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Results 1-20 of 40
A cool version of the traditional hangman. Powered by jQuery and AJAX. Dictionary composed of 110000 English words.
(0 ratings)
ggtooltip - A jQuery Tooltip Plugin
FEATURES - 4 Positions: top, right, bottom and left. - Unlimited background colors. - Unlimited font colors. - Different border color combinations based on background colors. - Supports different types of tooltip triggers such as click, hover, focus and manual. - Powered by HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.
(0 ratings)
jQee - Keyboard Shortcuts for jQuery
jQee is a jQuery plugin which allows you to easily bind callback functions to any key or key combo (including ctrl, shift, and alt modifiers). It also allows you to override existing shortcuts, block the context menu, implement your own custom context menus, any combination of the above, and more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Pie Charts Creator Online
Pie charts creator online to create pie, exploded pie and 3d pie charts for the data required and download the same for your web use.
(0 ratings)
SundayMorning is a jQuery plugin which allow site-owners to offer their visitors some easy and fancy ways to translate their content on-the-fly in more than 30 languages using Google Translate API.
(0 ratings)
Tipsy is a jQuery plugin for creating a Facebook-like tooltips effect based on an anchor tag's title attribute.
(0 ratings)
"This plug-in animates the scrolling between hash-links (named anchors). ### Requirements You will need jQuery included on the page. If you want to use additional easing methods, you will need jQuery UI as well. Include the jquery.anchorscroll.js as well, and your own script which activates the plug-in. An example script called global.js is included in the package: "
(0 ratings)
jQuery Help Popups
Simple help messages for your users Show lightweight messages to users on top of the interface. Can be used for notifications about new features or updates or for first-use tutorials. Just provide title and content - popup will auto-position itself next to selected element. How it works Notification popup appears near page element with title and content Popup remembers if user has closed it and will not be shown again (information stored in a cookie) You can control specific positioning if needed Look and feel is customizable through provided CSS
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
jQuery News Fader
jQuery content fade (rotate/slide) plugin is a multipurpose jQuery tool for displaying content. This is a great tool to present news, events, announces, press releases, and other content to your website page.
(0 ratings)
CJ Shuffle - A jQuery Banner/Ad Rotator
CJ Shuffle: A jQuery Banner / Ad Rotator, is a nice departure from typical banner rotators. It will instantly grab a users attention with its shuffle effect and help engage your website’s visitors.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
ZoomShowcase - A jQuery Banner Rotator
Looking for a different kind of jQuery banner? ZoomShowcase is a unique jQuery Banner that will add a fresh look to your website. It’s built on top of jQuery 1.6.1, and comes with several customizable options.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Put twitter live on your website with juitter
Juitter is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to place live twitter on your website. It is lightweight, fast & highly customizable. You can use Juitter to display tweets from a specific user or specific words, you can restrict results by language, and it even supports multiple users and keywords. Juitter offers several options so that you can customize it according to your project needs, including ability to specify number of messages to display, time interval before it refreshes tweets, whether to display user avatars or not, etc. You can easily customize its look and feel using CSS.
(0 ratings)
JQuery news slider
This is a demonstration of the jcarousellite script. The example below shows how you can easily add a news message slider to your website. The news messages are created by li elements. You can jump to the previous or next message with the corresponding buttons. This example uses basic CSS, so feel free to customize the styles.
(0 ratings)
ishare - One awesome jquery sharing plugin
eplace the long list of sharing buttons on your webpage and add ishare to take its place. It will be neat, simple and organized. This script uses the jQuery framework and works completely client side. So you can use it on static and dynamic webpages. ishare is so easy to use and you only need to add a single simple code and include two files for it to work. Supports facebook, twitter, digg, delicious, yahoo, email, fav, print, live, stumbleupon, orkut, google, tumblr, linkedin, myspace, evernote, bebo, technorati, reddit, newsvine, mixx, netvibes, google buzz and you can add your own!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Banner Message
It comes in four bright, yet gentle colors, to match any color scheme. If that isn’t enough, you can customise the colors to your hearts content via CSS . All images are available in Photoshop layered files. Here are some advantage points of this plugin: Really small footprint Super easy to add to existing websites Comes with number of APIs to accomodate different situation Fully customisable via CSS
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Twitter Ultimate-jQuery Plugin
Autoplay On/Off Realtime incoming tweets can be disabled/enabled on load Start/Stop Feed Options to start or pause incoming tweets Speed Control Options Ability to control speed of incoming tweets Two types of search You can either display tweets from an user or tweets mentioning a word Tweets count options Options to control number of tweets to be shown in the feed Multiple Query Option Options to have multiple queries Easily Customizable You can easily customize it by various options provided.You will be able to control speed of incoming tweets,Number of tweets to be shown in feed
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
jQuery Sliding Puzzle
It’s really simple to set up and has great default settings for easy implementing, but also offers a great variety of options to customize. Feature include: Infinite amount of images. Multiple puzzles on one page is easily possible. Rows, columns, width, height, everything edited easily. Transition times configurable. Fully standards-compliant and great crossbrowser support. Very light-weight. Easy to implement. Extensively documented.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Sticky Footer
It degrades gracefully if Javascript is disabled, the jQuery effects are used for enhancements only. It comes in two variants : a fixed width to fit your layout width and a full width taking the whole viewport width. Features: Fixed or Full Width. jQuery Enhancements. Degrades gracefully if Javascript is disabled. Easy to customize. CSS3 enhancements. From 1 up to 12 Columns. Lots of typography Examples (headings, lists, tables, etc.). Help Documentation. Cross Browser Support. Valid HTML / CSS Markup.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
everyTip » Jquery tooltip Plugin
You can apply it on any element you want e.g.: img, a , li, span, div and so on. The plugin automatically detects all elements of your specified type on the whole page and add’s a tooltip to it. It also supports inside HTML , so you can display all HTML tags inside a tooltip. Comes in a lightweight and crypted version.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Fancy Countdown - jQuery plugin
It´s very easy to use. You can set an own target date with a timezone. The plugin comes with an extensive API . Set it up only in 3 minutes! It´s working on all iToys(iPhone, iPad etc.) and smartphones which support JavaScript!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Results 1-20 of 40