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Content Management

Results 21-40 of 47
Tab Content script
This is a CSS/HTML based Tab Content script that lets you organize regular DIV contents on the page into a tab interface, in which clicking on a tab reveals the associated DIV content. It supports much requested features such as default tab selected, persistence of the active tab (ie: when page is reloaded), and multiple Tab Contents on the same page.
(3 ratings)
This editor is designed to edit souce code files in a textarea. The main goal is to allow text formatting, search and replace and syntax highlight (for small text). Main features: * Easy to integrate, only one script include and one function call * Tabulation support (allow to write well formated source code) * Search and replace (with regexp) * Customizable syntax highlighting (currently: PHP, CSS, Javascript, Python, HTML, XML, VB) * Auto-indenting new lines * Line numerotation * Multilanguage support (currently: Danish, English, French, German, Portuguese) * Possible PHP gzip compression (compress the 12 core files to one file of ~20Ko) * Allow multiple instances * Possible plugin integration * Possible save and load callback functions * Possible dynamic content management
(13 ratings)
dhtmlxTabbar - Ajax-Enabled JavaScript Tabs
Cross-browser, XML driven, and fully customizable JavaScript tabbar that provides an easy-to use solution for building intuitive tabbed interfaces. You can place different content within tab pages. Tabs can be top, bottom, right, and left oriented. The tab content can be displayed in iFrames or dynamically loaded on demand with Ajax. The tab control supports multiline, scrollable, and nested tabs, and allows easy initialization through simple HTML.
(0 ratings)
Ajax Tabs content
This tab content script uses Ajax to let you display a selection of external content on your page inside a DIV and via CSS tabs.
(15 ratings)
openWYSIWYG is a free cross-browser WYSIWYG editor that's packed with every rich-text editing feature you need to make your content management system or custom web application that much better. Bold, italicize, and underline text, change the font size, insert images & tables, set the text color, and more. Setting up openWYSIWYG is so easy, you can quickly turn any TextArea into a powerful WYSIWYG editor with just a few lines of code. Packed with tons of features, openWYSIWYG gives you total control over formatting your text. The ultimate TextArea replacement for your content management system.
(28 ratings)
Gurt JavaScript Table
Gurt JavaScript Table is a compact JavaScript widget to wrap your tabular data with an easy skinnable table having a range of simple controls to make the data to be more available for browsing. PAGINATING, ROW MARKING in several ways, SEARCH options, ready to receive data from DB tables... - and keep in mind we do not stop working on product featureset expansion!
(4 ratings)
Switch Content Script II
Switch Content Script II adds contact/expand functionality to any content using an image icon as the toggling interface. Apply it to content on your page you wish to give the viewer the option to hide. Cookies are used to remember and recall each content's last state.
(3 ratings)
About:Edit is a browser-based text and source code editor written in JavaScript and PHP. About:Edit provides full control over text manipulation, including complete keyboard support; multiple documents editing; syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript; unlimited undo and redo; smart tabs and indents; copy/paste operations and more - just about everything you'd expect from a decent text and source code editor. About:Edit is highly customizable, secure, loads fast and is easy to use even for complex editing tasks.
(2 ratings)
PriceGBP 47.50
RSS News JavaScript Ticker
This version of JavaScript Ticker can show news from any RSS feed. Also, each news is presented as a link, so user can click to the source of the news. The scroller is built using JavaScript, PHP and CSS. It is using JavaScript for text rotation, CSS for customization (fonts, colors, border etc) and PHP for content generation. In order to integrate this into your site you must have minimal JavaScript or/and PHP or/and CSS knowledge, but we are offering full email support for installation. Ticker can be easily customized for fonts, colors, size and speed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Content Tabs script
Use this script to divide long content on your page into "virtual" sections, with each section viewable by clicking on a tab. It's a great way to display your content in an interactive, less overwhelming way to your visitors.
(3 ratings)
Random Content colors
Randomly change the color of arbitrary content on your page (ie: table, div etc) to help draw attention to them.
(0 ratings)
JS Notepad
Notepad is a javascript script that support search & replace text in web form.Jump to any line of text.It is a usefull tool to edit script source online.Notepad support IE and Firefox.This script is a part of YABLinks script(It is not free).So Notepad is free for non-commercial use!
(3 ratings)
Flexible Table
Flexible Table is JavaScript Class using to Build Tables like in Windows Applications! Script allow to Resize Columns width using "Drag To Resize" method, set Colums and Rows Temlates to Format Table data and more..
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
Frequency Cap content script
Set any content on your page to display only once every x hours with this versatile DHTML script. Using CSS and JavaScript cookies, Different content can each be shown per its own periodic interval.
(0 ratings)
Image Manager
Browser based Image Manager script for images content viewing and management. Fast and easy to use for your personal photos album, company or organization products presentation, etc. Key Features: supports all browser compatible image types, supports all browser comaptible image sizes, customizable viewing parameters, no any special setup or programming knowledge needed - just put your images into appropriate directories and run script with your MS Internet explorer browser.
(0 ratings)
Daily Christian Bible Feed
Give your visitors the gift of God's Word. Place a simple javascript code on your site and let your visitors come back on a daily basis to read again and again! This is a great way to get dynamically updating content on your web site for free. We also have daily christian commentaries that are based on the same script.
(12 ratings)
Tab Content script
Tab Content Script is a standards compliant, 2 level content script. Click on a tab, and additional content appears beneath it while contracting any previously open content.
(3 ratings)
Neonix SiteSUITE i3
These Dreamweaver Extensions are centered around managing files within a static Dreamweaver site. They are: Neonix SIte Tools Pro - search for files within a site using comma-delimited wildcard search strings and then process the files with a variety of actions - upload, check-in, make writable and more Neonix Remove Orphans - delete orphaned files while filtering the orphan list for those files that are known not to be orphans Neonix Directory List Links - instantly insert links to files within a given directory with a variety of formatting options
(0 ratings)
Tabbed document viewer
Using a tabbed interface, this DHTML script lets you display external web pages inline on your page, with the help of the IFRAME tag.
(6 ratings)
FlexiGrid is a folding grid. It has a tree like functionality that may help organize your site content
(6 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 47