JavaScript Test Runner
posted bymarkwyldeinDevelopment
Most test runners include a lot of features and do a lot of magic.
They automatically (magically?):
- search and include test files
- run the tests for you
- inject test methods like describe/it
- add a hooks system for managing before/after events
- use cli's to manage the auto inclusion of the test runner
- use event systems for capturing when tests fail/succeed/finish
These features can create a great foundation for writing and running tests, but they also come with their own management and overhead.
This library aims to provide a bare bones test runner with zero magic.
As such, it can run in a web browser, nodejs, deno or any other javascript interpreter.
It's also pretty fast, small and has zero dependencies;
Real Estate Tokenization
posted byjohnmatthewinDevelopment
Do you want to set out to develop a real estate tokenization platform? Propose your ideas for developing a platform for tokenizing real estate assets or get our ready-made platform straight off!
Classified script
posted bystevehendryinDevelopment
Can you believe it? Now, to allow people to buy and sell products through the online market, all you gotta do is just kick start your classified site. Yet, to completely satisfy all the requirements of buyers and sellers, you need to develop a world-class classified site. This simply means you have to find the best-classified script with a mobile app to plunge into your own classified business. This is because opting for a readily available classifieds script seems to be a smarter way than building an app from scratch.
Therefore, to find an ideal solution for your desired classified business needs, find a renowned web and mobile app development company. This is essential to materialize your dream of building an absolute classified site.
You may still wonder about the need to depend on a well-known developing company. The prime reason is, to build a fully-integrated online classified platform, you need a dynamic classified script with a mobile app that can be tailored to include required cool features like SEO-friendly designs, dynamic filtering features, urgent promotions, and much more. Such classified scripts are preferred as they can be easily customized to fit your business specifications. You can get such a pre-equipped and flexible classified script only from a renowned web and mobile development company.
Thus, you must have a feature-packed classifieds script with mobile apps to develop an explicit online classified site. Appkodes is the exact place for ambitious entrepreneurs like you, who are striving to earn your niche among others. Here, you can find the accurate and versatile classified script you are looking for to build your prominent, dream classifieds site. So, Without any further delay, grab our classified script and get it modified to meet your business needs and stay ahead of your competitors in the long run.
PriceUSD 2,098.00
posted byguerraTroninDevelopment
This package can display traced calls to given objects.
It takes a given object and returns another object that works like the original object but intercepts the calls to that object.
The wrapper object displays information about the calls to the original object inside a given page element and forwards the calls to that object.
PriceEUR 1.00
Bootstrap 4 Password Indicator
posted byPlatusinDevelopment
Password indicators shown how strong the password is in a graphical or text way, it has been proven that user actually use a stronger password when they see how strong or weak the password is.
Periscope Clone
posted byBrittany121inDevelopment
Transmitting live sound and video scope of an occasion over the web is live video streaming. It can be made accessible to an open gathering of people for nothing of cost, or, paid on a month to month or per see premise. Much the same as Periscope/Facebook Live, have distributed live remarking framework as a subscribed client communicates a video.
PriceUSD 499.00
JavaScript Base64 Encode and Decode
posted bymega6382inDevelopment
This object can encode and decode data in base64 format in pure JS.
It can take a data string and encode it using the base64 algorithm.
The object can also do the opposite, i.e. decode base64 encoded data and return the original data string.
Create Custom Objects in Three.js > 70.0 and Export to JSON
posted byerobonet1inDevelopment
This tutorial explains how to create custom objects in the later Three.js library releases versions 70 or above. The author starts by showing different ways to create geometries and meshes using the application Vector 3D Drawer and then moves on to explain how to export them to popular formats such as JSON. In the code examples the author shows you how to instantiate and make use of the ObjectLoader for JSON created objects and its capacity to load Meshes with 400+ faces.
posted byrobertkendallinDevelopment
This command-line tool fixes broken path references in all of a project's JavaScript and HTML files. "Autocomplete" paths you have typed into your code. Generate reports about dependencies. Customize the tool to add support for additional types of file references.
Run Your Own On Demand Laundry Service Business
posted byVindiselinDevelopment
Laundry business is a competitive one. A laundry business is easy to start with, even if you don’t have experience in the industry. You will need to differentiate your business from your competitors to be successful. Before you open a shop, make sure you have found a prime location; discover how you will distinguish yourself from the competition around. Get a license to start your business and rent a small place, purchase necessary equipments like washers, dryers, coin machines etc. Market your laundry business among your friends and family first.
