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User Interface & Layout

Results 1-14 of 14
ReactJS javascript Library
Before few years ago, JavaScript is used for frontend development like validation to form. But now a days, People are using it for frontend as well as backend development. So it is being popular. You don’t need to server side language like PHP, .Net for developing web and mobile application because it is possible to make whole application by using JavaScript. Today we will discuss about ReactJS which is front end JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It is currently most popular JavaScript libraries for front end development and facilitate the creation of interactive and reusable UI components. React gives you a template language and some function hooks to essentially render HTML. That's all React outputs, HTML.
(0 ratings)
Gridifier - Async Responsive HTML Grids
Key features: 1) Concurrent operations. 2) Mobile first. 3) Unlimited multi-touch dragifiers. 4) Smart sorting & filtering engine.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
jBar - the jQuery call to action bar
jBar is a simple and lightweight jQuery notification banner created as an alternative to Hellobar. It allows you to create a simple call to action and bring it forward for the user to see at the top of your website. The user can then toggle the visibility of the bar by clicking the ribbon.
(3 ratings)
Transform Image UI
The Transform Image UI (User Interface) is a CSS3 & Javascript based component that will transform an image live on-screen according to user actions. Resize, rotate & flip (horizontal and vertical) options are all available, allowing the image to be transformed in a dynamic, user friendly and interesting way. When the user is happy with their transforms and the image is as they'd like, the hidden form fields can be submitted (such as when the user clicks a button to confirm their transform actions are complete) and of course used by a another script to take further action, such as using perhaps ASP.net or PHP to actually apply those transforms to an image on the web server.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.99
Scroll any element on hover or keypress. Create a scrolling image gallery or menu. 1.Scroll horizontally or Vertically 2.Set the scroll speed. 3.Allow scroll on keypress. 4.Choose traileffect distance and easing. 5.Easily integrate other jQuery animations and css styling.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
JQuery Ajax Slide Content
It’s very easy to implement in your website and it’s optimizing for SEO . When you click on a link (inside your website) the main content slide with the new content of the link. It’s a very cool plugin and it’s compatible with mobile browser.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
It turn any block element into a slider bar which user can move the pointer to select a value! It supports theming with only one image without any extra css! Using is very simple, just import file and apply plugin and you have your bar to select value! Simple markup, no extra css!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
.jQuery Notification Messages
Included in the package are styles for error, success, info, and notification. You can see them all in the screenshot. If you want, you opt not to use the jQuery part of the package. Just don’t include it. If you do use it, messages will fade in, give a little shake, and fade out when the use clicks them.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Tipped - The Javascript Tooltip Framework
Tipped allows you to easily create beautiful tooltips using your Javascript framework of choice.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 49.00
Poshy Tip
A full-featured tooltip plugin that allows creating stylish tooltips in a unique and easy way.
(0 ratings)
Fullscreen backgound image with jquery
Set an image as an html background that takes the full browser dimensions and center it.
(0 ratings)
jNotice is the plugin for you, if you like to use some nifty popup’s on your websites or applications. This plugin is very customizable because you can select a div that you want to use as popup. In this div you can place whatever content you want.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Timeline calendar
Timeline is a horizontal representation of days in month. It can be used to display unlimited number of events with their descriptions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
PeloSlideLi is a Plugin for jQuery, launched by the first time On January 10, 2010. It allows you to transform a Html List into a Slide, with any content of HTML. Totally customizable by CSS width a very simple and rapid integration to our projects. The principal aim of this plugin, is that it is rapid and easy to implement, with few steps in the configuration, the installation becomes intuitive enough.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-14 of 14