise applications?
posted byRyanJames27inEJB
Ejb was introduced to Java technology to attain some features inherent in enterprise applications. Those features include instance pooling, inbuilt security, declarative transactions, container managed persistence, relationship of business objects and caching etc. Now that many people have built their applications using Ejb, let us go back and analyze if Ejb as a technology is really significant in developing enterprise applications. We are going to analyze both pros and cons of Ejb based on experience of people who have used Ejb.
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Accessing EJBs through firewalls
Ever try to write a J2EE application accessing EJBs across a firewall? It can be messy, and developers often must resort to all kinds of workarounds, none of them particularly "neat." Developers often write a servlet to intercept HTTP requests and delegate them to EJBs, which is kind of a kludge. Another approach that uses tunneling technologies-such as RMI over HTTP-can entail a big performance hit. But there is a better way. You can solve this problem elegantly by using Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE).
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EJB 2.1 Kick Start : Implementing a Solution Using EJB 2.1.
posted byfaisalinEJB
Sample chapter from "EJB 2.1 Kick Start" on installing an application server to developing and deploying an EJB on it.
(4 ratings)
EJB exception handling
posted bymgmendozinEJB
As J2EE has become the enterprise development platform of choice, more and more J2EE-based applications are going into production. One important component of the J2EE platform is the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) API. Together, J2EE and EJB technology offer many advantages, but with these advantages come new challenges. In particular, any problem in an enterprise system must be resolved quickly. In this article, Enterprise Java programming veteran Srikanth Shenoy reveals his best practices in EJB exception handling for faster problem resolution.
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