PriceUSD 999.00
Run a Courier Service Business Profitably
posted byVindiselinDevelopment
Though a courier business can be run with less capital and no technical expertise; a perfect courier service business plan will help you discard any losses that your business may incur. Here are few mandatory points to include in your business plan for courier services. Hire smart – there are several students interested in working as part time couriers and they are more efficient and accept a lesser pay than the professional ones. Decide your courier location – though couriers run all around; an office for your business is essential as this is the place where people can get to in case of any issues.
PriceUSD 999.00
Food delivery can improve the restaurant sales
posted byVindiselinDevelopment
Starting any business can be a tough job and it requires experience to start one. There needs to be a base plan for every business and starting a business slowly can help you get more profits and credit ability in your business. Food industry is an amazing and ever expanding. There is considerable decrease in amount of people shopping food from restaurants nowadays and most people love the concept of food delivering to their place whether home or office.
PriceUSD 999.00
Start you own on demand beautician Business
posted byVindiselinDevelopment
Spa business services can be toughest job to do; there is always requirement of relaxation services like facial, massage, reiki, manicure and pedicure services. It is best to choose candidates who are studying and working part time related to the spa industry. Starting a spa business can be tiresome job and require complete business model to run.
PriceUSD 999.00
On Demand Mobile App for Taxi Business Service
posted byVindiselinDevelopment
Taxi services have always been on demand and with the great demand in sight; there are several taxi service business owners who are now focused on coming up with new taxi service business plan to make their business standout from their competition and be readily available to their customers anytime and are focused on providing a great passenger service with the intention to retain their customers and make them regular ones. And with mobile applications being the craze nowadays having an app for your business is sure to get a great customer base by being available to the customers at a click and gives the business owners a great method to track their cabs or taxis.
PriceUSD 1,499.00
On Demand Business Service
posted byVindiselinDevelopment
Uber being the part of every on-demand services these days can be customized using the uber clone script. Any on-demand service can be made effective using this end to end service providing clone script like groceries, laundry, mobile repairing and much more. Implementing this mobile script is quite easy and the purchaser of app gets full installations for free in short period of time. This is end to end service mobile script, so quick to install, available for ios, android and web app. This is truly innovative mobile business app model from the talented group of mobile app developers.
PriceUSD 999.00
JavaScript Direct Link Generator
posted bynehasaraf609inDevelopment
No more hard work..
Generate Direct download link for google drive files, Dropbox, Onedrive, Sugarsync, copy. Now, you can create direct download link of the above stated online cloud files in just a click.
Jquery Add, Remove, Replace Class
posted bytansikainDevelopment
Add button allows to add the desired style.
Remove button helps to remove the default style.
Replace button is used to replace the default style.
Responsive and easy to integrate.
PriceUSD 5.00
Jquery Browser Resize Script
posted bytansikainDevelopment
Browser resize script allows to find the height and width of the browser window.
Gets the size of the user screen when resized.
Detects various screen resolutions.
Simple, responsive and easy to integrate.
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Spell Check
posted bynanospellinDevelopment
jQuery spell check is the industry leading spell-checker plugin for jQuery. It adds spell-check-as-you-type (scayt) or spell-checking dialog popup windows to any HTML web application using just 1 or 2 lines of jQuery code. This includes support for legacy Intener Exploer (IE6 , 7 8, 9 + ) . Demo and download it for free from
PriceUSD 89.00
Cryptography in Javascript - What encryption methods are available to client-side Javascript?
posted byThe Operator.inDevelopment
The CryptoJS URL ( contains a collection of secure cryptographic algorithms written in Javascript.
encode, pass in the control
var ckey = $("#cryptonkey").val();
var y=document.getElementById(control).value;
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(y, ckey);
decode, pass in the control
var ckey = $("#cryptonkey").val();
var y=document.getElementById(control).value;
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(y, ckey);
decrypted = decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
If you receive a secret message and know the secret key, you can enter the secret key and place your secret message into the "crypt-on" box. The secret message will be visible to you in the "crypt-off" box.