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Content Management

Results 1-20 of 47
jQuery Text Input Window
Jquery script displays the simplest form of string input.
(3 ratings)
Jquery Mobile Collapsible Panels Script
Allows you to open or close a content panel with a mouse click.
(3 ratings)
Copy Paste Protection Script
Adds your link and copyright details to your content when it is copied from your site. Automatically detects your site URL when your content is copied into a visitor's clipboard. If a visitor is going to copy your content, why not get a free and valid link back - Automatically!!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Often page title is not known at the time page header is generated. This script will automatically generate page title from other part of the page. Especially useful for pages that are dynamically modified.
(3 ratings)
Expandable Sticky Bar
This script uses CSS's "positon:fixed" property plus a splash of JavaScript to create a sticky footer or header bar that expands when the mouse rolls over it. It's useful for showing supplemental information of a site that should always be in within a mouse action away. The markup of the bar can either be inline HTML defined within the page it's on, or entirely in a separate HTML file and fetched via Ajax.
(10 ratings)
Content Swapper
It does so by swapping content based on a Fragment Identifier link (e.g. #some-id) that refers to an anchor element on the same page which has an attribute string equal to the fragment value (e.g. id=”some-id”). This script can be very useful for creating help files, faq pages, presentations etc.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
AJAX text editor
Highly recommended for CMS without this feature, or any other site that the owner wants to edit his text easily in place.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
You can set a custom position (left or right, top or bottom) to show messages, and change type messages, etc… You uisng CSS can easy add your types of messages and edit defaults. Fine and beautiful showing messages for your sites.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Use this script to convert your HTML textareas into a code editor with realtime syntax hilighting. You can create as many editors as you want within your HTML page. When put into a form, the contents can be submitted, e.g. to be written to a file. You can use your already existing textareas and convert them by simply adding a class name. Just one JavaScript file has to be included - that's it!
(3 ratings)
Horizontal Accordion script
This robust script turns an ordinary UL list into a horizontal accordion that expands sideways. Specify which LI should be expanded by default, whether to persist the last expanded LI (within a browser session), and also, expand a particular LI by passing in different parameters into the URL string.
(0 ratings)
MyAjax - Ajax Powered MySQL Table Viewer (with Ajax Search)
MyAjax is a MySQL Ajax Table viewer which allows for sorting, searching, and viewing of large amounts of MySQL table data in a quick and easy to use Ajax web interface. MyAjax features Ajax Sortable Columns, Ajax Search, and Ajax Paginated Results. Uses jQuery for Ajax calls and Javascript functions. Config file includes customisation variables to set which fields to display and their default sort order, which field to search on, results per page and more. * Uses jQuery. * Ideal for large amounts of MySQL data. * Easily browse a SQL database via Ajax. * Only loads data that is required. * Ajax search. * Paginated results. * Set how many results to view per page. * Ajax sortable columns. * Specify which SQL fields to display * Specify which database field Ajax search is performed on. * Fluid table width and clean styling. * PHP, HTML, Javascript. Clean coding.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Stay on Top content script
"Emphasize" and make particular content on your page stand out by keeping them always visible on the visitor's browser screen, using this script. It uses CSS's "fixed" positioning to accomplish this, and lets you manage their display frequency (using cookies) to make the whole affair sensible and user friendly.
(3 ratings)
DD Drop Down Panel
DD Drop Down Panel lets you tuck away ordinary HTML content on the page and slides down on demand when the user clicks on the protruding tab. The rest of the page's content is pushed down when the hidden content is exposed. It comes with a handful of helpful features, such as the use of an arrow image to reflect the current panel state and panel state persistence.
(6 ratings)
dhtmlxDataView - JavaScript DataView Component
Ajax/DHTML component that provides a comprehensive and flexible solution for creating file/image browsers, product catalogs, web-shop interfaces, or any other web interfaces that display a list or collection of items. dhtmlxDataView supports dynamic loading, built-in paging, sorting and filtering capabilities, inline editing, drag-and-drop, etc. The component can be easily integrated with server-side (PHP, Java, and ASP.NET) and provides automatic saving and loading of data using Ajax. There is a variety of data sources which can be used to load the content within a DataView: JSON, XML, JS array, HTML or CSV.
(0 ratings)
Accordion Content script
Accordion Content script lets you group arbitrary contents on the page together and reveal them on demand, using an "accordion" animation where one content closes while the next opens.
(6 ratings)
Switch Content Script
Switch Content script allows you to make arbitrary content on your webpage contract/expand on demand. The user clicks on designated headers to reveal additional content. Supports multiple "groups" of switch contents on the same page, each with their own independent settings.
(9 ratings)
Generating an Html page dynamically
This code takes the html formatted text from a textarea box and builds an online page out of it dynamically. It opens a window and displays the html text.
(6 ratings)
Interstitial Content Box
An interstitial is a container that appears over an entire webpage intermittingly to display content in an eye catching way. This is a Interstitial Box script that uses Ajax to fetch and display the contents of external pages on your server as an interstitial.
(6 ratings)
Random Content Order script
Randomize the display order of arbitrary HTML content on your page with this script. As a result, the order in which the participating contents is displayed on the page changes randomly each time the page loads.
(6 ratings)
Featured Content Slider v2.0
Featured Content Slider makes a slideshow out of arbitrary content on your page, so users can manually select a content to see or have them rotated automatically. Each content is defined simply inline on the page as regular HTML, or altogether inside a single external file and fetched via Ajax instead.
(13 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 47