Javascript Calendar Date Picker
Transform your input text control into a date-picker control.
JavaScript Calendar Date Picker control makes it easy to fill out the date/time fields for the website users by selecting the date and time from a popup calendar.
Save development time and optimize user experience without the use of pop-up windows with this intuitive, easy to use cross-browser client-side date input control.
Download our free trial Calendar Date Picker and add a fully featured calendar date picker into your web application within minutes, or less.
Calendar Date Picker is a ready to use product. All you'll need is just to add the date picker into your web application and it will work. No configuration is needed. It also gives you all the ability you need for developing the most complex modules.
PriceUSD 39.95
Sprigst Calendar Pro
The calendar with its high flexibility though controlled by compact and intuitive range of settings.Template based face. Custom date/time format. Timestamp support. Date intervals suported. Start date setting. Marked date setting. Excluded Dates. Included Dates. Callbacks functions. Easy setupping process.Easy positioning. Ability to assign calendar to existing HTML elements. Modal and onpage calendar modes. Good browser compatibility. Tested and reliable.
PriceUSD 29.00
A classic calendar is displayed upon a floating layer. Developers may change settings to adapt for their own needs, such as for example the possibilities of displaying combos for months and year. Otherwise, the default behavior is to show the current month days and go back and forth along the dates. See the built-in bunch of settings.
Rich Calendar
Rich Calendar is Cross-browser, 100% JavaScript calendar script implementing the appropriate functionality with many advanced options widely extending fields of its applications.
No pop-up windows. Skinnable, multilingual. Mulitiple instances on one page. Allows relative or absolute to position calendar on page. And more.
AddObject NlsCalendar Professional
NlsCalendar is state of the art AJAX enabled DHTML calendar control. Calendar is generated dynamically in browser, no server request is required. It is fast and responsive, compact interface design and customizable style provides professional calendar view or date time picker for your web application. NlsCalendar features includes basic calendar functions such as month/year navigation, flat and popup mode, any day as first day of week. The calendar also supports month/year drop down view to quickly navigate the calendar to specific date. "Today" function allows you to quicky return to current date by single click. Advanced features such as multiple date selection, disable date, special day and special event enhances the usability of the control. You can disable date selection, mark date as special day and define special event manually or programmatically. AJAX capability enrich the already long list of options available in NlsCalendar. Examples, documentation and support is provided.
PriceUSD 34.95
JavaScript Calendar Component
There are a lot of JavaScript Calendars out there, but actually only a few can be very customizable to fit anyone's need. That's why we have created a Calendar Component that is very customizable and extendable. You can see our Calendar at work right in this page. There are tons of features in this calendar package, such as
- Create any numbers of months per calendar. - Set the weekend, days off, holidays (dates off), start day of the week. - Start and end date. - Multi selection with limits or without. - Skinnable (using CSS). - Can have any number of calendars in any page. - Optimized for best performance.
EPB Calendar
posted byEvilPuffBallinCalendars
EPB Calendar is a calendar-based date picker written entirely in JavaScript/CSS. It features mouse and keyboard navigation as well as being completely customizable with CSS and JavaScript. English only, sample CSS is included in download. Has been tested in the following browsers: Firefox 2, Opera 8, Safari 3, and IE6.
Week Number Calculator - Free - Javascript
A very simple and powerfull Calculate week number javascript !!!!
You fill you day, month, year, and it calculate automatically the week number.
This script can be used in various situation (planning for ex. etc...).
Calendar Date Select
posted bytimcharperinCalendars
This is a JavaScript calendar date picker for Ruby on Rails.
* It�s lean (only ~15kb css+js code)! * It�s mean (it can pick dates and datetimes, popup or embedded! all styling is done with CSS, so it is completely customizable)! * It�s easy to use (it automatically puts its javascripts/css/image files where needed and is fully integrated with rails form builders).
Compatible with all modern browsers.
NOTE: The JavaScript can be used with any web framework other than Ruby on Rails. prototype.js 1.5.0 or greater required for use.
Calendar Date Picker
Easy to set up calendar script that overcomes most of the flaws of existing scripts (like the problem in IE that it gets overlapped by select-boxes).
