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Results 101-120 of 231
Form Validator
posted bydburhaninForms
It's a javascript form validator that can highly validate any type of forms. It highly validates the email address so that visitors bound to write down right email.
(0 ratings)
Remember Text field values
posted byadmininForms
Certain form fields always contain the same values, such as your user's name, email address fields etc. This script will remember the values entered into these fields, and automatically fill out these fields the next time the user returns.
(0 ratings)
Enhanced country selection
posted bytriquiinForms
This is a enhanced way to provide the user to select his country. No more popups with unstyled country list, but a good-looking list with flags and colors. Fully customizable
(0 ratings)
JavaScript Spell Check - Spell Checking for Website Forms. AJAX Compatible
JavaScript Spell Check is a comprehensive spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check is compatible with AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, DHTML and WC3 HTML and XHTML. It is also compatible with almost all modern web browsers. A Free Trial is available to download. SPELLCHECKER DIALOG: A SpellCheck Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry, intranets, rich editors and CMS. AJAX SPELL CHECK: A fully featured Ajax Spellchecking API. SPELLCHECK() FUNCTION: function added to JavaScript to allow realtime spell checking and suggestions. INTERNATIONAL: Java Script Spell Check provides international spellchecking in 11 languages - including English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese. You can also add your own custom dictionaries.
(3 ratings)
Recall Form values script II
This script uses cookies to add a checkbox to your forms, enabling users to remember the values of certain text fields they've entered and recall them later.
(3 ratings)
dhtmlxTreeGrid - Editable JavaScript TreeGrid
posted byolgaboukhinForms
dhtmlxTreeGrid is a full-featured JavaScript component that combines editable table and treeview. It represents both hierarchical and tabular data and offers rich client-side data entry and editing. dhtmlxTreeGrid supports sorting, column resizing, drag-and-drop, and different in-cell editors (multiline text, combobox, checkbox, radio buttons, calendar, etc.). The component also provides advanced drag-and-drop feature that allows you to easily reorder grid rows. Written in JavaScript, dhtmlxTreeGrid can be used with any server-side technology (special connectors available for PHP, Java, ASP.NET, and ColdFusion).
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
CreateWebApp Ajax Autocomplete Widget
posted bychenggninForms
Like Ajax autocomplete? Our widget is an elegant JavaScript component for developers whom want to make this feature available in their real world web applications. It�s super easy to use, also looks great! Over one year development, nearly thirty release, our product has been verified by hundreds of clients: small firm, NASDAQ company, university, even police department! Available on Mac and PC, supported web browsers include: Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer and FireFox.
(10 ratings)
posted bynata1801inForms
The tool offers you the possibility of changing the standard look of the form elements "checkbox" and "input". The main idea comes from various skins for the Opera browser. You will find 4 predefined skins in the package. You can create also own skins. Last version: reviewed, the appearance a bit enhanced.
(15 ratings)
Automated Drop Down Menu Wizard
posted bymbaroneinForms
Use this Automated Wizard to create dropdown menus for your web site. Users can select a new location and immediately be redirected to that page. Fill out all the selections you wish to use.
(12 ratings)
Smart Form
posted byilyalyuinForms
Smart Forms has more than 20 validation types and extra features that make using forms a better experience. The best practice of form validation involves two stages: 1) JavaScript validation since it is fast and it takes the load off the server; 2) Server-side validation since it does not depend on user's software and therefore it can not be bypassed. Smart Forms includes PHP script that performs exactly the same validation as JavaScript, so you can easily implement this scheme. Validation is based on data types (number, word, alphanumeric, date, e-mail, etc) and comparisons (including numeric, text length, and selected items count comparisons). Also, you can add extra features to the form, including character counters for textarea & input tags (this way, when you set length limitation you can let the user know how many character he/she has left), groups of fixed size fields such as year-month-day (when you enter 4-digit year the focus automatically shifts to the month field), etc.
(129 ratings)
Javascript color chooser
posted byBatalf2inForms
A visual way to select RGB color for form inputs on a web page. You can choose colors from a palette of web colors, named colors or by using a RGB color slider.
(700 ratings)
Validate Date field script
posted byadmininForms
This script validates a date field to ensure it's in the format mm/dd/yyyy. It also intelligently checks that the date ranges are valid, so something like 02/30/2005 is caught.
(12 ratings)
HTML to Entities (form) script
posted byadmininForms
This script converts certain special HTML characters to their entities version inside user entered data such as a TEXTAREA for security reasons.
(0 ratings)
Strip HTML tags (form) script
posted byadmininForms
This script removes any HTML tags from user entered data such as a TEXTAREA before the form is submitted. This is generally a good idea, as HTML tags can corrupt the rest of your form contents or even pose a security risk.
(6 ratings)
posted byinfoinForms
Use this script to validate form data before submission. You can set a type for each input field (number, mail, url, date) and a minimum length. This script works with all kinds of form fields: text, textarea, select, checkbox, and radio. Supports multiple languages.
(18 ratings)
AutoInvoice V1.2
posted bynafwa03inForms
A great free invoice program that automatically totals taxable and non-taxable items and prints the form on one page. There is a mailer installed so that you can have the results mailed to you and the sender can print a reciept.
(18 ratings)
Textarea maxlength script
This is a simple but effective script for extending your textarea with a maxlength attribute, so the user's input cannot exceed a certain number of characters.
(18 ratings)
AJAX Keyword Suggest
posted bytoro04inForms
This "AJAX Keyword Suggest" is a feature that will offer suggested terms, almost instantly, as a user types into an input box. This is the same sort of technology that is offered by Google Suggest. Our free service allows you to add this feature to your website without the need for custom programming. We give you the power to fully customize your 'Suggest List' to your meet your style and preferences (e.g. background color, width, highlight color, font-size, etc...). All you have to do is copy and paste a small piece of code into your html page and you'll have the feature running instantly. This feature is also known as Google Suggest, live search, autocomplete, keyword suggest, AJAX Suggest.
(9 ratings)
Foreign character inserter
posted byoguzaltuncuinForms
If you are sick of client not being able to insert non english characters, this script would solve your problem. It inserts the character ( that is on a button) into the field which has focus. You need to add the required tags to your html always to display those characters correctly. This one has Turkish characters.
(3 ratings)
WISIWYG color picker and matcher
posted bytriquiinForms
Let the user pick three colors from a web-safe color table and match them. Useful when using a non-WISIWYG editor (like php-based web editors)
(0 ratings)
Results 101-120 of 231