It works with forms, allowing the user to insert a date through the GUI of the calendar. Automatically marks any existing date that has already been filled in and also marks the current date.
Has a wide range of configurable options like the format of the date, excluding days/dates, range of years that should be shown, debug information, and more.
Except for the html part that embodies the calendar, no other changes are needed to your existing pages!
Appearance is fully customizable through an external stylesheet
Calendar / Date Selecter
posted byBobby PetersinCalendars
This easy to use calendar can be used either as a standalone calendar or used to add dates to a text field you define. The years that appear in the year drop down list are completely customisable, as is the design via standard CSS styles. This script dynamically builds the calendar at run time allowing multiple instances to be displayed on the same page.
PriceGBP 2.00
Dreamweaver Calendar
posted bydavidezquivelinCalendars
Macromedia Dreamweaver calendar component designed for building webpages that deal with dates. Allows selection of special and restricted days. Has two different ways to appear in the webpage: showing the calendar expanded or showing combo boxes and a button to expand the calendar. It's easy to install (just a Dreamweaver extension) and easy to use. Supports four languages.
PriceUSD 9.90
Gurt JavaScript Calendar Pro
Gurt JavaScript Calendar Pro is powerful and flex application with intuitive settings.Template based face. Skinable. Localization adjustable. Easy positioning. Adjustable message behaviour. Ability to assign calendar to existing HTML elements. Modal and onpage calendar modes. Timestamp support. Custom date/time format. Date intervals suported. Special dates. Start date setting. Callbacks functions. Easy setupping process .Tested and reliable. Good browser compatibility. Quality support and customization service.
PriceUSD 29.00
Kodart DHTML Calendar
Kodart calendar web control provides web developers with the light-weight(
PriceUSD 79.00
Epoch DHTML Javascript Calendar
posted bysctrojan79inCalendars
The Epoch DHTML JavaScript Calendar allows the web developer to quickly upgrade their users' web experience without spending hours developing complex date-validation scripts. Constructed entirely in Javascript and styled with easily-customizable CSS, Epoch is a powerful facet of any advanced website.
Epoch is developed entirely using Object-Oriented Programming, making it exeedingly simple to integrate Epoch into your current framework. Epoch is W3C Standards-Compliant and runs on all major browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, FireFox, Netscape Navigator, Opera, and more.
Features: Fast loading and initialization; Intuitive, customizable interface; Can display as a Flat or DatePicker calendar; Automatic Date Formatting-US, European, or create your own; Multiple-Date selection/MultiSelect; Full Object-Oriented Design; CSS Styling.
Now available in English, Fran�ais, Espa�ol, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlandse, Russian, Chinese, Polish, and more languages!
FlatCalendarXP Lite Edition
FlatCalendarXP is a powerful and configurable JavaScript calendar. There are very few, if any, things that other JavaScript calendars can do that FlatCalendarXP can not. You'll be amazed to see how simple and fast it is to get it generated by a calendar tag.
It features database-driven events/agendas, real cross-browser capability, extremely customizable UI, super easy-to-use design and a compact and fast JavaScript engine. It works perfectly with ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion and other web frameworks.
DHTML week planner
This DHTML scripts makes it easy for you to handle your appointements directly on your web page. Create new appointments by dragging from start to end. Move them by drag'n drop and edit them directly on the page. Ajax is used to send your changes back to your server where it could be stored in a database.
HIOX Javascript Calendar
This free javascript calendar that displays any month of every year can be used in any website. It has been tested to work in browsers like mozilla, IE, opera..
Simple Calendar Widget
posted byAnthonyGarrettinCalendars
A flexible, simple pop-up calendar written to work across browsers. It's fully commented and customisable for language, colours, date format and the week's start day. The pop-up displays a month at a time from a specified range of years. The optional year, month and day input determines the initial month displayed. Allows disabling of dates, date ranges and days of the week. Optionally draggable. This is ideal for combination with server-side technologies to produce a professional application.
HTML-Calendar (JS)
Use this JavaScript class to create a monthly calendar. It's easy to use and highly customizable, supports multiple languages, and you can choose whether weeks start with Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or any other day. Of course you can create as many calendars as you like.